Oct. Cards 2012

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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby Harriet » Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:00 pm

Random thoughts

exercise card - one came with the P and P set and I never changed it. It has the large word, "Exercise" and up in the corner, "three times a week". It says "be sure to do something you enjoy" and suggests 20 minutes.

I love stickers on cards. Have several with those. The more childlike and wholesome the better. My favorites all seem to be coloring-book type images with vivid colors, so I can tell I gravitate to happy images. (Maybe I should say I "mind" happy images.) Nancy and blessed may remember my Drink Water card has a spouting whale.

decorating - as you can imagine, my decorating sort of depends on lots of pattern! LOL Very likely that it looks "busy" in there. I hope it does not look like it needs simplification because I definitely have the country quilt-decorating look. Even on a table I have a mini-quilt rack with two mini quilts!

tv - back before satellites and multiple choice viewing, we had the concept of planning which programs we would watch, remember that? :lol: Now, it seems to me. we turn on the tv, flip the guide a while to see which 100 or so the tv recommends :roll: and if we can't find anything there, we turn to recorded tv or get out a purchased recording. Our question has changed from "When does our program come on?" to "Since the tv is on, which of these programs shall we watch?" I'm not saying I have solution :? just noticing it! In other words, don't do as I do!!!! :oops:

did not know "where" to start and so I wouldn't do anything

I couldn't move forward

We used to say it was being "paralyzed", remember, blessed? That's the beauty of a cardfile. After you have done things "in order" for a while you start being able to explain to yourself what it will take (in terms of time and effort) to deal with a situation like an "after-the-weekend house" or a "company's coming, help! house".

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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby Nancy » Sun Oct 07, 2012 10:31 pm

Harriet re the TV updated :idea: card tweak might be like this read on. :arrow:
TV Card
I have a reminder for check movies and my knitting programs
that comes to my inbox I also use this link to find out if any thing is worth watching on.
http://start.versitek.com/app-tvGuide.php#/tvGuide You will have to put in your info. to get the local listings times etc.

Yahoo used to have TV guide on it but the one they replaced it with is not as good.

Sun. rest day family day card
Made it to the church pot luck.
Then shopping w/ h. got the feeder and he wanted to look at some things. I found free wood pallets to cut up for holding in eggs and straw when we convert the playhouse in to a hen house. So this was productive for me. I keep telling my self that b/c shopping for tool boxes is not my thing LOL! But I made a note to share that info. with dson as he is always asking for gift idea hints. so maybe it's holiday prep.
Got red Christmas lights for the hen pen. But that counts for hol. prep. right? LOL! Do you remember the "stuff to take to the junk" card that was actually gift ideas sizes & preferences.

The p/c is the reason my phone card won't work it's not the phone or the card dson got it to work on his pc so that info. is good to have.

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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:30 am

I forgot about the whale on the drink more water! dharriet. I finally had to get rid of my printed pam and peggy cards (well loved). Yes I NOW remember about the idea of being paralyzed - so true

thank you dnancy for the link! I am very frustrated that I sit and just veg when the tv is on. I need to learn how to be "on my own" without tv when I am tired.
I think it takes too much of my creativity and time away from me. (truth)
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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:37 am

dd and I need to go to a funeral of a lovely woman
store: lunch meat, soup, salad :D
make dessert for today dd made brownies :D
dinner with dmil :D

home: today is animal care day
sweep front room :D
wash dog beds :D
change kitty litter :D (need to change one litter twice a week :o ) why I make such a big deal of this as it was done in 20 minutes ;)
brush dogs and cats :arrow:

also realized I have too many projects on the fire to get them done. so I will focus on 2 - photos and family history and my mom's project. boy do I want to work on the other things but I am not getting anything done on the project front because I have too much to look at and do. Today: put projects away until other project (s) are done :geek:

I didn't realize I am a hot spot collector. if one thing is there it builds
time for grocery store to make rasp. sauce for vanilla ice cream tonight did not make raspberry sauce
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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby Nancy » Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:40 am

a.m. Chicken Chore Card feeding chickens done by h. not sure if it was this morning or last night feeder was nearly full.
Granny Duty today.
Empty trash for trash day tomorrow.
Water grass seed.
Uncover tomatoes.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:42 am

has frost hit you yet dnancy. we had our first real frost the other day. have fun on granny duty
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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby Nancy » Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:49 am

We had a light frost here this past week, it got some of the squash vines but it was the one I'd already picked so not much damage.

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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:50 am

ours was a light frost too. hard to imagine but 2 years ago we had a heat wave during the chicago marathon.
dharriet - I love quilts; I am sure your handy work has made your home warm and inviting

I need to do some of my :arrow: that I missed during the week

1. I left dishes in the sink from last night: what I learned from this: do my grocery shopping the day before if I plan on cooking for others (it will cost less - I had to buy soup instead of making it), don't plan any other errands if I am to cook. Last minute wishing doesn't create action - I had to go out and buy soup, taffy apples which were not cheap (I want to get the best :x instead of going cheap). This morning I have to clean up the kitchen. dishes only thing washed. by 12:56 pm. 1:50 pm all dishes washed and put away, counters and sinks cleaned. soaking stove with cloth bc it needs it. :D

2. put away extra projects and books that I am not reading :arrow:

3. haven't picked up the laundry in the back room floor (yes - I did that thinking I could get to it all) :D

4. brush animals :D one dog doesn't like it so a little by little

5. separate (really separate laundry) hall of shame moment: I have about 15 loads of laundry :oops: ;) :roll: dh didn't think we had that much and that we could easily get it done here. I will try but I can see it might not happen unless I go to laundry mat (which I dislike). also in this laundry - Items I had folded earlier to give to dd older - then left at front door bc I forgot to give it to her when we visited and it got slept on by cats :oops: I need my eraser that says for "big mistakes" ;) (I let those things sit at the front door until they became part of the decorating :roll:

laundry 3 washed. :D 2 is being dried :D 1 put away :D

6. emptied the 2 junk pencil/pen drawers, wiped and tossed the many garbage pens and misc. (put pencils in donate and in put away extra for closet) - left 5 pens, 5 pencils, 2 highlighters, etc. in one drawer and cutting tools, punch holed, etc. in other :D (I dislike touching so many things at once to make decisions but it's done). :D

7. I planned ideas for menus but did not set dates so that I can keep on top of the cooking. :arrow:

Dmom asked if I could make her some dinners. :arrow: (buy beef stew meat to marinate in wine for 2 days)

went to store to buy jeans for dd younger :D
later: work outside with dh :arrow:

I have to be accountable and accept it is my responsibility -I can do it!
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:20 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby Nancy » Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:50 am

New card ~ add a card day:
Clean Chicken Pen Card/ weekly took just a few min. to do this one.
I used a rake I got from a yd. sale for $1 and still have to decide where to
put this or if I should toss it. Has good fertilizer qualities I hear for gardens and such. Thanks Harriet for the S - hook idea on the hanging feeder / watering containers! Used one for the top but need another for the bottom of the watering one. The feeding thing is open looks like a small old fashioned wooden tool box with a handle across the top of it I can just grab it from the half door and do not even need to go in the pen for feeding
it is working out slick!

What new cards have you added lately?

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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:48 am

I started my Christmas idea list card and tip/gift card for those wonderful people who support us as we move through our day.

Great job on your work with your coop and your chickens
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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