Oct. Cards 2012

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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:27 am

october 19 - forgot the time I am supposed to be at dd youngers school I didn't even write it on my calendar or on my phone (found it and had a really good meeting) :D

have a WONDERFUL DAY!!!!

goal: dh and I have someone coming to give us a price on a door to be replaced going to the laundry room (really to me it's a laundry closet :lol: ) which means I have to clean the laundry room area a bit. Thank Goodness I brought in most of the laundry. I really have to look at this room as it is not functioning for us well. the dogs go in there if they get soaked or muddy which causes the room to get grungy. I need a better plan

1. clean water cooler in laundry area :arrow:
2. move cooler and vacuum and wash behind it. :arrow:
3. move small freezer and vacuum and wash behind it :arrow:
4. clean freezer outside again. (geesh I feel like I just did that) :arrow:
5. vacuum behind dryer/washer :arrow:
6. clean on top of dryer (on top of washer) :arrow:
7. clean outside of washer and dryer (again!)

12:00 pm start poof *****
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat Oct 20, 2012 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby Harriet » Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:30 pm

That's well thought-out, blessed. I hope you return from the laundromat with a fresh start and confidence.

It was only a week or 10 days ago I had to admit it was Mt. Washmore myself. Stay strong!

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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:17 am

you are a Keeper d Harriet!!!!

laundry seems to be my down fall lately. So I keep on climbing on Mt. Washmore :D
dh just told me the laundry room smells like cat pee (the old kitty attacks!) and we have someone coming to look at that room. I didn't get any of the work dne yesterday done as I ended up i was out of the house much of the day. So it's not ready. dh seems frustrated but I know the rest of the house looks good so I will not take it to heart.

time to run one more errand _ dh is making me anxious so I need to head out the door as he is fretting around ;) I have to remember he isn't making me feel this way on purpose but I am choosing this route of feeling this way. There is nothing behind his fretting towards me so I have to find a way of working it out in my own head.

I have been having a problem w/self esteem lately (normally I feel good about the work I do) but I have to admit I have been more anxious lately since I can't get all the work done I want to do. So sending myself a dose of "I CAN DO IT" and "I should be proud of myself". There is no clutter on the floors in the first floor and second. There are 3 baskets that have to be separated in my and my dh's room. Most of my closets are kept up with now so I need to breath in and accept that dirt, esp. with the dogs and cats does happen and I need to keep on my daily cards and my weeklies and continue the focus. I Can do it and Let it go will be my continued mantra - let it go is not the process of letting go the items b/c I work hard on that but letting go the negative attitude that I have temporarily. One bad day doesn't make a bad life... right!

paid visa (transferred money from one bank to another) :D
picked up clean laundry :D $ :roll:
bought chicken breasts, bread, cognac for other stews (ran out after 10 years lol) and bought rasp. liquor for crepes I will be serving for larger family :D
I went back to weight watchers :) (I was very scared going back that I almost left) I haven't been exercising lately and I can feel it.

dd has tennis at 12:30 dh took her. :D I feel bad that I wasn't there for her today.

1:20 pm. One step at a time!
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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Oct 20, 2012 2:47 pm

okay admitting I am really struggling today to get started and struggling in general. Go do something productive

2:49 pm cleaned outside of water cooler :D
washed top of dryer and clean front of washer and dryer (on top of each other) :D
moved water cooler :o
vacuum behind equipment :D
cleaned behind freezer and water cooler (the wall a and floor) vacuumed behind dryer (not perfect but looks nice) :D
cleaned all parts of the washer dryer :D
cleaned door to yard on the inside and many finger prints off the door to the garage
dh washed sheets set and a blanket and a few stray dishes from this afternoon :D
dd sprayed bleach on trim in basement. the water leak did leave some mold around the edge and construction person told us to use bleach and water today and tomorrow :D

next: clean dog blankets :D , take misc laundry out of that room :D ... it just builds and there and the dogs are back there at times (combination is not good even if dh loves it like that). Everything then gets tossed on the floor - yuck, then sweep :D , vacuum :D , and superficially wash. I wasn't supposed to be in here this week but the man is coming again on Monday to give us the $ amount.

I have a not spotless but a home laundry room again. swept, surface washed, nothing perfect but it looks like a home space again. :D

going out to dinner with dmlm

I need to be proud of what I accomplished instead of seeing what I haven't done
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:12 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Oct 20, 2012 5:00 pm

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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:18 am

October 21, 2012 Sunday planning day :) some and family day :arrow: (put money receipts away), figure out how much I spent this week and on what (toss receipts unless important) :arrow:

also cont. hot spot removal (those little stinkers continually come back) :lol: :arrow:
I have 2 loads of darks to be washed and put away :arrow:
empty my car of the clean laundry and put away :arrow:
empty my car in general :arrow:

Planning: menu's including lunches for dd (and think ahead if I am going out so I can plan my meals appropriately) some :)
calendar :)
what do I owe on visa (did I buy something more than I need this week - be aware of habits) :arrow:

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Re: Oct. 22, 2012 Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:11 am

I ended up sleeping from 1 pm on to 6 am this morning (fever and sore)
So yesterday was a wash but it's okay
car - oh my good mess


carpet for basement comes between 9 and 11 am ended at 4 mmm small space :D
doctor 1:30 I picked up dd :D
her pilates cancelled
meet French teacher at 5 pm dd, dd's french chat starts at 6pm and ends at 7:15 (1/2 hour drive to get there approx) went home talked to dcousin and dd older on phone

what can I get done before my doctor appointment: leave at 12:45 pm - make dinner for tonight :D and do dailies (not all dailies done)

10:45 am chicken piccata is done and in the refrigerator :D , rice is done and most is frozen for future meals :D , broccoli and green beans are done from the other day (just add a bit of butter and garlic to pan to toss and warm up green beans later on)

goal today:
9:10 AM
finish Halloween :arrow:
get rid of the 3 baskets in my bedroom :arrow:
wash the 2 loads of darks :arrow:
Believe in myself (a bit of a struggle lately; I figured out it's because of my fitness level is back to being poor and I miss being outdoors. (I become caught up in all my studies and work instead of having a balance). It's okay; now I can see how much time has gone by since my last walk etc. wow
12:02 pm it's raining. one load of dishes washing themselves - the stove top, counter, dishes in sink from cooking need to be done, daily kitchen.
need to get ready for doctor

ended up at doctor, driving for dd, and talked to dear family one out west and dd older in Wisconsin
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby Harriet » Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:42 pm

ohmigooness, I can't keep up with you, blessed! :o Just LOOK at all those accomplishments. :shock: In the middle of it all going in to WW when you weren't really "feeling it" :lol: but doing it anyway. Great job!

Let's see, can I say with you "no clutter on floors"? Nooooo, actually I cannot! No clutter on floors in the front part of the house, though.

Oh, and you are COOKING, too, blessed. :lol: We all know Harriet is doing the minimums there. Although, hey, when HRH cooks I clean up and yesterday I had to run the dishwasher twice because dd requested her favorite big spaghetti meal, so I must be doing something worthwhile!

Used a 3x5 green card today when dd was missing her usual guitar form (small). I thought maybe it would make the teacher notice more that at least we were TRYING to keep up with the weekly forms if I put a replacement on cardstock rather than paper, you know? We'll see.

Menu - I have made the menu for an evening meal while dd32's family is here. I'll be going by the healthy grocery and getting a whole chicken from them. Found a recipe for coconut roast chicken (the coconut aroma comes from using a mixture of coconut oil and butter for basting). Strangely, the recipe was a freebie from the vitamin store, but I thought - hey, they never give out recipes so this must be especially nice. If it's any good I'll post.

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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:44 am

you are very sweet dear Harriet. I don't feel like I am accomplishing things much. I think it sounds better on paper then in time spent.
and ww well it's not going to plan :lol: but I will continue work.

my dd doesn't have weekly forms (re: studying) for her guitar, she never had that for piano either. What is it? Recipe sounds wonderful! I know your dd will love the dinner you make for her and her family <3
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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:48 am

thinking of dnancy today!

today: I have decided to finish halloween scarecrow for dd younger; otherwise, I will not finish putting together. DD older can't come home this weekend :cry:
but she is having Halloween parties at college and it is senior year.

dmil's dinner (bring chicken I made for her), freeze remainder
I was going to go for a blood test today but am making it for thursday

hot spot focus: my bedroom now 4 baskets that need to be put away
focus on missed items from yesterday
regular focus: living room/family room:
clean dog smudges
dejunk magazines
call piano tuner (it's beginning to sound off key a bit)

health focus: walk on tread mill
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