Health and Fitness November, 2013

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Re: Health and Fitness November, 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 23, 2013 10:57 am

you actually made my heart twinkle d harriet!!! thank you for the squeezy hugs!!!

I went to the nutrition/therapist/behavior modificationer - she gave me a balanced meal plan... and I am to add different exercises to my routine to change my routine...I tend to do things on the fly unless I use the card file.

so far 3/4 cup cereal and 1/4 cup milk and coffee. :D
1/2 donut... what was I thinking 10:30
lunch: 1 bread, dijon, 2 ounces ham, split pea soup 3/4 cup
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Re: Health and Fitness November, 2013

Postby Harriet » Sat Nov 23, 2013 6:09 pm

Harmony, you inspire me, so maybe I'll be able to deal with a few things that are eating away at my mental energy. Hope this better energy becomes your new normal.

Ivy, that's good you have a written schedule for coming off a med. That's what I had to do when I came off Nex ium, which will hurt you if you come off too fast.

Oh no, Twins' Mom, another seafaring accident for the Fitbit! Hope it mends well. I know that brand of Kefir, although it is dd who has bought it and does buy the fruit ones. Twice I've had the reaction of constipation (TMI, sorry) after having Kefir and don't know if it's just me. I'm pretty much on capsules for probiotics lately, to spare my tummy the acid reaction to fermented milks.

blessed, as you get used to the way of eating, you'll have fewer absentminded moments off track.

Dd15 joined me this morning for the t-tapp Instructional 1 video workout. She kept up through some and "read the video" (in other words, stopped to watch and learn the movements) for the rest. At the end of that one, Teresa brags on a male member of the group who's exercising behind her. She says the workout is so quick (after learning the instructional you go on to spending only 15 minutes on it each time) and she was going to get Steve to tell how many inches he lost doing only this. Dd15 said, "Well of COURSE he did, it's so super HARD!" LOL. She's used to being active, but keeping isometric tension in that many muscles at the same time wore her out.

So far, today, another excellent day as far as healthy habits. Hope I can keep it up. I've been thinking about this idea of trying to be "good" for 21 days, and wishing there weren't several social occasions during this time!

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Re: Health and Fitness November, 2013

Postby Harmony » Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:17 am

If only things would STAY done. There's always some project, some problem needing dealt with. Remember, we're coming up on tax season......

10 lbs down as of today. :lol:

Now if our colds would just go away.

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Re: Health and Fitness November, 2013

Postby Nancy » Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:57 am

I got on the scales last night it was not good news found #5 hopefully it is from my TOM. Sigh but I did get the ex. Bike and gazille work outs done.

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Re: Health and Fitness November, 2013

Postby Ivy » Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:46 pm

Harmony, Congratulations for the weight loss.

I've lost 1.4 Lbs. in 4 weeks, averaging each week's weight. I know it's not "much", but it's slowly coming down. I just figure I'll eat on Thanksgiving and get back on track on Friday again. I don't want to blossom up and up. I don't have the $$ to buy new clothes and panties. So I'm at my limit as far as weight goes. This is my motivation. :idea:

I fixed medications tonight, looking at my list of dates, as to what nights get the 1/4-tablet, as I wean off slowly. Hoping this goes well. :)

Didn't walk or do yoga or stretching today, but stripped the bed, did lotsa washing, folding and putting away of clothes and the DW dishes, and made the bed fresh. I was active, but didn't do "timed exercise". :( Perhaps I can stretch and do yoga befoe bedtime to relax me. Have had rough nights lately. :o
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Re: Health and Fitness November, 2013

Postby Nancy » Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:58 pm

I did 30 min. On the gazelle today plus I raked leaves.

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Re: Health and Fitness November, 2013

Postby Harriet » Mon Nov 25, 2013 9:04 am

"I don't want to blossom up and up."

Exactly, Ivy! I want to be healthy, but I want my size to quit blossoming! :D

I agree about the closet motivation, too. I have the resources of clothes that will fit me at a better weight, and I don't want them to be wasted. I have reasonable choices now. But at a weight much more than I am now, I would need to start spending money! :o

Yay, so nice to hit the 10-pound mark, Harmony! I hope you hang onto it and never see those sneaky pounds again.

The TOM water weight can make a big change, Nancy. Hopefully that will be back to normal with a little time.

Happy to report that 3 of my 21 days to healthier habits have gone super well. All 3 have let me check off my 14 spaces on my Healthy Habits card.

I did the Arms workout again yesterday and had to take a break midway. That's okay - that means I'm really challenging myself and my form is good. I was exercising later in the day than I have been, and I think I was tired from other things. That workout is not just for arms, of course, and works you out all over, but the muscles of arms, shoulders and upper back can really be fussing afterward ;) . I took my measurements yesterday a.m. and was disappointed in the arms measurement, as I knew I would be. The tape measure showed in numbers what I could already see in the mirror, and feel in my clothing - headed toward flabby, so as Richard Simmons says, "gotta tone, gotta tone". :) And this was after doing the arms workout twice recently. So I may do the arms workout every-other-day for these 21 days, and something different other days.

If we find ourselves in warmer weather at holiday moments, it would be nice to be able to wear a short-sleeve top to events. Doesn't look like that's going to happen for me, as I look at the weather outlook for December. Wouldn't be surprised if Harmony gets some short-sleeve opportunities.

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Re: Health and Fitness November, 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 25, 2013 12:37 pm

I haven't done work outs yet. (I have thought about it) but need to get in the swing.

I came home late and ate dinner at 9 pm. and at 3 am I was starving again. and had a bowl of cereal. but I ate healthy all day so that's a start.
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Re: Health and Fitness November, 2013

Postby Harriet » Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:11 pm

NBC News recently reported (inaccurately) that vitamins don't help prevent heart attacks and cancer. As you can imagine, this caused quite an outcry. Lots of rebuttals were written and research cited. But Orthomolecular Medicine News carried one of the most informative rebuttals, I think. It starts out a little mean, maybe, since NBC usually reports news very well, I'm sure. But it also has a long list of research that is very reassuring for anyone who's been sure to "take their vitamins" and have the specific concerns of heart health and reducing cancer risk. Vitamins' effect on heart disease and cancer.

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Re: Health and Fitness November, 2013

Postby Ivy » Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:38 pm

[color=#40FF00][color=#800080][color=#800080]I take fish oil omega 3 fatty acids because 2 different doctors suggest it for an array of health benefits. Kabash the silly health report. What do they know about our lab work, really? It's all the individual and not a lumped in select few on a study, which was probably biased in the first place. I do what my doctors say to do, I'm healthy, my lab work speaks for it and that's that. I don't believe everything I read or hear. I go by my body and the evidence and success of my own personal health. Sometimes these reports are hideous. :roll: Sorry to sound so negative on the subject, but it seems like every other day on the National news they come out with a new report and reports to rebuke the previous report. So how are we supposed to know or believe anything if they're continually doing this to us all the time. I say do what your doctor says, go my your numbers, and lab work and take it from there. :idea: We're not the idiots they think we are. :lol:

I walked 25 minutes this morning, will do stretching and yoga later. :) :idea: :idea:
Touch the earth, love the earth, her plains, her valleys, her seas. Rest your soul in her solitary places. ~Henry Beston

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