2013 FOCUS - Thanksgiving Week - 11/25/13

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2013 FOCUS - Thanksgiving Week - 11/25/13

Postby Harriet » Mon Nov 25, 2013 9:25 am

Here are Indiana's steps to a well-prepared Thanksgiving week, from November 22, 2010.

Now that all our rooms are deep cleaned we can enjoy the holidays by just doing maintenance and holiday preparation as our focus.

  • dusting
  • floors
  • tidying
  • erasing footprints
  • cleaning bathrooms
  • cleaning kitchen
  • touch up where we see it is needed
  • give your plants some TLC.


No decluttering this week unless you find some things as you prepare dinner.

Thanksgiving Preparation:

3 days before Thanksgiving – Monday

Prepare any dishes you can freeze.

Plan seating arrangements.

Continue making ice cubes.

Shop for perishable Thanksgiving items between now and two days prior to Thanksgiving.

Are there any other dishes or desserts that can still be prepared ahead of time? If so, do them today.

2 days before Thanksgiving - Tuesday

Are there any other dishes or desserts that can still be prepared ahead of time? If so, do them today.

Fill your salt and pepper shakers and butter dishes.

Defrost in the refrigerator any frozen side dishes.

Be sure your home is clean. If any other details need to be taken care of, do them now. Is your bathroom clean? Do you need to clean your front walk?

Day Before Thanksgiving - Wednesday

Prepare any dishes that can be made ahead.

Chill beverages in refrigerator.

Buy bouquet of flowers for table or countertop.

Do spot clean of rooms that will be used during the festivities.

Set the table.

Thanksgiving Day - Thursday

Finish last minute details: turkey, mashed potatoes, but most of all, enjoy yourself!

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