February Clutter Control

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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby Harriet » Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:41 pm

Hi and good paperwork wishes to sherinjoy. I have got to keep to my vision for a home in which my parents' can live safely, healthily, and, someday if necessary, with live-in help.

Another 1 hour and 1 Lawn and Leaf bag out to the trash at my parents. Also rediscovered a bunch of 32-cent stamps, so that was valuable - $5 or so. And brought home a kitchen towel and a cooking dish that can actually be used here. Lots of condensing/organizing. So, the bag represents 6 square feet of space freed up, the condensing work about 2.

8 square feet of space freed up.

Confession - I was trying to work on my "next ups" in my plan, but began to get depressed in the guest bedroom when I opened the huge box of magazines. I closed it again realizing I need to sleep on that a while to come to grips with it. And I went to the other bedroom (spare or storage room) to work to clear off shelves there. Maybe clear shelves can help me face these heavy, large magazines and books. That's where most of the above work was done.
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby sherinjoy » Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:10 pm

Dear Harriet - Oh, boy - don't even get me started with magazines in parent's homes. We estimated approx. 1,000 - I am not kidding - in my in-laws house. Recycled them all to a large dumpster. My DS17 did a lot of the heavy lifting, and when we came home, he looked at me straight in the eye and said - "Get rid of all your magazines now! I don't want to do this when I'm old!" We laughed, but I recycled all I could find from my own house in the next month. God bless you for all your efforts now - it will pay off mightily in the future.

Successful 3 hour session with my parent's paperwork. Most of the time on the phone with companies, cancelling and changing addresses. Although a slight downer realizing how much more there is to do - I have pages of lists of next tasks. Oh well, just keep swimming.

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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Feb 06, 2009 9:17 am

hello sherinjoy and harriet. I have to read peter walsh...I always liked his advice.

Sherinjoy funny about magazines and newspapers... very dmil after her heart surgery keeps newspapers, I think tied to a unconsious thought that If she has these things she has a purpose... she needs to read the past things and do the past puzzles. almost like if she got rid of them... would something happen. I like what one organizer did, they had a magazine box ... they could only keep that amount (about 30), they had to toss old ones before they could new ones in, and that was the only place they could put them. GREAT GREAT JOB RECLYLING ALL THOSE!!!! thank you for your kind advice too.
we will all just keep swimming :D

Hi harriet 8 SQUARE FEET ... FREED priceless!
I am finding it natural to get depressed, I know I tend to see things as a failure to not getting things done but my very
dear born organized sil doesn't... she was empathetic with me but said she just sees it as not her at the moment and toss. I think as she doesn't think about it. She doesn't have that emotional tie that I have taught myself that I am failure because I have too much. "another thing I didn't do". She told me I beat myself up too much because of that. Funny thing is she doesn't tie anything about the house with failure. It is matter of fact nothing else.
I have found easier with dealing with things like that: when I go into the room for anything I grab a small handful and deal with it. you can just grab only 10 magazines and recycle them. then it isn't overwhelming at all. less emotions tied with it. thats how i do my books. I go into the library, grab a couple at a time. you wouldn't believe how much is gone now a month later. It is a lot to face in one big bite but not in little tiny nibbles.
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Feb 06, 2009 11:02 am

Harriet Just a quick word of warning. When we closed down my parents' home and the in-laws' I felt I had to go through everything (so I wouldn't miss anything of value like the stamps you found). Now, I was doing this on a rush basis so didn't take appropriate breaks, but the general consensus is that my back problems came from bending over boxes and drawers and looking through the contents.

I never did heavy lifting, but I did the constant bending over things, then straightening up, then bending over again. Dh said it was like I was slowly pushing the disc out of place.

If you can move the items you are going through up high, so you aren't bending (i.e. take the drawer out and put it on top of the dresser so it is higher up) you may be able to avoid the problems I had. I did all my sorting on a bed and even today, when I have to pack or unpack a suitcase on a bag, my back immediately complains (and no, I haven't found a place high enough to layout my suitcase yet so I just do it in small increments.)

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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby Harriet » Fri Feb 06, 2009 11:50 am

You are so right, Kathryn. Caution, caution, think, think. I didn't realize anyone had put that together for you - could very well be where it started, yes. I've also noticed myself twisting about awkwardly, trying to keep my feet placed in narrow passages as I move objects - that's a stumble and a muscle pull just waiting to happen. Thankfully only the storage room is like that and it's changing. Clearing these shelves in the storage room first may really be a salvation - a place to sort at eye level while standing.

Another blessing is that dd10 is an agile thing, scooting places I haven't come close to reaching yet. She is quick to tell me when the dust or oppressiveness bothers her, but happy to be given treasures by her grandparents almost every declutter session (little sewing box, marbles, stickers). My mother is at once embarrassed and pleased. She doesn't enter the rooms but sorts what I send her by dd and sometimes points out value I missed. She does not choose to look in the bags I've done myself before they are gone. Even 5 or 10 years ago, a huge obstacle was her distrust of decluttering and second-guessing of decisions.
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Feb 07, 2009 11:45 am

harriet such a huge thing that your dmom doesn't look in bags as they go... really great!

so nice that you help your dmom.

hi kathryn!
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:13 pm

still in the process of letting go in the arts/crafts/science experiment department. I have to admit I am at the hard part. Letting go of the wishes part and things that are really good but not who we are or will be. patterns for american girl are leaving, I Have the original patterns for the dolls they don't make anymore. so I may see if I can get anything on ebay for those. but the rest that haven't been used are donated. I keep telling myself LET GO. and it is really really hard. I have things still in packages, zippers, cute appliques, etc etc... I have to remember when I do a project I will need different items so these things have to go. I have the cutest in package tinker bell applique but dd13 I don't believe would ever use that on her jeans, so that's going. Remembering even though it hurts to let go... just do it. It is not who we are or will be.

Feb. 9 today my goal to let go is many of the sewing books I haven't touched in 10 years or more. I really know many sewing skills and am going to bless someone else. It feels good to have the space but have to admit this has been a challenge. dejunked my craft stuff more and I am done with it. not happy where it is in the crawl but I won't be using it soon. so this weekend hoping to have dh help me move the things in closet.
next go through paintings and letting go. thanks for the push.

feb 10 let go of 35 books

I noticed that I can pick up anything and see a use for it... :? ... we are big on experiments here and I picked up a spring (a pen spring), my first thought was I could keep it for a experiment or building something for dd13. oh my goodness, looney bin home for me. toss toss toss

feb 11: another small bag brought to donation place! found two more books I will donate tomorrow.
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:43 am

I was watching Clean House show today and the couple had a house stuffed with things. She said something that I have said. "I may be able to use it one day". That is me. So today I am going back to my craft/class stuff to teach kids and let go of the leather stuff etc. I know that this won't happen in the near future so I am letting go. when I am ready years from now I can get the few things again but I am sure I won't.

also they suggest if you loose and gain weight as I do you can only keep one set below and your current size. I have gotten rid of almost all but I have kept a few things.
So I had an epiphany moment. Let go!

I let go 6 vhs tapes

february 14 valentines day: live in the moment for my family I love. Let go!
I really believe I let my clutter stop me from getting out. I think my weight is also a clutter item I let go, dkids told me I always say that I have to clean, but cleaning the clutter made it difficult to get to the basics. I have in the past and now always moving things. My goal a lean mean organized life living machine.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby Harriet » Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:17 am

blessed, I always feel watching an inspiring decluttering or cleaning show is worthwhile. You are doing so well on your decision making.

This week I'm "in" the closets "on" the shelves ;) (going along with rotation of "Storage").

All the gift wrapping declutter/organization was the challenge of the week here at my house (this goes along with declutter at my parents' house, as my mother has chosen to give me all her gift wrappings). I keep gift wrapping supplies in 3 shelved boxes that match and stack, marked "bows and ribbons", "tissue, flat wraps and bags", and "small boxes". I organized all of them and threw away some of the contents, so I was able to consolidate all the accumulation I have caused by just rushing in and setting something ON the shelf without getting it into the right box. Large boxes are there as well, but broken down/folded and stacked in the leftover space on top of a "precious things" storage box that isn't moved often.

btw, I keep long rolls of gift wrap in a golf club box and a florist's box under my bed. ( I separate regular from Christmas.) Christmas wrappings are in a stackable Rubbermaid box in a corner of the closet floor under the shelves, stacking with some Christmas decor in a matching box. I can just use a piece of wide scotch tape as a label for those on the edge of the top. I write whatever I want on with Sharpie marker, change that whenever I like. Easy to glance down and read it.

Also I went through a couple of my "precious" storage boxes. I have labels on the outside of these that correspond to index cards in the cardfile to tell me what's in there, but I also want to check and make sure all is well and that there isn't something I can release. (These are marked "P-1, P-2, P-3" and have a lot to do with the children, such as handmade things as baby gifts to each, also special dolls/toys.)

All of this has freed up, maybe, 2 square feet for me here at home. Here, the payoffs in redeemed space are more modest than at my parents, but the time is still valuable; these are the kinds of things that need doing.
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Feb 14, 2009 12:57 pm

harriet you really should be proud that you are dejunking 2 houses where I am only in one.
great job on attacking the wrapping things. also marking them reminds me of pam and peggy. organized great job!
and going into your precious boxes. Great work.

february 15, realized putting other craft things down in the basement that it won't work. dd13 is a crafter so the few boxes (clear) have been brought upstairs but those that I know were part of my dream in the past or very far future will be going to a scout troop or toss.

I noticed a trend for keeping things that keeps people and me in clutter

-someone special gave it to me or my children (stuffed animals even if there are so many things that is burying you, an item that no one uses etc.) which ones are loved and which ones (even if someone gave them to you) are really used

-someone I loved died and the item (no matter how big) reminds them of that person. (I know my dearest grandma would not want me to be bulked down by things. she was born organized)
::: above is a huge one for everyone. if you could choose 5 only 5 things that give you the best memories what would they be and if they are that important celebrate it and put it out. I hang my grandmothers house dress in my closet where I can see it. (a lot of the older european grandmas used to wear these when they went through their day, then dress up when she went out) I also kept 2 knitted sweaters for dgirls when they were babies, I donated the rest of my grandmothers homemade sweaters.

-I will do it one day, I will use it one day huge one

-my kids will use it when they have kids (why do that to them.. throwing your clutter to them. keep a few special things and thats it). My friends dh had a grandma that was a horder of things and he is so against it that he throws anything the kids leave out in the trash. there has to be a happy medium.

a dear friend who kept everything... we were going through her abudent pencil drawers... her reasoning was a fewfold
my children used it... they touched it, what if my kids need those extra erasers and loose the others, my mom gave her that sparkly pencil, markers... I need 3 of the same color incase one doesn't work, ... there is a little left in this marker. my dfriend was overwhelmed with stuff and junk and emotionally couldn't get rid of things. her dad was suffering with alzheimers, her dmom who also was a keeper of things. stress and the joy of the past kept her from living her now with her own family. the things became her security blanket and her jail. I try to remember that.

-they are my kids artwork what will they think, keep the refridgerator item but let go of the rest in a mommy fold, (we folded and folded). also a nice thing is art book... dd13 loves to animate and is really good, we cut out the small picture and put it in that book. dh dmom saved a whole pile of stuff and gave it to us when they moved. he threw out all but 2 peices of paper.)

-it may be stained but I can fix it one day

-my favorite I have used: it may be broken or torn I can keep it and fix it later

-another favorite (yes it is a size 0 but I will fit in it one day (I am a big girl) geesh

-also I do this a lot... I can't throw away the material. someone can use it. if no one accepts it and is of no use for a project bless it to the fabric gods.

I look at my list I have used all my life and it isn't worth it anymore. clutter stops you from having your life you want right now. The time I wasted. your mind is always thinking what you can do rather than acting on it. so I am clearing out my life so my kids only have the special not the clutter. would I want someone going through my house right now wondering why I kept it or would I want others to feel they had to keep it because it was mine. by the time I would have great great grandchildren they wouldn't be able to go into their house with all the stuff they would inherit down from me and their family.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:28 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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