Art, Craft, and Needlework, November 2011

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Re: Art, Craft, and Needlework, November 2011

Postby Harmony » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:45 pm

Harriet, tell HRH that there is an alternate name for this pattern, Bishop's Fan, which is what the quakers (I think?) called it, not wanting to call it Baptist! And I'm sure you know where the name comes from: ladies sitting in church with their fans in the hot weather! :lol:

Yes, I am finding this easy to quilt. I have an area about 18" x 25" all quilted now. And that's just from doing an hour or two in the evenings, so yes it's going fast. Today I am sitting on the other side of the rack as I was out of room with my arm, and that makes me face the sliding glass doors which is letting in a lot of natural light directly on the quilt. Makes the quilting much easier and faster.

Nancy, what are you doing for the eyes, etc. on the puppets? I'm thinking buttons?

And Harriet, been thinking about you - with your quilt studio now outside your house and you inside keeping one eye upon your DDad, I imagine this is making things more difficult for you. Are you finding any sewing time at all?

I have a plan formulated in my head for a lot of sewing. If sanity hasn't struck me by the time the first of the year arrives, I will be busy!

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Re: Art, Craft, and Needlework, November 2011

Postby Nancy » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:17 pm

For the Eyes on the puppet I crochet four stitches up and across in a contrasting color if I have it, for the last one I let dgd pick the color and it has green eyes. Finished it up and have one more done except for eyes but I need to hunt up yarn for them. I considered buttons but they are not really safe.

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Re: Art, Craft, and Needlework, November 2011

Postby Harriet » Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:24 pm

Harmony, I'm getting more and more skittish to go there. Only if someone else is in the house AND willing to stay in the front rooms to pay attention, and dd is very worried about being the one to do that. HRH bought me a heater - what do you think is the best way to cover the ac unit to be energy-conserving?. Space inside the house to bring a project is getting scarce, too, because of the changes we've had to make, but I could work something out. I'm really happy for you, ESPECIALLY the part about having plans for the future and being able to think of all that. Creativity works with sanity, not against. Creativity makes you saner!

Nancy, I think I've seen eyes like that. Also have seen eyes similar with just one small stitch-or-two in white in the middle (maybe lower middle?), which gave the impression that the little animal/doll (don't remember) was looking at you.

Dd is getting very good with her sketching. In 5 minutes last evening, she drew a little boy from shoulders up, very nice, with shadowing. She doesn't really do portrait/realistic type drawing with rounded features, but kind of a sophisticated comic-book type. She left her sketchbook (closed) on the side table and I almost set a glass on it and she flew over and rescued it, lol. Every time we are at the library she wants to make a side-trip into the sketching how-to books.

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Re: Art, Craft, and Needlework, November 2011

Postby BookSaver » Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:10 pm

Friday I took my sewing machine (which was still in the car from last month's sewing retreat) to the library to sew a blanket for a friend's son. I needed the big tables in the meeting room to spread out the 2 layers of fleece and pin them.

Dfriend said she bought the fabric thinking she was going to fringe and tie the 2 layers together. The top layer was a boy scout logo panel print, though, and she decided that cutting the fringe would lose too much of the border design. She asked me to just sew the 2 pieces right sides together, turn and finish (no quilting).

Unfortunately --
- the panel print was printed off grain,
- whoever cut it for her, cut it really crooked, and
- whoever cut it for her, cut the backing fabric smaller than the top.

So it took some fiddling around, but thanks to the big tables, I was able to make it work.

Instead of letting her pay me, I asked her to give the money to the friends of the library group for me to attend the "gift in a jar" activity yesterday morning.

I came away with 4 decorated jars, 2 of soup mix and 2 for cookies.

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Re: Art, Craft, and Needlework, November 2011

Postby BookSaver » Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:08 pm

This is the fabric I bought yesterday, 2 yards ... uctID=9227

Except it isn't the colors of this blue print. It's the colors in what they are calling "pink pearl" -- but the photo they show for the pink is not the same pattern in the print.

Anyway, I have decided to figure out a way to fold it and hang it in a clear bag next to my desk (out of the sun) so I can enjoy the colorful, cheerful birds & flowers all winter.

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Re: Art, Craft, and Needlework, November 2011

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:58 pm

I'm doing some clean out upstairs in what was the dkids playroom - I have a ton of saved stuff that never made it into a scrapbook - I think I started scrapping when they were about 3 or 4, and stopped about the time they had their b'nai mitzvah at 13. I'm trashing some things but I can't decide whether to trash a lot more...I have photos from trips, souveniers from trips (their trips, family trips, me and dh trips) school certificates and awards, some samples of their school work.

I keep telling myself that I'll catch their scrapbooks up "someday" but I may be completely delusional. Any advice?
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Re: Art, Craft, and Needlework, November 2011

Postby Nancy » Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:44 pm

I'm not doing much in the way of crafts these days my time is taken up with getting a handle on all the leaves that are falling and trying to stay on track with my exercise program.

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Re: Art, Craft, and Needlework, November 2011

Postby Harriet » Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:08 pm

Twins Mom, I guess the one thing I would never trash is photos that are already in-hand. I can understand when some poses are deleted from digital, but I just couldn't let in-hand photos get away. Otherwise, the mementos are judgement calls for either you or the twins. Could you make a stack for each of them to go through of some things that are not obvious "saves" to you? Possibly you'll be surprised at their opinions. As far as continuing to scrapbook, as long as you keep your options for simplicity open, and don't yield to perfectionism, I'd think continuing could work out well. The problem in my mind is that you might become perfectionistic about it and start resenting it. Especially if it took up card-making or decorating time. Part of this is deciding what creativity you most want to enjoy.

I mentioned in PWYC that I got an order lickety-split from the Quilt in a Day online site. This is a ready-made sleeve for hanging the antique green-and-white applique quilt my two grandmothers worked on together. $6 on sale and it's ready for me to hand-sew instead of having to start from scratch, plus leftover length will someday hang a smaller quilt. I hope to have it hanging through the Christmas season, and when photos are taken, it would be nice as a different backdrop.

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Re: Art, Craft, and Needlework, November 2011

Postby Harmony » Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:32 pm

Booksaver, that is beautiful fabric. It made me think of Pennsylvania Dutch distlefink (know that spelling is off!) pattern.

Nancy, I need to be raking leaves too. Hard to find time for creativity and outside chores too.

Harriet, I used to get a mail order catalog from Harriet Carter and they used to have a vinyl or some material mat that was magnetic and would cover ac vent and just stick up there. I was afraid your new quilting space wouldn't be as functional now with your present situation.

Twins, I went through boxes and boxes of old photographs before we moved to this house. I put all the like ones together. I kept one of each age of the kids, a few nice ones of each vacation, holiday. I got 2 boxes and gave duplicate or similar pictures to each of the girls and told them to do what they wanted with them. I did manage to put most of my pics in albums, but I didn't decorate the pages. Anyway, you'd at least have less to deal with. I'm beyond keeping up with albums these days and I've bought shoebox-type photo holders. I plan to put my stacks in order and file behind index guides marked things like Christmas 2002, etc. Anyway, that's the plan!

Last trip to the library I brought home an armful of quilt books. Some more helpful than others, but all a joy to sit and look at.

I need to get my fingers healed up again before I begin quilting again. I'm running out of time to get it finished.

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