Wonderful Wednesday

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:43 pm

I'm slow moving today and still in PJ's. I have continually been busy but not my typical speed or passion.

Done -
** Everyone feed breakfast
** DGD6 launched to school
** DH launched to VDFriends' sister funeral
** Homeschool lessons with DS9 - we worked together on Bible (Mark 4), History (read Chapter 4 of Christopher Columbus book), Grammar (did 2 pages on irregular verbs) and we did 2 pages of multiplication fact worksheets. When I read the problem & write the answers he gives verbally on the worksheets, then he can maintain his focus. However, when he does the worksheets by himself it takes 10 times as long because he loses focus. DS9 loves getting through his worksheets fast so I am hopeful he will learn to maintain that focus alone like he does when we do them together.
** Front porch & walkway blown off (yes, in my pj's!!!) I'm thankful we have no neighbors that can see me.
** Living room deep cleaned. All furniture moved to clean underneath. Everything wiped down and polished.

Next up -
** Finish AM personal care
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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Jan 17, 2018 1:14 pm

We 'lucked' out this morning. I had seen the refuse company go by and then come back and pick up what brush was in the other driveway. It was then I noticed that dh hadn't put out the trash bin last night -thought he had as he said he had to take out the trash. It was now 10am. He had never put it out as he thought Monday was a holiday -well it was MLK Day but evidently not a holiday for trash pick up. Told him to go ahead and put it out -what was the worst that could happen -it wouldn't get picked up. 15 minutes later I heard a truck and looked out as they were picking up the bin. They almost always come before 7am.

Been working on sorting/organizing all our medical papers from '17. Want to scan them and file them away and not be transporting them back north in the spring. Most papers will come when we're back home -though we do have some from urgent care here. Had to take a little break.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 17, 2018 1:15 pm

i finally wrote everyone in family for a dinner date - I hope it works out so all the cousins can see each other.

timer ready-loosing focus already

horribly sidetracked, by the computer and a bit of a headache - but I did empty the dw, refilled it (didn't think I had that much - I emptied out the containers from the fridge to freeze) So now the dw is working again and I am not.

yelling at myself to pull cards: PULL CARDS AND GO ONE BY ONE.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Jan 17, 2018 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Harriet » Wed Jan 17, 2018 1:43 pm

We are dressed in winter white today. The birds - no kidding - followed HRH around when he checked on the hens this a.m. He often tosses out the last of the scratch grains and they were hopeful. There's a flat surface in the run, and he went in and spread them there, and later their was a whole reunion of fluttering out there.

I really hate that I couldn't come here yesterday. It seemed an eventful day in the village and I missed a lot.

Seeing the weather reports, I focused on some Desk Day, made out a plan, and combined several errands - to co-op, bank, WF, etc. Kinda regret I didn't get gas, but I'm not going anywhere for a bit anyhow.

Very hopeful Kathryn is finding ways to eat what she truly chooses to eat.

The discussion about foods at end of life reminded me of ds and me, disagreeing over my ddad's forgetfully eating whole packages of cookies in the night or getting HRH to pick up large walnut milkshakes for him. (Different, I know, because my ddad had no immediate health issues.) Ds would say 94-95 was an age to let him eat as he pleased - don't stress over it. I would say, but you're not the one facing the consequences next day, or the next. The digestive disruption would make my ddad so sorry for what he'd eaten, or in denial that he'd eaten so much treats/dairy/oil. He would be sure the great-grandchildren must have visited with germs - convinced his (usually) very good diet couldn't have hurt his regularity. Ds didn't realize I had to become the police.

My dgirlcousin had to cancel on our trip to visit dear aunt. She had a sore throat she feared was progressing into something more. She said maybe next week. If it progresses the way I've heard from others, she may not be well enough for longer than that. So sorry to hear it.

Right now I need to listen to blessed and Ramblin' and concentrate on timer and basket.
I'll be working in office for declutter even though that's off-focus. I hope to get ahead a little (translation - I hope to dig out in advance)

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jan 17, 2018 2:06 pm

DS9 finished the rest of his worksheets by himself while I was in the shower. I washed my hair and used face mask. I really like this face mask clay. My face feels so smooth now.

Lunch is leftovers = soup, cornbread and tuna salad.
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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Jan 17, 2018 2:11 pm

Went through our entire bag of medical files for 2017 (at least what I brought south with me -think there is more in my filing out in the garage.) I'll get these scanned and I'm sure it'll show that I've already scanned what we had before we left here in the spring. Want to file these away -perhaps in the garage in an archive bin of some sort. Needs to be plastic -though the 'bug man' cometh every 3 months, I'd hate to think there might be some little critter hiding in the crevices. After all -we are in FL. ;) Now I'll slowly start scanning all these papers. I was wondering where my papers from cardiac rehab might be -but then I just remembered I think they might be in a folder in a tote bag in our room. My warm up/cool down exercises are in that I'm sure and I'd like to start doing those.

You're right, Harriet -at this stage of life she can have what she wants UNLESS it causes distress afterwards and 'clean-up' for someone else.

My cough is getting less and the congestion 'thinner and less shall we say colorful'. Getting there.

Lunch here was leftover chicken from last night in a sandwich for me w/chips. And dh had left over beef in a sandwich with a few chips.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Harmony » Wed Jan 17, 2018 2:20 pm

Hi, been trying to get here, keep getting interrupted. Everybody in family has been talked to now. DD1 was in car accident 2 days ago and they are well except for the crushed car. Could have been so much worse. All her air bags went off including those for the 5th seat. Other guy who was at fault is ok. Awful thing. I am thankful they are ok, though DD is very sore today.

How about this weather? I am freezing here. It's probably below 70 back here. We don't do cold temps like this. It is going to freeze tonight and I must go out and cover things. DH will not be back till late this evening because he's at job and going right to Youth Group and he has a teen to pick up and return in next town south. So it's up to me.

I think while I'm at it I'll drag the bin out and gather up the outside lights. It's about time I guess. Was waiting for mid afternoon when it's the warmest out there. If it's warmer outside than in I think I'll open a couple windows.

Need to fill out whole packet of information for DH's dr. apt. tomorrow. He finally sees the neurologist. Middle of the afternoon, not a good time for him.

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Jan 17, 2018 2:30 pm

Good morning everyone! The bane report is haunting me again. I got very little done last night. It was dinner and homework for DD15, but I did not do much useful during that time. I did get Briggs's photo with the doughnut of shame for our animal org newsletter. There is also a lovely drawing of an Egyptian cat with an elaborate collar. The pictures will be labelled "what I ordered" and "what I got." I had to put the collar back on him to do this and he was not pleased by that or by the camera flash. Took forever to get the pictures from the camera to the computer because the connector in the camera is dying. I may not be able to charge it or transfer pictures soon. Must deal with this. After that I did too many computer jigsaws and went to bed too late!

Tonight is the animal org board meeting. It is very likely I will eat out with one or more of them. Church is having one of my favorite Wednesday Night Out meals, which would be much cheaper, but my commute means I will not be doing church on Wednesday ever again. Payday is Friday thank goodness!

Nancy: On the Franklin pages with the tiny lines, i use two lines to write on, like we did in elementary school.

Would it help LadyMaverick's DS9 to read the questions out loud to himself to focus? I always talk to myself while working.

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 17, 2018 3:02 pm

powder room monthlies and weeklies done - it took a good 1/2 hour- maybe 45 minutes at most but not bad.
repairs noted and will put on card

hi d Elizabeth - I hope the bane report goes smoothly from this moment forward. Good luck at your board meeting tonight.

hi d harmony I am glad you were able to come here even with the interruptions. Oh my goodness - praying she is okay and the soreness goes away fast and praying he had insurance. So scary

d lady your cornbread sounds amazing. yay on him finishing his worksheets. I would love to know how you handle science? do you do science experiments etc.

Hi d harriet! I know you look lovely in winter white! so cute about birds following your dh. I do understand about that diet disruption! lol re you becoming the police. Hope your d cousin feels better fast! Sorry you two couldn't visit d aunt.

Next: throw a load in the washing machine and a load in the dryer
wash dishes by hand after lunch
start work upstairs

I am enjoying dd olders cilantro lime slaw from the other day - all gone 8-)
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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jan 17, 2018 3:32 pm

I would love to know how you handle science? do you do science experiments etc.

Yes to science experiments. DS9 is currently studying Zoology and creating a lapbook on animal classification. I've tried 4 different science curriculums and use all of them occasionally. We have learned that Science textbooks are sometimes dry & b-o-r-i-ng. DS9 likes more of a hands-on curriculum so we keep coming back to this science curriculum. Not only does it have lots of hands-on and multi-sensory lessons, but I also like that it has all the lessons laid out in easy to do daily assignments. I still find it fascinating that almost any subject can be learned online for free.

The new internet equipment arrived. I'm not going to attempt installation today. I want it to warm up to room temperature first.

Next up -
** update Credit card spreadsheet. It hasn't been updated since June 2017. oops! :shock:
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