MONDAY, MONDAY ..........

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Re: MONDAY, MONDAY ..........

Postby Elizabeth » Mon May 21, 2018 4:32 pm

The only Monday songs I know of have lyrics "Tell my why I don't like Mondays" (Boomtown Rats) and "Sad sad Monday, she's waiting for me, but I'm a long long way from home" (Foreigner). Enjoyable music, but I am not having a bad Monday at all. I've done what is due tomorrow at payroll and my house is clean enough for the person visiting foster cat Chelsea to come.

Weekend was ok, but not great. Cat clinic was as usual, but I made negative progress at knit/crochet, having to rip out rows to fix a mistake. The xBFF had a grad party for her daughter, which meant the thrill of seeing the x and the other woman. DD16 and I left early, because it is finals week for her. Both this year's grads are getting day planners just like I have. It helped that there was a buy one, get 40% of second sale. Sunday, we went to church and I caulked the roof while DD studied. I used copious amounts of sunscreen, but didn't realize that the "roof day" shirt I use rides up. I got burned on my lower back. Not enough to be a real problem, but enough that I am grateful for the rest of me being protected. I finally got rid of a "toothache" with Benadryl + migraine meds. Toothache is in quotes, because that is what it feels like, but experience tells me that it is really sinus trouble trying to provoke a migraine. I got some yarn to start one of my Christmas projects - a "baby pink panda" for a niece. Of course, I had some light pink yarn, but was it enough? Where pandas are usually black, this one will be darker pink.

My often unemployed friend, N, is finally being evicted from "her" house by the bank. The loan was in her deceased live-ins name, but the title had both of them, so the daughter didn't get the house. Another state recognized N as being a common law wife, this state does not. No will means daughter gets it all. My own DD has been hearing about all this for the past two years, directly from N, who doesn't mince words and talks like DD is an adult. DD is more aware than most girls her age that even if marriage is "just a piece of paper", it's a very important one. I don't see shacking up in her future. I have set a weekend to go to her city to help her pack and move things. Sad, but not surprising, as the mortgage has not been paid in two years.

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Re: MONDAY, MONDAY ..........

Postby Harmony » Mon May 21, 2018 4:36 pm

This Monday has not been good to me. Officially pretty awful. But I am trying to move on.

All business problems. We have 2 subcontractors who are way worse than I am with computer stuff. We have been trying to get stuff together for a county for us, and both of them. They are both taking pictures of stuff and trying to email. One guy's stuff is so tiny we can't read it. Other guy's stuff is too light to print and some of it won't open. I've run into this problem over and over with multiple people. It's not just me.

The difference is, when I was having difficulties, I actually copied and snail-mailed stuff and DH actually hand-delivered stuff. We took responsibility for our own business things.

All day today and most of Friday I have been trying to do work with their things I never should have had to. I told them, get me your papers and forms and I will submit with mine when we go up the country to that office. No, I have to go through this mess and fill out forms and cut/paste business cards... We finally called a new guy and basically have to leave one other one behind because he cannot get his stuff together. Found some of it expired and some of it lost, and unable to email to us. What a mess.

I am so stressed.

Did go for a long walk. Still waiting for a free vehicle so I can go grocery shopping. Burned truck is really a mess inside. DH tells me plywood walls are somewhat destroyed inside. It sounds worse every time he tells me something. He's got equipment in the pickups and because of all this rain can't drive them around. I'll be glad to have my car back and all this stuff fixed.

Ok, down off my high horse.

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Re: MONDAY, MONDAY ..........

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon May 21, 2018 6:34 pm

((((Harmony)))) You are doing so well with all the various challenges that are thrown your way. Keep on keeping on! POTB!

My feet hit the floor this morning and I haven't stopped since. I am feeling blessed to have the energy and stamina to keep this pace going. But I am also more than thankful to sit down and eat a relaxed dinner.

I'm trying to decide on enrolling DS9 in a bowling league for the summer. I feel strongly both ways about it. :shock: I think it would be a good thing for DS9 to have another way to connect with other kids. However, I don't know any of the kids who will be in this league so it is unknown if they be good or bad influences. Also, I haven't talked myself into 10 weeks of driving an extra 50 miles. And 10 weeks of having my Tuesday night spent inside of a bowling alley. If it was during winter months I would be more open to it. But who wants to spend summer time inside of a building? Hum.....I think I am finding more cons than pros in this decision.

DS9 just brought a terrapin in to show me. YEah. Just what I wanted to have in my face while I'm eating. Gotta love little boys and their way of thinking.
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Re: MONDAY, MONDAY ..........

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon May 21, 2018 6:59 pm

Harmony, it just gets worse and worse for you and I hate it. I hope your dh is able to hit the stop button as you guys agreed. I fear for you!

Has been an okay day. The online discussion group was good. I spent some time this afternoon looking at alternate scenarios for a case study and I really don't have a backup plan if I use what I want to for the Pro Gen writing next month. I had thought that the DNA test for the Knoxville elderly cousin would point me toward one of the families that I already have on my radar as not matching anyone I can identify but I just have more questions.

Dh has been trying to do some business planning by bringing on a "junior partner" who could mind his book of biz so dh could cut back on work and we could travel more, and the guy (along with dh's current assistant, who eventually wants to become a financial adviser herself) would eventually buy the business. Dh is meeting with this guy and his wife to explain to her how it would work and they were to meet for drinks at 4 p.m. It's now 6:30 here. I think I was going to have dinner out with dh (it's at a neighborhood restaurant) when they were done, but I haven't heard anything...

I went to dmom's house feeling melancholy to see it almost emptied and showing it to someone. The guy with the farm next door, plus two handymen, plus the woman who leases the barn for boarding horses were all there to walk through it. Took maybe 15 minutes. I think they will want to have someone ck the heat and a/c but it sounds like they will want to make an offer to buy it. I'll just have to see.

I'm feeling unsettled about waiting around for dh (and I was hungry so I've munched a bit) and mother's house.

LadyM, I hate for you to spend your summer driving him places! Are you wanting the socialization or to combat boredom?

and I didn't get this posted. Dh called and he had been snacking and I had been snacking so he's just coming home. I don't get to go out to eat.
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Re: MONDAY, MONDAY ..........

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon May 21, 2018 7:39 pm

LadyM: if you want ds to be involved in all kinds of activities, move to the city. Or the suburbs. Or a large town.

You live where you live because you think it offers him the best environment. Extended family, church family, good friends. That more than makes up for the things he's missing by not being able to do all sorts of activities.

He wouldn't make friends with the other kids because they live too far away to visit aside from bowling.

And spending two hours any day in the car driving should only be reserved for really important things, not extra curricular things. That is 2 hours he could be out biking or walking around exploring, or just climbing a tree to be by himself and think. Instead, he's stuck in the car and you will probably try and turn that into 'productive' time.

Over the summer children need free time. Yes, they will fill it with what looks to us as nothing. But that "nothing" is the safe space in which they can work out the world and their place in it. Ds lying under the pool table pushing a toy car back and forth or putting a few pieces of lego together over and over wasn't doing nothing. He was in a safe place where he could think and no-one would ask him what he was doing.

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Re: MONDAY, MONDAY ..........

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon May 21, 2018 7:47 pm

We had a delightful family dinner. I had just missed dd fussing over dgs outside so he was happy again. They had three yards of soil delivered and are done with it. She took a couple of pictures of him playing near it with his wheelbarrow. Posed. Then she put the camera back in the house. In that 10 seconds, he pitched face first into the dirt. She rushed to pull him out and he had a mouthful of dirt.

I asked her is he was upset and she said not until she pulled him inside and was trying to clean out his mouth.

When we arrived, he was outside again, sitting beside her on the grass. Apparently he was filthy but I didn't see any of it. When I said so, she said it must have come off in the grass. Yes, probably. Dirt brushes off, no reason to freak out. This is going to be an awful summer for her since she is so germ phobic and at some point he'll be walking and falling face first into dirt/sand/grass.

He is saying Uncle clearly now so ds now has a name. Dinner was excellent and we had a good visit. We got some photos for Mother's Day. I also got a cute selfie of ds, dh, dgs and I, while we were waiting for dd to come join us outside.

I'm home now. It felt so good to walk in and see my clean floors. They've been rather grey under the dust. I've put away the extra cut veggies and put the travel tray in soak. Dh is back at work and I don't know when he'll come to bed.

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Re: MONDAY, MONDAY ..........

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon May 21, 2018 9:09 pm

I needed to get posters up in the mailrooms so I did that. Another item to cross off for the day. Now I think I'll go back to working on Triggers. First I need to pull out my planner and see where I am with things.

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Re: MONDAY, MONDAY ..........

Postby lucylee » Mon May 21, 2018 9:44 pm

Over the summer children need free time. Yes, they will fill it with what looks to us as nothing. But that "nothing" is the safe space in which they can work out the world and their place in it. Ds lying under the pool table pushing a toy car back and forth or putting a few pieces of lego together over and over wasn't doing nothing. He was in a safe place where he could think and no-one would ask him what he was doing

I love that, Kathryn.
Yes, I hope dgs will enjoy t-ball and make friends -- but we have the advantage that his house is probably 5 minutes from the field.
I hope I can remember -- if he does NOT like it and organized sports do not turn out to be a good fit for him -- I hope I can remember that "socialization" is not the only goal of life. Being able to find a safe place to think is extremely important.

Today may have been dgs's last day of school for the year. He brought all his stuff home, and he says he is not going back. The tone from the principals at awards ceremony was definitely "thank you for a wonderful year; have a great summer."
He HAS had a great year, and we all are just so very thankful for the wonderful teacher he had. Praying he will be so blessed next year.
He got "most improved behavior" in his class, LOL -- kind of a dubious distinction, isn't it? Kinda sounds like, "Boy, we started out rough, but he finally learned to behave himself." Which is basically the truth, and it was nice of his teacher to honor his efforts. He still has the occasional meltdown and it may be a long while till he really learns to control his emotions when he is angry or frustrated -- but obviously, he has been trying and has made progress. He also got a handful of other awards -- basically every kid in kindergarten gets SOMETHING so it's not a big deal, you know, but he was very proud of himself and we bragged on him profusely.

He is going to a swimming party Saturday (though his swimming ability is still debatable). Ddil will be with him the whole time, so I'm sure he'll be fine.
He's excited b/c his whole class is invited.

Today, other than awards day, I had multiple errands to run, and it has been pretty tiring. I've also reconciled the checkbook, done 3 loads of laundry, and more to be done -- and now dh wants to go out for ice cream...

Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: MONDAY, MONDAY ..........

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon May 21, 2018 9:56 pm

Got the selfie with dgs posted in MO


Lucylee and Twins already found it.

Apparently I'm heading to bed now. Dh has a long day tomorrow and is off to bed so I will follow.

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Re: MONDAY, MONDAY ..........

Postby Nancy » Mon May 21, 2018 10:47 pm

Trying to simplify the yard care, so one of the bed is seeded now. Watered it as well. Swept up the seeds again. Dinner is over.

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