Monday Back to Business

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Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby lucylee » Mon Jun 11, 2018 12:15 pm

He is very good on road trips, Elizabeth, but he usually has a tablet or my phone to play with, or a book — something. And he can carry on a conversation like a grown person, so that’s how he started learning the counties in our state — dh teaching him on our trips to College Town.
He loves to GO — anywhere. LOL, all we have to say is, “Do you want to go with Nana and Granddaddy to” and he doesn’t care where; he’s ready to go!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:05 pm

My day started at 1:30am when DH arrived home from taking his DMom to ER. They spent 6 hours in ER getting her swollen-too-painful-to-walk-on foot checked out. I suspect it is gout, but the doctor didn't give any diagnosis. ANYway it made a short night for us.

I was up in time to give DMom her requested wake up call at 6am. I picked DMom up at 7:30am and took her to town for a fasting blood work. I'm glad that is off DMom's to-do list. She is not a procrastinator AT ALL and was eager and insistent to get this done ASAP. The doctor instructions were to get the blood work done before her December appointment. Mission accomplished. Now she won't need to call me 8 times a day to remind me that we need to get it done. Instead, she can call me 8 times a day to tell me about the squirrel, and the wind, and other important-for-me-to-know-right-now-facts.

DH had his quarterly diabetic checkup this morning and the family doc was happy to see his blood work results were improved. His A1C dropped .4 points and was 6.0 - That is very good for DH.

I took DS9 and DGD7 to school to eat lunch and play with their friends. After I take a break, then we will start homeschool.
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Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby Nancy » Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:16 pm

I have been in the jeep (2 door) delivering donations. Picked up Rx, processed mail. Weeded last section in front. Got cookie jar and cookie cutters out for dd, and I need to get the framed pics. I saw of her yesterday out to go with it. Started another box to go it is in the carport it has become the staging area. Deluvering donations was a nice break. Freezer melt is coming along and a great excust to get out of a visit I did not really have time for.

Harriet I give you permission to be awol during the series.
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Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby Harriet » Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:17 pm

Enjoyed a morning of normalcy with a lot of kitchen work that catches me up and does some deep-cleaning, too.

I think it's wonderful when you guys tell about good household help - Lynlee, I'm tickled for you that you are finding capable folks with good equipment. It's wise to get a top of the line vac in every once in a while, but whether that's something a household needs to own - not necessarily. So, anyway, happy to hear you're having a good experience with the new person.

My few experiences with maid services here have been negative, except for the years dstepdil would come every once in a few months. She never assigned others to our house, just herself, so I was really blessed with a trusted person for a deep clean. But after her father's untimely death, she received an inheritance decades earlier than expected. She dissolved her maid service business and sold all their equipment. She really wasn't happy being an entrepreneur - it's not for everyone. She has regular work hours now and just wants to put her feet up when she gets home.

Got a call this morning about my absence from sermon Sunday, from the elder who does talk to us regularly. Wish it might have been another, in a way, because I'm not really explaining anything new to him. But it was good to be contacted. He says the sermon series continued as I would have expected and I didn't misjudge where things were headed. I learned from him that he and others have requested a written explanation of some kind, for the decision by the committee that came to a vote at the regional board.

(Twins' Mum - i like that, Kasalia!)

Twins' Mom, you're not a nag, you're someone I want to hear from. :) Nag has probably become my middle name, though, or maybe police, maybe squeaky-hinge. Wish it was conscience, but wonder if it's taken like that. I fully expect to be questioned tomorrow at the study by some who are members and probably raised their eyebrows at me yesterday. I may be fussed at by a few, lol, but only because I got away with what they wished they could. Yes, this is unsustainable house-of-cards thinking.

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Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:48 pm

Lunch did not go well. There were three of us and the other person, a neighbour from my floor, and I missed that the third person who had invited both of us was upset because we were talking about a range of things, not just about the travails of her family who are constantly mooching off her but never there for their mother.

No matter what we suggest she won't change her behaviour and she sees the world through a lens of disappointment. But everyone else is always in the wrong.

Anyway, he was telling a story about an experience and she wanted to know the name of the other person in the story, which would serve no purpose. He did not want to say it and I corrected her saying she did not need to know it.

She went on a rant at me with him as collateral damage talking about how I had no right to interfere and I hadn't stopped talking all day and no one cared about what she had to say. She went off to the bathroom and he let me know she was the crazy one. After all, she is right, I can talk a lot.

She came back and spent over five minutes tearing a strip off me standing over me while I sat at the table.

Very uncomfortable but it was obvious that she was not being reasonable so I didn't worry about what others thought. She left without us and we had a lovely end to the lunch with laughter and me catching up on his health news. He has cancer but is a wonderful example of the power of positive thinking.

Quite the contrast. The sort of person you choose to be around versus the sort of person you avoid at all costs.

The power just came back on so I should restart our tech systems.

Still haven't finished my planner or the dusting but did get the mopping done this morning.

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Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby Harmony » Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:59 pm

That's really too bad about the church, Harriet. It does sound like you have an Elder in your corner at least? One time I went to church (pre-ear plug days) and the blast of music at the very start led me to walk out and go home. The greeters at the entry still there said something and I told them it was just too loud for me to stay. On one Sunday a month I go in and pick up prayer cards and my job is to pray for the needs people have shared. One prayer card this last time had someone asking for at least one traditional song on Easters and Memorial Days. And they indicated they did not really like the church. I prayed for the music ministry and their leader's wisdom. :roll:

What is up with people wanting a rock-n-roll concert at church?

Course, that's totally different issue than you are having. I wonder why your church continues to preach and preach about a subject that has people divided and upset? It's like they're stirring the pot, making sure everybody knows who's the boss around there.

Elizabeth Wow, imagine someone trying to strangle a cat. How awful!

Kathryn, yikes what a lunch.

Nancy, got that defrosting done yet? Are you planning on getting rid of it?

Little things done here. Emptied DWasher, sorted today's mail, brought garbage cans up to the road. Snail pace. sigh...

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Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby CathyS » Mon Jun 11, 2018 3:22 pm


Back to business for some, but for me Mondays mean back to the peace and quiet and stillness. Even though I go to 2 different knitting groups with numerous ladies at each group, I know what to expect at both of these places. On weekends we are taking off for somewhere early in the day, add to that the fact that dh is an angry driver. Everyone else goes too slow on the highway so he is constantly passing people who are most likely already doing 120 in a 100 km zone. 120 kmh is too slow for him. He wants to be in stores within moments of them opening for the day. Although there can be quite a lot of noise with numerous women speaking to each other, it's preferable to the stereo being on at 6:30 in the morning at a loud volume.

All of the laundry gets done on the weekend, so no laundry to do here. All of the socks and underthings are away.

I washed my hair this morning and it was almost dry less than an hour later.

Supper tonight is linquine and meatballs in spaghetti sauce by request.
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Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby Norma » Mon Jun 11, 2018 3:37 pm

I want to say just one thing - don't want to get anything started. Simply - (((Canadians))). Most of us are :shock: :x :oops:
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Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Jun 11, 2018 4:13 pm

Been wondering about dh -he's been at the same accident scene for over 5 hours now. Unfortunately I know that Monday is the day he takes his extra fluid pill in the morning -thus necessitating a bathroom trip about every 1/2 hour or so. Thought I saw our car a few minutes ago coming in the entrance but evidently not. Evidently a medical transport van ran the red light at that corner, hitting a propane truck which rolled over and was leaking. The van driver was ejected from the van, luckily he had no passengers. Saw pictures at noon -they were using a drone. Did see our car and dh.

Tonight is pot luck and I'm really hoping to not go. Last week there were about 40 of us and at least 15 pasta/sauce dishes of some sort. Other dishes were also carb laden. I know we all do it for something that will s t r e t c h.

DD was supposed to pick up DS-A, ddil & dgs5 at the airport at 6:20. He called a while ago and are now due to get into Rochester at 5:40. That will make him happy as he wants to make the fire dept meeting tonight.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jun 11, 2018 4:41 pm

Norma, thanks but < deleted vitriol > (Suffice to say I don't have to support bullies and their bystanders and I won't.)

Maybe I should turn off my power every day. The morning was productive. The afternoon, since the power came back on, not so much.

Dh ate a full dinner tonight. It was chicken and mashed potatoes and he said it was comfort food so he really wanted to eat.

He also said he's updating photos each day so I'm going to avoid doing what I should be doing a while longer and go look.

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