looking forward Sunday.

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Re: looking forward Sunday.

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Jun 17, 2018 7:07 pm

Not taking time to cuop because for some reason I'm 'on'. Not sure what's happening that I managed to get on. Know I don't have much signal. But at any rate I've been missing because I haven't had any internet for days. Just letting you know I'm okay. Even getting on this time was squirrely. Dcampowner was pretty unhappy that I was talking about going back to our old provider. Going to post this while I still can.
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Re: looking forward Sunday.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jun 17, 2018 7:16 pm

Day is over. I'm fighting the urge to hermit.

With a moment's breathing time I went and reread a notification I received earlier this week. With 4 days notice, the government is shutting our off-ramp from the highway for a month. No big deal, or at least a manageable deal, get off an exit early and take the main road. Nope, they are shutting lanes on that for 2 months.

So we'll have to get off 2 exits early and take a completely different route home when coming from the west. That means an added travel time of 10+ minutes minimal, more if the roads have traffic on them.

Sigh.... When they shut our on-ramp we protested at the planning meetings saying the roads couldn't take the extra traffic and they promised to set up a new routing so the existing road wouldn't be overwhelmed. They never did that. Instead they've now shut off access in the other direction. This isn't a minor interchange, it supports a large population.

To make matters worse, the next exit's on-ramp is overwhelmed with the traffic diverting to it from our shut on-ramp, and now that same exit's off-ramp will be the closest one for us to use (I won't use it but it is the shortest detour on paper.)

The construction project will be going on for years, and we are losing our shortest route home from dd's as part of the planned changes although they haven't made that change yet. They just took away our shortest way home in the other direction instead. They never breathed a word that we'd lose the off ramp at all, even temporarily, when we were there protesting the permanent loss of the on-ramp.

Long day.

Canteen was pretty quiet. Saw an old friend from Toronto (aunt of sick child, home for last family party.)

I need to front-load my week and finish the sermon tonight or tomorrow. We are down to days now with that. He's refusing the fentynol patch but has agreed to morphine and is slipping away.

My last church service went well. They had a presentation for me at the end, and gifted me with an insulated water bottle and pen set.

I made it in time to the strawberry social for the silent auction but the hockey tickets weren't being offered this year. I'll pick some up from another charity auction, there are normally some at the TEMBO one.

I had a nice visit with dgs. He's doing really well with his letters. Dd said last night he only missed three (identifying, he doesn't always say the right name but if you ask for an N he'll give you one.) I forgot to say that on Friday we pointed out a horse to him in real life and without prompting he said "Horse" and then "neigh!" He's only seen them in books, never in real life.

I ate my dinner at Subway since that had been my plan for last night but then I never went as 'punishment' for not finishing my sermon before dinner. I had a grilled cheese and bacon so when that was offered to me at dd's tonight, I said I'd just go home.

Now I have to work on my planner. I think the week is almost completely open aside from preaching up the valley next week. We'll see. I think I'll drive up in the morning because if I book a hotel room, I may have to cancel due to pastoral care. Again, I'll see.

I'm relieved to see Dee. I forgot about the connection issues and was getting worried.

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Re: looking forward Sunday.

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Jun 17, 2018 7:50 pm

Home from taking DMom to ER clinic. She does have UTI so the doctor gave her antibodies prescription. While I was waiting for the prescription to be filled, I picked up some AZO (for the pain) and 120 count of cheese slices FOR HER DOGS. Thankfully I delivered DMom back home in time for her to go to cookout at DBro's celebrating Fathers day.

DSon called to wish DH Happy Father's day. It was fun catching up with them. Their schedule is insane (IMHO) busy. They have been traveling back-to-back since school was out and their upcoming travel is to Napa (for 1 week), Mexico (for 2 weeks), Vegas (for 1 week). We have tentative plans to get together while DGS11 is attending gymnastic camp in our state next weekend
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Re: looking forward Sunday.

Postby lucylee » Sun Jun 17, 2018 10:15 pm

That IS a lot of travel for your ds's family, isn't it, LadyM! They are "making memories" as a good friend of mine would say.
BTW -- I agree with others -- you don't really have time to focus on OA right now. My goodness -- when it rains, it pours. I'm so glad your dmom's troubles can be easily cured.

My dmom called tonight and told me she has fallen TWICE in the last two days! :shock: She says it is vertigo, and she is taking Antivert for it, and is some better today than yesterday... but this changes my outlook for tomorrow. Luckily, there was really nothing but laundry on my mind for tomorrow anyway. Now I will most likely be taking her to two dental appts -- one with the oral surgeon and one with the regular dentist. Then I will probably be getting her groceries. OH -- and we are supposed to celebrate Father's Day tomorrow night, since ds was out of town today. But I'll have dmom home long before time for us to do that.
The rest of the week...
Tuesday -- ds and dh are supposed to be singing at at the nursing home, and that means dh & I may be doing T-ball practice
-- plus possibly to take dmom to the ENT if the vertigo doesn't clear up soon
Wednesday -- ?
Thursday -- same as tomorrow, except ds will be at ass't living center
Friday -- ?
Saturday -- dcousin's wedding (which dh, ds, and ddil will all miss b/c ds agreed to play a charity veteran's event here in town)
* and I still have nothing to wear except my black pants... which SERIOUSLY need replacing... but I keep wearing them to church every other Sunday... :roll: :oops:

Kathryn... (((BIG HUGS))) The traffic situation sounds horrible!
The late Skip Carey, announcer for the Atlanta Braves, used to comment often on "those fun-loving guys at the DOT" in Atlanta. Sounds like yours are having a lot of fun, too. :P

Good to hear from you, Dee! I do hope you can get your internet problems solved soon!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: looking forward Sunday.

Postby Nancy » Sun Jun 17, 2018 10:17 pm

Back from Father's day bbq. They raved over my new crock pot with flower design and snap on like locks. I enjoyed myself. Every one had fun. Dgd had to get urgent care hurt her thunb then work so she had less fun. Food was good and worked out well at dsons.

I did some planning for the wek this morning.
My bs was good after the bbq.
Watching Poldark.

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