take your Plan (bwp) and run with it!

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Re: take your Plan (bwp) and run with it!

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Oct 29, 2018 1:46 pm

Elizabeth - that is a wonderful gift idea! I did consider asked DMIL to make me the same thing that DH requests for his birthday. However, this year DMIL got overwhelmed & stressed out when she made DH birthday gift. She forgot to put the primary ingredient in it and was embarrassed. We told it tasted wonderful anyway! I made the decision at that time to quit asking for cooked things as a gift. DMIL struggles to stand for more than a few minutes without consequences (feet swelling) and her short-term memory comes and goes. We are edging closer and closer to DMIL not preparing food items.

DMom has called twice this morning. The second time she was in tears. I will leave in 30 minutes to take DMom to Doctor. Thankfully they had an opening from a cancellation.

Homeschool this morning with DS10 was a dream. If only every homeschool day could go this smoothly. DS10 was focused and eager to get his work done. He did not hurry through it but thoughtfully gave his best effort. Both of us are way past thrilled to have a day like today. 8am - Noon = 4 hours of solid school work accomplished. Dream Stuff....but it really happened!!
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Re: take your Plan (bwp) and run with it!

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 29, 2018 2:08 pm

how about she come and cook cookies with you and your d son... you have everything measured out already. She feels like she is helping (all sitting down)

how wonderful d lady.. putting his best foot forward. good for him!
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Re: take your Plan (bwp) and run with it!

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 29, 2018 2:13 pm

ordered a few stock up items.

I don't know why but I feel a bit weak today. no focus - head in the clouds feeling 8-)

took care of some financial things that were a must.
pulled dead flowers out in front
wrote a thank you note and sent
flip flopped laundry
listened to Best Christmas pageant ever (the movie) on youtube
emptied dw utensils
it's hot in the house - I want to turn off the heat but dh is such a cold-y locks
spoke to another person for a bit.
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Re: take your Plan (bwp) and run with it!

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:45 pm

(((d lady - your d mom)))) hope she is okay!
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Re: take your Plan (bwp) and run with it!

Postby Harriet » Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:50 pm

Hope LadyM's dmom feels better.

I have stayed home for one visitor re: picking up check, and then traveled out for one delivery re : check to another who has tummy upset from arthur meds she thinks (she hopes that's all?), and put 2 church things in mail.

Sooooo careful. Virtually no human contact - outdoors while saying hello-goodbye to each and handing off envelopes. Now just wishing I could receive offering so maybe I could make deposit before end of month. But if not it's okay - I understand that I am to be avoided!

I handled all the trash and recyclables - a good solitude chore for a homemaker in self-quarantine!

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Re: take your Plan (bwp) and run with it!

Postby Nancy » Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:51 pm

Rough day bs crashed up at 5ish then back to bed till 8 took ddog to vet for yearly check up. Store run done, walked dog at the park. Clean sheets are back on the bed. B's too high for lunch had coffee. Found a magic bullet at thrift shop sure is noisy thou. Got an undated planner note book filled in and calender w moon settings in it for that. No journaling done yet. Sigh. Did my planning cleaned out purse. Hope to feel better in a bit.

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Re: take your Plan (bwp) and run with it!

Postby Nancy » Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:52 pm

Feeling a bit better walkjed the dog around the block.
Did a bit of work on my work book out line.
Picked up after the dog in the back yard.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Oct 29, 2018 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: take your Plan (bwp) and run with it!

Postby Harmony » Mon Oct 29, 2018 5:05 pm

Hi,all! Back here, recovered from recent excitements.

Those few days I spent with extreme tiredness, I was getting some sort of headache. Funny place, right behind my ears (definitely NOT my ears). I was wondering if my glasses earpieces were too tight. But it wasn't, didn't seem to make any difference when I took the glasses off.

So after DD and friend got back here Saturday around noon and we visited for a while, we saw them off, dogs and all. I guess I was stressed and I ended up sleeping all afternoon and half the evening. But today I am feeling good again.

I did get a bunch done today. Took lunch (he forgot it) and a tool over to DH and went to a couple banks and supermarket. Got 1 LOL washed and hung up, all the desk chores done including my big monthly statement, all the groceries put away. Oh, kitchen all cleaned up, Dishwasher run and unloaded, coffeepot recharged. So all is in good shape here. I've washed all the extra towels too.

I'm very well aware of that community in Pittsburgh and the demographics up there. Kept thinking about Twins. Just hard to fathom such thinking.

Ok, I'm off to see about dinner now.

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Re: take your Plan (bwp) and run with it!

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Oct 29, 2018 5:49 pm

I made it back in time to pick up DGD7 from school. DH was on standby in case I couldn't make it. DH was working with the generator fella running new lines but he said he would stop and go get DGD7 if needed.

DMom left the doctor office pleased with the appointment. I drove 24 miles (one way) after her appointment to pick up prescription ......only to find out the insurance company is requiring a separate authorization. The pharmacy said it typically takes 24 hours to get the authorization. Grrrrrr.... so I'll go again tomorrow and pick the prescription up. I'll take DMom to 3 more appointments next week.

I just wrote and deleted some things about the challenges of dealing with DMom outspoken ways. Some things are better left unsaid.

This morning I made a meatloaf and baked potatoes while monitoring DS10 school work. It was such a relief to walk into the house tonight and have a good meal ready to eat.

I've listened to DGD7 read (homework) and signed her school papers.

I have been on the go continually for the past 11 hours. I'm ready to take a break.
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Re: take your Plan (bwp) and run with it!

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 29, 2018 6:24 pm

welcome back d harmony!!
hope the headache stays away
you were really busy! great work

hi d nancy I am so sorry your blood sugar crashed!! hope you feel better fast

hi d harriet you were busy too! It was nice that you delivered the check to the person with the tummy upset

hi d lady. so happy you were able to pick up your dd7
I am so happy your d mom is okay. So frustrating about the authorization. so frustrating. you a busy busy woman too! wishing you a wonderful break.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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