Simple Saturday

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Re: Simple Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Feb 16, 2019 3:20 pm

hi d twins, d kathryn, d cathy, d nancy and all

took a drive with dd older to the country side after getting juices (green).
finished my morning routine,
I have decided not to do any house work other than dailies. :D
typed up some things needed. I still have more but I needed a break
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Simple Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Feb 16, 2019 3:50 pm

ordered flowers my my mothers 60th anniversary to be delivered. dd younger is taking her out for brunch
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Re: Simple Saturday

Postby Harmony » Sat Feb 16, 2019 4:44 pm

Is it a simple Saturday if one has done nothing of importance? If so, this is a simple Saturday around here.

I've been on the internet looking up information on eyes. Have decisions to make.

DH and I took a nice bike ride and I noticed it wasn't too difficult for me this time. I am making progress toward more fitness.

Sorted mail. Going to answer a letter next.
Last edited by Harmony on Sat Feb 16, 2019 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Simple Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:15 pm

I just finished the narrative budget. That was the first item on my list for today. Not my only item on the list!

I found it both fun (I love working with numbers) and depressing. I was hoping it would give me a different picture of the church. It didn't.

A narrative budget is a budget that shows how much an organization spends on its mission statement.

So if the mission is to be a community of faith whose focus is on celebrating God's presence in the world, seeking justice and providing a safe space for healing, then one would analyze how much of the money raised goes to worship (celebrating), justice mission work (food bank or homeless shelter) and pastoral care and counseling (for healing space.) So the building costs would be divided up among the uses based on hours of use and the other expenses would be assigned to each category. Minister's salaries are actually easy to divide up among tasks since their contract gives a split for how much time they are to put into different areas. At least ours is.

Our church is not a 'program church' (which is a nice way of saying it is only open on Sundays but seldom used other times of the week/month/year.) So I split out admin and building costs and they make up 37.5% of our expenses. For mission we spend 8% (and that will drop to 4% next year once the refugee expenses drop off.) I find that very depressing. The church is dying but I tried to get them to look at that and come up with an action plan. They tried a couple of things and then went back to the old ways.

Anyway, it was a good exercise for me to do, just for myself but I sent it to the minister and said he could spread it further if he wanted but I found it depressing so didn't recommend he do so.

If you did the same thing with volunteer hours, it would give you another narrative of the church. Unfortunately, I know no way to do that since people don't track the number of hours they work on things. For instance, the treasurer had to take time away from working with me on the books when the septic system froze a few weeks ago. That was hours of trying to thaw the line himself, then arranging a company to come in and dig out the septic tank (which meant finding an oldster who knew where the tank was!) and then being there while they did the repairs. That one week alone I'm guessing he spent 30 hours on church stuff. If I told him that, he'd disagree but adding up the things he talked about in emails to me that week, I'm sure I'm pretty close.

The thing about the narratives (monetary or volunteer) is they don't measure the return on investment. I think the same effort and money would be better spent by joining a larger congregation. At this point, it feels like we are dying from the plague and people are avoiding church.

Anyway, I got that done and we walked to church and back. I'm starting to get a sore ear so will dose up with vitamins and head to bed. Not sure if it is cold congestion or not but dh said I snored a lot last night.

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Re: Simple Saturday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:37 pm

Has been a quiet day. Only once or twice when pain was at level 7. Did a lot of reading. There are meds to try if this one doesn't do it, and I can increase these meds - I'm not at the top of the range. And combinations of meds. And pain block injections. And surgery. And other things. I realized that the oil I got yesterday was hemp oil, not a CBD oil so I'll still need to go to the place on Monday for it. No medical marijuana in this state; when I hurt to eat and talk and swallow I'd try anything to make it stop.

Dd is buying a used car - not an older junker but a 2015. She will finance a small amount of it, which will be good for her credit score, and hopefully this car will last her. It's a Nissan Rogue, not a real small car and it will be safer and gets decent gas mileage. She will pick it up on Monday.

I hope to get a new phone tomorrow. I have the oldest iPhone in North America, I think. I don't even try to update apps anymore, and I've taken everything possible off of it. I can't use Dropbox or Evernote on it because it stalls. Six years old maybe?
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Re: Simple Saturday

Postby Lynlee » Sun Feb 17, 2019 12:28 am

Simple Saturday - I wish. annoyances crept in after I thought I was through with them early.
Sunday - bus to church
I came home the long way, Walking - via fruit shop on other side of , al die, variety / bargain store I rarely get across to, tried the supermarket K&K went to, but they didn't have the goat milk products, so I put back the yoghurt I would have tried and walked back to the other grocery store. Bus and walk home. Luckily someone else pushed the next stop button as I was away with the fairies.

,Home. cold goods are away. late lunch happened, pushing fluids .

Hugs and prayers to all. Life ain't easy sumtimes.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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