Sunday Sidelights

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Re: Sunday Sidelights

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun May 19, 2019 5:43 pm

I'm being a bit of a rebel. I know what I'm doing is going to be punching some peoples buttons. The question is....If I change things and people don't like it, then will someone step up and volunteer to do it? I want to move our church sermons out of 20-year-old technology. We still record sermons to CD and provide free CD's for anyone who wants them. Since the lady who does the sound system is gone today I am the sound system volunteer. Soooo....I put the audio of today's sermon online and shared it to our church FB group. IMHO, if someone absolutely wants a CD then they can download the file and make one. Or they can just listen to it online. I'm waiting to see what the response is. The worst that can happen is they won't want me to volunteer on the sound system anymore. That means someone else will have to step up and do it. I consider that to be a Win! Win!
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Re: Sunday Sidelights

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun May 19, 2019 6:28 pm

Definitely a win-win.

I'm quiet today because I've been busy.

We got downtown in time, but just barely. We left 50 - 55 minutes for the trip (takes 35 at most) but then 15 minutes of waiting and still no bus. In the meantime, dd sent a text saying they had abandoned busing and were taking the car because two of the scheduled buses didn't show up.

We had a nice brunch. Dd and dsil were overstressed by that point so I took over dgs supervising his eating. I had a cuddle with dgd after we ate and then dh and I took dgs home with us. He did not fall asleep but was so tired he cried because he wanted to sleep, not take the train as a treat. So we came home and did quiet time.

He was awake the first hour but struggling with exhaustion and a stuffy nose, so I picked him up in my arms and lay back with him and he fell asleep immediately, sleeping for 45 minutes, then a 15 minute soaking time to awake. I was crying at one point because I never realized I'd get a chance to cuddle a toddler to sleep again after ds grew out of it.

We've been on the go ever since getting up.

Dh just called out that dinner is ready so I'll post again later. Or not.

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Re: Sunday Sidelights

Postby Lynlee » Sun May 19, 2019 6:30 pm

A sidelight in a building is a window, usually with a vertical emphasis, that flanks a door or a larger window. Sidelights are narrow, usually stationary and found immediately adjacent doorways.

I wasn't going mad after all.
It is giving extra light to an area, so that much is in common.

rang DM late in the day. I got follow up information after a prev ph call had left me concerned.
The day cattle had disappeared had been windy. They had been sheltering, not russled and perminantly missing.

Monday - yoga. otd in 10. must away.
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Re: Sunday Sidelights

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun May 19, 2019 6:57 pm

I have lived all my life in this little corner of the world. Tornadoes are a part of life here. It's not a matter of if we will have tornadoes but where, when and how many. Because we have so many it is just normal spring weather. But the warning and predictions of tornadoes tomorrow from the weather people are going way above normal. I've seen over a dozen of them this afternoon and they all have an element of panic or urgency. Here is one of the messages....

Severe Weather Update: Tomorrow is likely going to be a HISTORIC tornado outbreak day. The data from this morning is just downright scary. EVERYONE in the state of OK needs to discuss with their family TODAY their plan of action in the event of the worst. Get your irreplaceable valuables together in a safe place, discuss plans of communication if those get cut off, get helmets for protection, clean out safe rooms and cellars, make sure everyone knows what to do in the event of a tornado. Folks in mobile homes, PLEASE for the love of God, plan TODAY where you would go and EVACUATE. The tornadoes expected tomorrow are likely to be killer, wide, and long track tornadoes.

The list of schools that are canceling classes tomorrow is growing.

To balance out the weather people warnings.....I love the way my life long friends use humor to deal with it. One of them posted this on FB....I decided to go ahead and do laundry today even though there is a threat of destruction tomorrow. Let’s just say if I did laundry & a tornado blows everything away tomorrow, I’m gonna be p*ssed on multiple levels! #IHateLaundry
I laughed when I read that and decided I'm not cleaning anything in the next 24 hours.
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Re: Sunday Sidelights

Postby Nancy » Sun May 19, 2019 7:10 pm

LM My family were in shelters yesterday bc of the T warnings you mentioned. They were ok thankfully.

I am watching The Halley Dean Mysteries on Halmark this afternoon.

Weeded & watered 15 min each this afternoon it was very relaxing, used the hula hoe thing got from the farm after hubby's parents passed,
but the handle is too short I will be looking for one with a longer handle.
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Re: Sunday Sidelights

Postby DeeClutter » Sun May 19, 2019 7:57 pm

:( :evil: :| Spent the last hour trying to get dh's airline reservations changed/moved to Friday from Tuesday. No can do -have to stay with his original reservation. Too bad we weren't "planning" on my having a mini stroke on Thursday when we made his reservation on Tuesday. American Airlines doesn't allow changes or cancellations. We'd just be out his ticket fee if he doesn't make it. And knowing dh that may be exactly what happens. He doesn't want me home alone for 4 whole days. And I certainly don't blame him. A little miracle here surely wouldn't hurt.

I'm pretty tired today. We've been out for a couple of short walks -about 1,500 steps in all. Think I'm still only about 2,300 for today. Step by step, little by little I'll get my strength and stamina back. Know pretty surely that my cardiologist up home will have me going to cardiac rehab once again. At least I like it there. Have a whole list of things to talk to my Dr's office about tomorrow. One is to see if she wants me to come see her earlier than my present appointment on June 17th. Sure she will. That office is so personable! She was feeling horrible she didn't know about my heart attack for a few days till I talked with their coordinator. Have to find out what I need to do to get my records from the hospital/dr sent up there.
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Re: Sunday Sidelights

Postby CathyS » Sun May 19, 2019 8:01 pm

LadyM maybe they have a temporary replacement working today... (ducking and running) LOL!! By the way, thank you for mentioning turnip seeds yesterday. I got some this morning.

We were at our first of two stops at garden centers this morning. We got a magnolia tree!! Dh loves pointing them out when we are out driving around, or he'll come home and tell me about a really big magnolia tree that he saw when he was (wherever). We also got a loganberry bush. Never heard of them. A friend gave us 10 rose bushes. Her 35 year old daughter was at home visiting for the weekend and she decided to help. Some help... she dug the shovel in and went right through the roots on numerous bushes. Between her and her mother shaking off all the dirt as they pulled them out of the holes, they were the saddest and sorriest lot of now-dead rose bushes I have ever remembered seeing. Ah well. We thanked them for the rose bushes and went home. Dh only planted 4 and we hope that they make it.

We had hamburgers from the freezer section of a local grocery store for supper. They were convenient but lacked flavour.

After a beautiful day, we ended up getting some strong winds that blew all the pollen off of the maple trees and was strong enough to open our screen door and slam it closed. We had a bit of rain.
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Re: Sunday Sidelights

Postby lucylee » Sun May 19, 2019 9:33 pm

LadyM, I am also sorta cynical about similar weather reports here. I know the day may certainly come that I face destruction from a tornado, but here too, we see school closings based on forecasts.
I do understand that, because I have also been s teacher sitting in the hallway floor with restless teenagers till past 4:00 pm on a stormy afternoon. And I worked with a coach whose daughter had been one of several students who died when a tornado hit their school — where he taught before he came to our town. But that school (nor our current school) had no shelters. Just long hallways that act as wind tunnels in those situations.

ANYWAY — I certainly hope that scary weather does NOT affect anyone tomorrow, and especially will pray for you and your family to be safe!

I’m just tired — no reason for being AWOL the past two days. We did enjoy my class reunion last night. Church today. Tomorrow morning, awards day for dgs.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Sunday Sidelights

Postby Harriet » Sun May 19, 2019 9:35 pm

I'm amazed, LadyM. That is from a professional? That goes beyond calm reporting, certainly. I guess they know what they're doing, to get a desired reaction and not mince words, perhaps. But here, not having seen/heard such a thing, it would cause unhelpful panic (or scoffing - maybe from some).

Just got in from watering and from closing up the henhouse. HRH looked at my baskets/planters with me and agrees I don't have equal drainage, but everything seems fine at the moment. As far as the verbena, all my deadheading over the past week or two is really paying off in a second huge whoosh of a bloom-out. One variety is difficult to deadhead because they wilt away differently and you don't know what to pluck - can't figure that one out, but I don't have much of it and have petunias planted with it, so hopefully petunias can take over. The pink bicolors are butterfly whisperers, lol.

Did not attend the study at church this evening. Just couldn't work up any enthusiasm. For one thing, 5 p.m. on a Sunday evening is prime family time. I know they plan this so that there can be a meal together, but that's just not practical for those with many family members who also need supper. And if it's not phone calls it's brief visits or running errands for those who don't feel well. Dd20 and I were out to Best Buy for more supplies to help with HRH's project of getting his dcousinJ's computer working better, now that J can hardly leave the house any more. HRH has that project spread out over my LR at the moment. hmmmm... .. how do I know he'll be working on that in the night?

Lynlee, you're quite right that windows flanking a door, etc., are also called sidelights!

Is it possible to have a life that is all sidelights? What did blessed say the other day... ..

my brain is thousands of beginning trips.

A sidelight in my life that comes to mind is my reading and (hopefully) learning. I continue to have books in various stages of reading completion all over the house and in totes to carry. On subjects of women in worship and on nutrition studies both, and then extended interests from those, like introversion and sleep. Also at least three books on the study I'm actually teaching. Post-it bits and arrows stick out from both tops and sides and sometimes I can remember what was different in subject about the pages the top bits point to and the pages the side bits point to - not always. Some, like The Blue Parakeet on a table near me now, have been laid down for days, open upside-down for fear of losing my place so that the spine is probably complaining ( :oops: don't tell BookSaver).

I carried my Contemporary English Bible to church in tote today to have a comparative translation, reached in for it as sermon began, and then realized I was trying to turn to the right scripture in my copy of Power Foods for the Brain. Something ironic there.

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Re: Sunday Sidelights

Postby Nancy » Sun May 19, 2019 9:52 pm

I am amazed at how effective 6 min. Was on my morning dailies this morning yea!
As aell as planned left overs today. I had h grill 2 extra burgers yesterday for todays lunch.
He was hoping for double patties nope.
Chicken left over for dinner with veg. Was great.

Watching idol finale sort of like it.

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