june summer!

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Re: june summer!

Postby Nancy » Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:16 am

Sorry to see you've been ill Blessed.

It's been a zoo here this past week,
seeds are down so less clean up outside yea!
With the last week of school we had extra stuff
on our schedule. Meeting at the church
graduation for #2 dgd to the next class.

I'm healthy had an awesome report last
time I was in to the dr. got a phnumonia shot
and booster for tpt ? not sure what was in it
but my arm was sore for a day but I'm fine now.

Working more now with dd's two
and that's working out well.

Have been getting summer things out
and putting away winter stuff.

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Re: june summer!

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:47 am

hello hello dear nancy... I would love to see pictures of your flowers!!! you get sooo much done... great job and so so happy you are healthy. congrats to dgd on graduation!
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Re: june summer!

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:49 am

today I start my homework for summer.. reading ahead for class in fall. I will see what book they recommend and get it on amazon.

today is monday: bathroom day. :arrow:
sheets day wash (every 2 weeks) :arrow:

spending yesterday: lunch out (I have to stop that) fridays 41.00 charge 9.00 tip cash
$15 entrance fee kane county flea market for 3 of us
$7.00 fern plant
$10.00 borrowed dd19 for sunglasses
$6.00 borrowed dd13
ice tea mcdonalds $5 for all of us.
$20.00 borrowed to dd19 she went out to eat with friends
I know there is something else.

first thing monday mornings I have been doing donation run through house, garbage pick up and laundry collection. but first I am steeling dnancy's idea of putting winter things away... first match gloves. (keep one set out as when we go to door county it can be really cold in spring)

did my research for books to read this summer.. language by vygotsky

boy I have really put things off the last 2 days. so pushing myself out of the i don't wannas (big problem)
checking in to work 9:14 am.
9:58 am made a toss run through garage. got rid of some things dh has had for a long time that have never been used.
dishes washing themselves :D
laundry load #1 washing :D
going back to work>>> 10:13 am
folded more laundry... will put away after noon upstairs but not put away :?
went through sunday's newspaper and now the rest is in recycling. did more garbage finding. now 11:36 am
washing family couch cover :D . cleaned under couch again. :D still have cushion covers to wash.
dishes emptied and a few things refilled. :D
vacuumed kitchen :D
12:43 right now ...floor it needs washing.
front hall vacuumed :D

next: clean the counters and stove top

what I have to do: my 3 season room is almost empty. now that I made so much room on the shelves in the basement closets I will:
-put camping stuff in plastic box to prevent mold/bugs :D
-put chairs in basement closet :D
-put card table in basement closet :D
-put garden folders in desk/sewing/art closet down stairs/files down stairs in closet (my craft ideas and scout activities ideas) :D
-bring fan upstairs and put on shelf I emptied by bedroom.
-ask for help to see if sellers hoosier cabinet looks nice in kitchen (it was my goal all this time.) :D
-put away anything extra back there :D
-put hutch in 3 season room with help :D

time: 2:25 pm time to pick up dd13
4:44 pm cleaned out front hall closet, put table cloths and curtains in my closet hanging. put card table chairs in front hall closet as dh doesn't like them downstairs as much. then they are easy to reach. put all my cloths upstairs to separate and hang up. :D
6:22 pm taking a break then finish putting all the folders and stuff away. :D
7:49 pm 3 season room completely vacuumed. ready for work to be done. :D\
8:55 pm did more.. need a shower

tomorrow tree cutting guy coming, hopefully antique dealer.
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Re: june summer!

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:44 am

tree men are here... very nice!

10 am make important phone calls :D
register dd13 for golf ... keeping fingers crossed I can get her in :D
stop by office of man doing the siding :arrow:
stop by dance place forget this one.
contact piano place :arrow:
contact antique dealer to see when he is coming over :D coming over saturday, chimney repair man coming saturday 9to11
register for next dog training for dd13 to bring ddog #2 :arrow:

next: do things I should have finished yesterday.
-bring fan upstairs :D
-put away alllllll clean laundry :arrow: :lol: never touched it. mmmm
-donation day tomorrow donating purse
goal I have set: do the walter payton 5 k walk.

laundry load #1 washing (made deal with dd13 if she brought her laundry down I would wash it if she put it away)
flip flopped laundry
put away dishes and then refill :D
put away much washed counters now to dress s2s
had lunch out with dd13 and got lunch for dd19 too. 42.00
signed dd13 up for all her classes for summer :D (geesh.. :shock: .616.00 golf, tennis, dog show, golf passes for her and I, soccer camp.) lucky I put the money aside for this.

horrible stomach ache all afternoon where I had to lay down. dd13 had classes.
almost last day of school is thursday
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Re: june summer!

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:21 am

todays original goal was to do errands. only errand I will take time for today is the grocery store.
donation day (small is another one)
I am going to take my last run through dd13s room for too small of cloths. maybe

today's goal is grand put away. I right now have laundry in the dining room... dh finished drying the laundry I had and put it on the table. 2 loads.

grand put away also means to me today:
-finish laundry dd13 brought down stairs
-room by room put away
-car empty hopefully

-make important phone call

8:39 am starting time... early pick up dd13 2:15 last day of school tomorrow
breath in, now that cleaning house today is the right thing to do to keep my life running smooth (smooth maybe not :lol: but content to be in my space :D )

first: go through dd13's room for donation morning (nothing found... she has decide on certain things)and put my stuff in car :D 9:26am
garbage run through house now
move church bench in frontroom for antique dealer to take tuesday :D

10:53 donation drop off done :D struggling with the I don't wanna's but will start pushing myself forward
12:14 pm dropped off oak bench really nice but I have again been moving it around over and over. so now it is gone :D
dropped off my old dolls that have been in drawer since I have been married 28 years.
12:39 dishes drying in dw.
I am having a really hard time moving on to actual cleaning. so I will push myself to fold laundry that dh left on dining room table
2:41 I don't want to work... (nothing new) went to lunch with dmom and dd19 very nice. picked up dd13 from school
neighbor picked up wood from tree, glad they could use it. so that's all gone.
taking a break (like I need one lol) then goes to fresh market
home from grocery store and groceries unloaded. dinner being made :D
$227.00 fill up for groceries.. my goodness. lots of fresh fruit.
10:11 dishes washing, family room straightned ... so back on routine a bit.
after dinner I will get garbage run out of the way. if only I had a chance to weed.

upstairs: look for dd's book she can't find. I know it has to be somewhere
feeling sick again.
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Re: june summer!

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:42 pm

fine good afternoon to you.

dd13 is officailly off of school. yeah! hard in some ways as she wasn't invited to another thing with that group of girls. :cry: but she is enjoying being free of school responsibilities. she want s to do nothing today! just relax and enjoy. she said she is enjoying every minute being relaxed. no classes, no sports stuff, nothing. :D

so if that's the case I need to get started on my day, I have done nothing! feel tired and lazy!
start with upstairs and work down.

feeling really tired. want to sleep. dishes emptied, refilled, laundry is washing.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: june summer!

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:13 pm

Friday Pilates 2:00 june 12 :D
Saturday: june 13 chimney guy comes 9 - 11 :D
Sunday: June 14 dd19 comes home, movie with df 7:00, dd13 went with friend swimming :D
Monday: 6/15 english book club 2 - 4 :D :D
Tuesday: 6/16 golf 11 - 12, english book club 2-4, 4:10 pilates :D
Wednesday: 6/17 english 2-4 boring day :? my fault
Thursday: 6/18 golf 11 - 12, english last day 2-4, pilates 4pm :D
Friday 6:19 field trip day wall climbing :D
/saturday yard work day :D beach :D
/sunday family party at very dsil 3:00 6/21
Monday: june 22 karate 5:15 maybe fishing with dd13
Tuesday: june 23 golf 11 - 12, pilates 4:00
Wednesday: June 24 karate 4:15, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (dog show)
Thursday: June 25 golf 11- 12, pilates 4:00
Friday: June 26
Saturday: june 27
sunday: june 28 special mass for ddad
Monday: June 29 golf 11-12, tennis 12 - 1 karate 5:15
door county: july 2, 3, 4, 5
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat Jun 20, 2009 7:57 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: june summer!

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:09 pm

over slept today...
10:15 am wow
1:00 pilates

okay time to get dressed.

bike ride small :arrow:
tomatoes dh :arrow: :D
cleaners :arrow:
target :arrow:
time now 11:09
bakery :arrow:
grill stuff :arrow:

long term goal: go through keepsakes closet and fix

7:14 not feeling good. may do stretches.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: june summer!

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:07 am

pouring rain outside. chimney gentlemen is here.
wow we seem to be hit with lots of repairs. but then we can have a fire this winter. I have thought about a wood stove but I know here it is not a selling.
knuppers 137.43
chimey guy will cost $2,800.00 :?
pop $1.79
starbucks charge: $9.00
dh getting very dmil's car fixed.. it right now is 900.00 but we are splitting it 3 ways. very dmil can't know. cost

need to plan menus :arrow:
helping dd13 organize her jewelry making stuff (bigger then I thought... I need to break it up)

garden work hours worth done yeah
pizza 37 bought extra for freezer charge

dd13 just wants to stay home. I will walk at ymca as it is pouring but if no lightening I might get some rain gear on and walk the dogs.

dailies need to be done.
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Re: june summer!

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:35 am

monday errand: go to att store pay bill. I can pay on line but I forgot my password.

the next right thing Sunday:
dishes fill and wash :D
counters :D
stove :D
table :D
sweep floor and vacuum kitchen :D
toss a laundry load in :D
fold and put away laundry :D
wash floor with mop :D
vacuum stairs up :D
vacuum surfacely front hall :D
vacuum surfacely dining room :D
put glass doors away :D
straighten front room, :arrow:
vacuum frontroom floor (a weekly) :arrow:
straighten family room :D
clean out car :arrow:
grocery store :D
unloaded groceries :D
vacuum dog room rug :D
get gas for car dh did :D
return shorts monday
weeding dh did. I will pull one weed at least
dh asked me to get more tomato plants :D
he planted all his vegetables. :D :D

check in start time 8:10 am
next check in 9:26 am
next check in 11:21 am
next check in 4:58 pm. eating dinner and then clean out my car as I will be picking up df.
dd13 mowing grass :D
dh now finishing grass :D and dd13 did a lot but is now putting her laundry away before going out. :D
6:12 pm feeling low in energy. remember call doctor tomorrow. :arrow:
thats it for tonight.

$11 starbucks. this is adding up

thinking ahead for sewing, jam, etc. to make for Christmas. I know what I am doing for dmom.

this week dejunking area: bathrooms
focus is bedrooms but limited since it is summer. windows, vacuum, dust, dejunk :D
monday: get new tomato cages for dh.
knuppers 107.00
pop 1.79
movie with friend $5.00 pop $3.00
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