Talk it through Tuesday PWYC

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Re: Talk it through Tuesday PWYC

Postby CathyS » Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:04 pm


We both seem to be much better today.

So far today I have made lemon jello and date squares from scratch for dh. He keeps asking and asking and asking for dessert, so I finally made the 2 things he has been asking for. I'm going to freeze some of the date squares. :lol: At least, I hope I will freeze some of them.

Supper tonight will be pork chops in gravy and boiled potatoes and green peas. The sun is shining here and it's cold.
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Re: Talk it through Tuesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:23 pm

I've been busy - not exactly puttering but have marked a couple of things off my list for the week.

I submitted my continuing education to the Association of Professional Genealogists. It was late, due 31 January but I just hadn't taken the time to get it together. Every year I say I will track it from the beginning of the year, especially the webinars because I just estimate there. Members are supposed to have 12 hours and I report over 100. :roll:

I did a Stampin up order, finally. I've had stuff in my cart forever.

I cleaned out my email inbox. It's still not at 50, which is my limit, but I'm a lot closer. Reviewed Costco's email re: recall and determined we have two packages that should be returned.

Not on my list but I renewed the HOA's pool permit for the year. Got an email about it and didn't want to let it sit and forget about it. Now I'll need to write myself a check for reimbursement because I used my credit card.

Folded a load of laundry and put away.

Dh is home for lunch.
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Re: Talk it through Tuesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:30 pm

d Cathy so glad you are both feeling better.

d twins - wonderful on submitting your continuing education to the Association of Professional Genealogists - good for you
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Talk it through Tuesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:33 pm

I wasn't going to take a break but this popped up on my feed:

"You deserve quiet moments away from the daily hustle in which no problems are confronted, no solutions are explored and no demands are made of your time" from simply living.

My plan is to give myself a half and hour.

lunch has been eaten - dh is eating. His wheezing is worrying me even though he went to the dr. yesterday.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Talk it through Tuesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:41 pm

I'm at the website for the institute registration and they have a countdown clock going. Waiting, waiting...

And I'm registered! I hope I'm not in trouble because the registration button came up two minutes took me at least two minutes to put all the info in and pay for it.
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Re: Talk it through Tuesday PWYC

Postby Ramblinrose » Tue Feb 20, 2024 3:56 pm


I back from my DAR and have officially completed my application. Signed all the documents and it will be sent off tomorrow. It goes to the National DAR in Washington DC and will take about 6 weeks to get it approved. Phew … lots of work and I’m glad it’s all over

I had a chicken wrap for lunch but only ate half of it and will eat the rest for dinner. Sweetie has left overs from last night so that makes every thing simple.

I have a friend coming over in a little while to go throw my Mardi Gras decorations. The party is tomorrow night. I have a king cake to make in the morning and will help my friend decorate her house after then
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Re: Talk it through Tuesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:02 pm

I have been to do a couple errands on a rainy day.
Took ddoggo with she did not get out but happy to bring in the toy from her crate when she came in.
I unloaded my stuff. Got 50% off sewing machine carrier with wheels.
Going to use it for books and journals for now. Late cmas gift to me from me.
When I got my sewing machine I had decided to wait on the carrier tote.
Got three three way bulbs for lamps that did not have 3-way bulbs in em. Yea, now they do! :idea:
I will put my two faith topic books & two writing topic books and 3 workbooks / journals in the tote on wheels when they come and
at least one yarn project maybe 2 if it will fit. I put the titles for the books in the journey on thread.

When I got it one gal said that last year she did quilt camp with hers.

Way to go everyone on your progress.
I had a short list and odds & ends of items that were not food but needed like a diff kind of cleaning for furniture
before I paint stuff called Krud Kutter, wood filler for the next project before painting it was waiting.
Pens had ran out of one color I use a lot of. Could not find the lite blue paint I wanted I'll have to mix that up I guess.
Lite blue must be popular two stores did not have it! [ I wanted multi surface kind. ]

I have been to the basement once for a walk around and again to put the filler on the chair to paint later.
After that went out to dig out a batch of unwanted bulbs between showers! Yea perfect timing.
Made corn bread for ddoggo's snacks put the rest of the pumpkin in it and that was a hit!
Mixed up peanut butter cookie dough too.
Had my dinner.
Cleaned up our tracks in the kitchen.
Did a bit of yarn crafting.
Added on project in my new tote to get it out of the way from the liv. room.
Thinking my tote is sort of a portable office putting stuff in it that I use daily seems to be working..

Did up the dishes & put them away and spiffed up the kitchen a bit that helped!
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:52 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Talk it through Tuesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:40 pm

Before I left for my workout I came back in the house for my sunglasses and planner book with the HOA deposit in it. When I got to my workout I couldn't find my prescription regular glasses in the car. Looked everywhere (obviously not) and then was so distracted/distressed that I just left the workout and came home to look for them. I had looked awhile in the parking lot and then dtrainer went out and looked behind me and she didn't see them. Once home, I found them in the trash bag in the car. I think they fell off the console and landed there, and with me moving things around looking they had sifted to the bottom. I wasn't high on working out because the dtrainer was combining my workout with another lady - a nice lady that I usually see when I'm there - but I just was too wound up. (One of the three regular trainers is on vacation and another has COVID so there is just one there right now. Dh's workout was cancelled this a.m.) Anyway, I'm losing my mind.

Did I tell you guys that I found my hearing aids? After we got back from ATL, when I was plugging my CPAP and chargers back in by the bed, they were on the floor by the bed and night table.

Yeah, find one thing, lose another.

Ddog is making me crazy.
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Re: Talk it through Tuesday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:53 pm

Like you said about yourself, blessed, I tend to talk-talk-talk. * I'M NOT SAYING YOU TALK A LOT -- just that I know I do!!!
But it really does help to talk things through, IRL and here, and sometimes just typing it out helps, even if you don't get a lot of feedback.
And sometimes, like last night, I put things here because I want to remember it. This has kinda become my journal, and I do hope we never lose this wonderful village!

I've been to my teacher group meeting, and to the post office, and drug store. Talked to dmom on the phone. (It seems I have a sort of radar that I call every time she sits down to eat. Doesn't matter what time of day it is. :oops:

Sorry you had to get out in the rain, Nancy. It is really amazing weather here for a change. We had the winter storm, and then it seemed like it rained forever, which doesn't bother me EXCEPT when I have to run errands or go to church in it. I love the SOUND of rain.

Nancy, and Twins, my dmom quit school shortly after I was born. (I've probably told this before, since I do tend to TALK a LOT.) She was in 11th grade, after having missed at least the first semester, I guess, because of my birth in August. She was in the class below hers when she went back, and the principal even told her he would let her "walk" in the graduation ceremonies with her class if she would come back and finish her senior year the next year. She just didn't feel like she could do it. She had a pretty "high maintenance" husband and a very high maintenance baby. Later on, after I started elementary school, she got her GED and graduated from college with a degree in accounting, and her "original" high school class always includes her when they have reunions, but I think she always hated that she quit. She's had a successful career in banking and accounting, but I always felt bad that she quit school because of me and my dad. She was a majorette and I think first chair flute in the band, in the glee club, and by all accounts, a very good student. Then she met my dad and -- like the song says -- "she left her suds in the bucket and her clothes hanging on the line. He must have been a looker, smooth talking son of a gun..." Google the song -- Sara Evans -- Suds in the Bucket.;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1708490866/RO=10/

It's much harder to go back when you're older and have a family. She always told me I WOULD graduate, if she had to drag five kids across the stage with me. (Not sure if she was talking about high school or college. I know after the "scandal" she feared I created with dh in high school, she said she wanted to break into song at my high school graduation -- Free at last, free at last, praise God almighty she's free at last.) :lol:
I have my grandmother's graduation certificate from 8th grade, and I think that is so neat. Back then, their little community school only went to 8th grade, and it was a real hardship to go to town to complete high school. My grandmother always hated that she wasn't able to go further than 8th grade, but keep in mind, this was in the late 1920s.

Have fun at the Mardi Gras party, Rose! And good for you on getting the DAR application completed!

Good for you on on your registration, Twins! Oh -- re: losing your mind -- oh my... yes, I know what you mean!!! After my fiasco Sunday morning with the earring and the keys... :roll: DH really worries about me sometimes. I'm so glad you found the hearing aids!

Blessed, I'm so sorry your dh is still wheezing. Maybe the medicines will "kick in" soon.
I bet you will love that clipper. I had to look it up. It's a little different than my little 4" chain saw, but I sure have appreciated that purchase! I need to get out soon and get the shrubs pruned down a little before the new growth shoots up, but weather & allergies have kept me indoors lately.
quiet moments away from the daily hustle in which no problems are confronted, no solutions are explored and no demands are made of your time

Absolutely true. This is dh's hope for the week ahead. Nothing on the calendar except haircuts Thursday.

I am glad you and dh are feeling better, Cathy!

LadyM, my SUV is always like that. Nag nag nag... :lol:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Talk it through Tuesday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Tue Feb 20, 2024 7:23 pm

Just managed all the recyclables. Got the trash out, too. Kitty potty spif and general suspicion of the mud room, as per Tuesday usual.

Happy for each one among us who has completed big info or learning projects or signed up for a new one, or is in the middle! I can think of blessed, Twins', Ramblin', and have forgotten the Most Important Learner.

I keep looking for more short courses that would work for me, but they are rare. I need to get the theology certificate I have earned into a frame, but how would I hang it on plaster walls. Hmmm. I was going to buy a "carved" Styro foam frame, but the price was startling - $75 - because they are evidently rare now. And seller wasn't telling the weight, anyway. So, I thought it might actually have heavier materials.

Right now, I seem to be taking a course in how to make your eyes cross while puzzling out a patchwork pattern.

Other mini tadas
pre-registered for my two upcoming appts Thurs
called to leave a compliment message for the auto service guy
helped HRH look up the acct I have that still has ddad's name
watered 4 indoor plants

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