Simple Saturday PWYC

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Re: Simple Saturday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Sat Mar 02, 2024 2:36 pm

Okay, so Nancy Drew - The Clue in the Diary was mentioned (blessed), and so I just had to advise dd43 of your thought, since she also has headaches sometimes. She was delighted to hear anything about Drew chat, so here is her response:
I hope she finds it soothing: arson, suspected murder, swindling, lol. This is the first time Ned appears, though, despite being mentioned in an earlier book, which always frustrated me. Also, interesting fact, the first Carolyn Keene and creator of Nancy Drew (Stella Strong), quit for a while after this book when they said they were going to cut her pay. Interesting choice from the publisher of such a popular book series about a liberated woman.

I have taken a photo of my lunch - I seldom participate in this social phenomenon. But I'm very impressed with the new (to me at least) Cara Cara Pink variety of orange, which is, yes, pink. Very appetizing-looking for children or picky eaters, I think, and it isn't hard to pull away the fibrous parts (a deal breaker for my grands if you can't do this easily). Sent a photo of my Huge Salad on to all the children. I almost called out two dear names of boys who do not like produce much (sigh), but I decided that even though that would be personal and amusing, it might not be wise on my part. You can catch more flies with honey, lol. So, I said nothing except the review.

Bathroom is spiffy again. But my newish spin-cleaning small appliance had run out of charge, which does not bode well. I am surprised that it runs out just sitting there. I understood it kept its charge while not in use and didn't need additional until it had really been used up. Hmmm.

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Re: Simple Saturday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Sat Mar 02, 2024 4:02 pm

I have been up a long time woke at 2:45 got up after three.
I put the ice chest blocks back in the basement freezer.
Brought up the towels.
Vacuumed the liv. rm.
Swept the main bathroom.

I've been working on desk stuff.
Voted & got that in the mail.
Signed other important paperwork.
Then worked on some writing after I did my qt.
Cooked my & doggos bfast.

clean up the dishes from yesterday.
more writing and then a brief visitor.
Snow all around us just rain here.
I made a pizza for lunch & the rest can be for my dinner.
More dishes await.
Movie time now.

Need to get the kitchen back in shape.
I read Nancy Drew when I was a girl mom & gram were working at the library & would order others for me to read from
the inter-library loan program.

I have rested then painted on a chair and it is drying before I can move it turn it to do the underside. X 1st coat on.
Yea for progress.
We had some hail.
I will be doing indoor exercise it's too chilly today for me outside.
Saw a vid. on circle walking so I can do that! Circles in the living room on carpet win win!
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Mar 02, 2024 9:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Simple Saturday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Mar 02, 2024 4:42 pm

I diid not know any of that - I always loved Nancy drew - I smiled and laughed at
I hope she finds it soothing: arson, suspected murder, swindling, oh my gosh - so true and so funny!!! :lol:
your dd made my day!

I always wondered when Ned was first introduced. Shocking that they wanted to cut the authors salary! Good for her for leaving.

I have to admit I always marveled that, in 1930's, that they would have a free spirited, liberated young woman detective. It must have been a breath of fresh air for young girls and woman!

dh and I are sitting in the ER - he couldn't go up the stairs and finally agreed to go with dd older's suggestion. . He had been dizzy as well. I am thinking that he has inflammation of the trachea. (like a bronchitis). So far they gave him a nebulizer and that didn't help much.
He keeps asking between sleeping bits if I am alright.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Simple Saturday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Sat Mar 02, 2024 5:38 pm

Simple Saturday here.
We’re watching AU basketball on tv. Dgd has left her room in a wreck, but at least she let me sleep in.
Dgs is here now.

Very interesting about the Nancy Drew publisher.
Actually, I have never read Nancy Drew books. I had all the Trixie Belden books from my early years, though. I LOVED those books.
Dh has all the Hardy Boys books from his childhood.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Simple Saturday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Mar 02, 2024 6:00 pm

dh wil be staying the night at the hospital He has dangerously low sodium.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Simple Saturday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat Mar 02, 2024 6:01 pm

Glad you convinced him of need to go to ER, bw2. Keep up posted on their treatments.

For a second day in a row, I went out with dh to do something that wasn't an appointment or event. We went to Costco yesterday, and today we went around to some vintage/antique stores looking for something to display his whiskey collection.

I walked the ddog three laps. Dh had walked her today but I hadn't. I still need 1800 steps today and I'm not sure I will get there. Time to cut up the fruit for dessert.

So glad he got checked out bw2. Your instincts to have bloodwork checked the other day were right on.
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Re: Simple Saturday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Sat Mar 02, 2024 8:09 pm

Oh, blessed! (((HUGS))) Praying they get your dh's sodium straightened out and he feels much better.

I have basically slept all day long. My Saturdays are always like this. It's probably because I eat a bigger breakfast than usual. Of course, I could sleep all day most days. I probably need my bloodwork checked too.
We are about to go eat with ds and the dgrands. DDIL is working.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Simple Saturday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:18 am

Best ER wishes ((blessed and dh))! Oh, overnight actually, well good. They can straighten his sodium out quickly and he will feel so much better. With doctor's and nurse's eyes on him, good thinking will happen to keep him feeling well.

The young man and dd25 had good news about house inspection - no real red flags to worry them, just a few suggestions from inspector, who was very helpful. Their sullen neighbor from before waved at them today. His German Shepherd tolerated them. Two little girls played in the yard on the other side, with their Pug.

I enjoyed chatting with them this evening.

Then I sewed the third 1/4th of the current step on the quilt top. Not too much, back feels fine. And I know exactly where to start next time I can get back to it.

My eating was more like me than it has been in a while.

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