Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby Nancy » Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:04 pm

FF I recognize some of those symptoms, my thyroid was not working they found out when I got the betes.
My thinning hair came back after I got on that med.

I am back from my walk. Numbers were better a bit up today later on but not in the scary zone.

Stew for dinner was yummy I forgot to make the rolls oh well.

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby FelineFriend » Thu Sep 25, 2014 12:18 am

Thanks, Nancy. :) I hope my thinning hair comes back, too. But the women on Mom's side of the family have very thinning hair. :(

I read something interesting at . It said, to deal with the fatigue of Hyperthyroidism, many people find that if they eat gluten-free foods, like people with Celiac's Disease (like Ddil), the fatigue goes away. :idea: :!: :o :)

I also decided I wanted to learn more. I'm extremely proactive with my health. This is one reason my Dr.'s, etc.. like me so much! :!: I ordered a Nook e-book called: "THE EVERYTHING HEALTHY LIVING SERIES - THYROID DISEASE: HYPERTHYROIDISM," by Adams Media. It's full of valuable information, tips, and ideas. I thought it would be money well spent and a good thing, as Martha would say. ;) It was $2.99 + tax = $3.25. Ah, yes. Our state loves their sales tax. :roll: Pity, huh? But it helps keep certain things running. :idea:

I signed up for a Hyperthyroidism e-newsletter, too. I thought that was a good idea, too. :D

I napped twice today, for about 1/2-hour each - 40 minutes. I had a tiring day today, but got the laundry caught up. I put healthy foods on the grocery list, and protein, which is also good for this thing, too. I ate a good diet, but didn't formally time myself to walk 30-minutes. :oops: But I was on my feet a lot, too, and got in a lot of activity. :mrgreen:

Ramblinrose, I hope you're feeling better this evening. Sorry about your sleep being interupted like that. I'm glad you have brainwaves to help you out, too. Oh, that's sad that there is a migraine hangover. :(

Kathryn, Do you get the mini-servings for Lays potato chips and Cheetos up there in Canada? :?: When I have the full-size several serving size, I tend to eat more than a single serving. :oops: Then, I lose control. :? We only buy those variety packs when the DGS's come to stay in the summer.

[b]Harriet[/b], I never realized or knew that late menopause was a predictor of less likelihood of heart disease. I stopped at age 55 because of surgery. I have a wonderful heart, had tests, an angiogram, and great blood pressure, too. I'm very fortunate because Father died at age 58 of a sudden heart attack and DHalf-bro died at age 36 of 2 heart attacks. :cry: It was so very hard! :!: My Dr. suggested to have me write letters to him, about my feelings, what I was up to, my life, and family and things. I did about 20 pages, when I'd healed and the mourning part had lifted. I've saved them, too, somewhere around here. It was so therapeutic and healing. :idea: :)

LadyMaverick, I hope you dusted yourself off to be able to re-start after you felt you'd failed badly this morning. We all have our vices, you could say. Don't beat yourself up too bad. You're doing a good thing by just admitting it and publicly posting it here. And we all support you, too. We've all been in the same boat or ARE in it now, right along with you. :idea:

I took nighttime meds very early tonight. I hope I won't poop out too early. I'll take a shower and work on letters, instead of snacking. I like to NOT snack from about 6:45 p.m. - 10:45 - 11 p.m. so I CAN take my Thyroid med then. This way, in the morning, when I take my generic Zantac and wait 30 - 60 minutes, it's not in ADDITION to the full 60 minutes of waiting, to eat, after the thyroid pill. :mrgreen:
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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:16 am

FF: baked cheetos are the 100 cal serving size I buy. They don't do baked lays in the small size so I just buy the regular bags when I'm having a party so leftovers will not be a problem. I think I can get the regular fat in single servings (but not 100 calorie) from Costco choose not to, except occasionally at halloween when they are so cheap (and smaller so closer to 100 calorie size.)

I'm up. That's it. Except I'm still intending to join the Y. So I guess not changing my mind overnight is an accomplishment!

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:33 am

Joining gym or Y is something I frequently try to talk myself into. I think it is an excellent idea and a good habit to develop. I'm not there .....?yet?

Yesterday the Mom of LO best friend invited me to join her and her MIL at our local gym. This is a very small gym with just work out equipment (no pool) They are going to the gym about 8:00am on weekdays (after dropping children at school). I do like being around both of these people and the workout at the gym would be good for me. The cost is reasonable ($35 month). If I drive 15 miles further I can have free access to high tech equipment, indoor swimming, trainers, basketball, squash courts....but no one to do it with. I can't invite them to go with me to this place because it is restricted access. Hum....thinking this through....
** Keep going with my current workout with goal of reaching consistent daily 30 minutes of exercise on treadmill. I expect to achieve this in the next month.
** Go to local gym and enjoy the fellowship & encouragement of friends while doing weights/biking.
** Go to restricted access gym alone and swim/full array of workout options.

I'm not ready to make the one hour (minimum) commitment to go to gym (either one). I am going to continue to think about it with hopes I become ready in the near future.

Cheese Ball bucket is in the trash. The scales were shockingly honest this morning. When I stop doing what works, the weigh I have worked so hard to get rid of comes surging back.
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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby Nancy » Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:47 am

I took my dose at 9:00 but need to go back to ten according to my a.m. #336 had me unhappy today. Had to take a corrective dose of the fast acting stuff and wait on breakfast just having black coffee for now.

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby Harriet » Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:49 am

((Nancy)) I know you are frustrated.

Yesterday while picking up around here I noticed that I bend over and pick up items from the floor with more ease. That's partially due to regular exercise, but I would also attribute it to smaller abs. Not so much the actual musculature change as the physical/practical trimming, since flexibility seems to affect light bending/pick-up more than strength. Also in the last few days some attention to avoiding sodium-rich foods, which would have bloated, so that might help. I continue to struggle with what may be the I T Band dull pain/numbness in front of left thigh, which Twins' Mom and I had discussed. After, say, an hour of housework, I look for a chair and then realize I'm reacting to the leg. Not so bad as a concrete floor at a store, but still it happens.

Ramblin', I was very sorry to hear you had been through a round of headaches. You face quite a puzzle with that sometimes. Lynlee knows so much about dietary tweaks that may help avoid certain symptoms, and I think headaches are one she's mentioned. But you two may have already chatted on that subject, or it might not be the same kind of thing.

FFriend, I thought this was just a tweak to your prescription from the doctor, and didn't realize it was a new diagnosis. Hope you feel better. Mary Shoman, best-selling author of 9 books on thyroid, recommends Evening Primrose Oil for hair, 1,000 mg or more per day I believe. When pressed one time, I remember that she suggested Source Naturals brand at 1,300 mg. Other times has mentioned that as long as it is "cold pressed" it's fine. Interestingly, she has also written a book on fibromyalgia.

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby Ramblinrose » Thu Sep 25, 2014 10:48 am

Thanks Harriet.. I just consider it a way of life... I feel like nancy, because this is a new twist in the road, but there not much I can do about it. It's the beginning of Fall and a bad time of the year for me. Before I went to bed last night Sweetie said he can tell how bad I feel by looking at me... Which is true. For some reason my face gets really distorted... Especially around my eyes and neck/jowles area. This morning when I got up and said good morning to Sweetie today he said... migrane...was really a bad one wasn't it. If they continue to increase in duration and frequency I will ask my dr about steriod shots that are injected in my obscipical nerve which is located in the back of my neck. It's found at the bottom of your skull. This is what my Mayo dr would do when I lived in Mobile. The injection is extremely painful, but it only takes five minutes but it gave me 3-4 months of relief. The treatment works but because it's so painful most people decline it.

My weight is really wacko because of all the meds I neede to take during the past few days. Won't make my bet I'm sure but am looking at this as a bump in the road... Chris Powell and his wife Heidi who' show is the extreme weight loss show live here in the valley. They are putting on workshops around the area and much to my delight the first one takes place just a few miles from here next week. Am looking forwards to it. They believe in high/low cycling so I'm hoping to learn new information.
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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Sep 25, 2014 11:08 am

RamblinRose: Have you ever tried botox as a preventative treatment? I'm sure I'd try everything else first, and I know you have got things under control for a long time and now a new twist, but it might be worth considering.

LadyM I can't really imagine doing a gym if I had young kids. Mine were late teens when I did Curves. Even so it was a HUGE time commitment made more manageable by combining with other errands and with a friend to make at least some of the workouts a joy.

I think the lack of a friend to work out with is part of the reason I'm hesitating on a gym. But I want to do it and when I see all that is included with my membership, it is like having a buffet to go, full of healthy things alone. I love buffets! And even if I just have the same thing over and over, it will still be a healthy addition to my life.

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby Nancy » Thu Sep 25, 2014 11:49 am

My walking friend is a grumpy negative gal I really enjoyed my alone time walk last night. For prayer time to rethink some of my own negative issues. Sigh.... onward and up ward is easier said than done some times.

I too have considered a membership at the water park $900 a yr. Too pricey for me and the water work out classes did not fit my schedule.

ToddlerN is a good walking buddy from the stroller during the day maybe I can do that this a.m.

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - September 2014

Postby Ramblinrose » Thu Sep 25, 2014 12:30 pm

Yes KIC... I have done many different types of preventives meds in the past and that discussion just came up in my last visit to my dr. Unfortunately the side effects are not something I am willing to do. Many of the meds produce huge weight gains ie 40-50 lbs which is what happened to me 10 years ago. I maintained my 120 lb until I started preventative meds. Then I ballooned up to over 150. Tried others but the mood shifts and disorientations were so bad I could hardly function let alone work. It was horrible. I walked around in a stupor for a month trying to adjust till finally I said enough. This same med was a life savor and life changer for my best friend who had suffered from extreme migrains and two anuriums (sp). Go figure. There are few new meds out on the market that are directed towards migrains... Most are either for seizures or high blood pressure meds and have been found to help some migraines... But I am not in a migraine category, but rather cluster headaches which are not caused by "triggers" like migrains and causes are not known or understood.

My dr and I discussed new meds out on the market, but like most of the older versions huge weight gains again are a side effect and I refused to do that. It's not a pride thing but rather a health issue for me. I am not willing to put my body back in that unhealthy state knowing what the extra weight is doing to my heart, organs and body. To me that is more unexceptable than the headaches. That's why I was willing to endure the pain of the steriod shots. It offered less side effects on my body. If after time my headache diary shows a significant shift in intensity and frequency I will see if the mayo clinic here in the valley is willing to do the shots again. The way I look at it is I can endure five minutes of horrific pain as opposed to 12 hours of it. It takes all my mental strength to "ride" through my headaches. It's sort of like training yourself for a marathon... You know what to expect, you know how long it's gonna last, and you have to psycic yourself up to make it through. That's why I am so mentally whip for a day or two after a headache.

Like today... I'm still walking around like a space cadet... Hopefully the fog will lift by this afternoon :D
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