Time Change Sunrise Sunday

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Re: Time Change Sunrise Sunday

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:44 pm

Nice thing about the time change (for us at least) is the fact that we had to switch to Central Daylight Time when we got to Nashville. With the time change it made it so that Eastern Standard is the 'old' CDT. We'd already adjusted. That seemed good to me as I'm always dragging for a couple of days with whichever change takes place.

DSIl has taken dgd back to the hospital. It will remain to be seen how things go once she's home full-time starting next week. At least that's the plan right now if she doesn't foil it again. She does show glimmers of growing up a little.
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Re: Time Change Sunrise Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:04 pm

Home from the grocery. Ddogs were indignant that they hadn't been fed yet.

DD called to talk just as I walked in the door - very chatty and sweet. I texted ds "Please call me" and he called me right back also, a miracle in itself. I needed his mailing address so I could send him his care package. Nice to talk to both of my children tonight.

I got groceries put away while I talked to dd. I'm downloading the software upgrade for my phone now.

Going to work a couple more focused rounds now.

-reboot laundry
-put away large basket of laundry already folded
-take games that were in family room up to playroom
-take a bag and load up shoes for Goodwill that I pulled out of my closet earlier
-sign some temple papers and put in envelope to mail tomorrow/sent related email
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Re: Time Change Sunrise Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:53 pm

Just ran out of steam. I'll get the laundry put away in the morning.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Time Change Sunrise Sunday

Postby BookSaver » Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:05 pm

Hello, villagers ~

Last night at the fundraiser concert was fun. I ran into a lot of acquaintances that I haven't seen in a long time. The music was first-rate.

It was also a confusing evening, though. Turned out they didn't really need my help. I thought I was going to be an usher because it was reserved seating. When I got there, I was told that they had plenty of ushers but needed me to help at intermission. I think I was supposed to be serving hor d'oeruvres. Somebody really messed up somewhere, though, because we had empty trays and I have no idea what happened to the food we were supposed to serve.

I ended up just chatting a lot and answering questions about the theatre, like where to find the restrooms and such.

After the concert, I went in search of a friend who was working in the same building, final dress rehearsal for a play she was directing. I ended up staying and watching the last half of the show because they were not stopping for breaks and I didn't want to interrupt their flow, but I needed to talk to DFriend. We needed to figure out a date to have lunch and visit a mutual friend who had a stroke several weeks ago. We'll do both of those things tomorrow.

The play they were rehearsing was a very modern one about a couple who were falling in love, but the man had a scientist roommate who built a time machine. Every time the scientist went back in time, he changed something that affected the couple's relationship. Interesting and funny.

Anyway, it turned into a much later night out that I'd planned. Today DH and I have not worked very hard. Chicken sandwich for lunch; ham & potatoes au gratin in the crock pot for supper, which is starting to smell really good so I think it's done.

This evening I am continuing the perennial Quest to declutter enough paper to have a full recycle bin by Wednesday.

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Re: Time Change Sunrise Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:55 pm

Back from the store and just got stuff put away.
Had h. "help" by not helping so I could organize and put stuff away where and how I wanted LOL iykwim!

Found some things I can use for my foot pampering here soft nail brush, mint face masque, a mud masque, clippers etc. so I've put them in a basket in the bathroom. I gave the main bathroom a quick spiff before we left it needed it forgot to dust in there on Fri.

Floor needs attn. :arrow: tomorrow is the day for that.

We got the step stool for dgd cut off and it's ready really cute too!
Puzzles need to be put away they had all the pieces I took a chance on those.
Have a container for snack mix ready to fill now.

:idea: Heading to CEO's web. site for a recipe for foot scrub maybe I can do a mint one!

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Re: Time Change Sunrise Sunday

Postby Emptynester » Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:08 pm

Just finished talking to DGD#6 via Skype. She had a sleepover at her friend's house as her parents (our son and DDIL) ran a 5 and 15K run. That's pretty good for a son that I couldn't even get to walk to his friend's house when he was a kid.

We've had a restful day. Put together some storage cubes for the den and made some veggie soup. Not too exciting.

Think I will go read in my big chair. Oops! just remembered - I have to do some clothes storage if I want to go to bed tonight - have some things laid out on the bed from when I was trying to decide what to wear for church.

So off to neaten up the bedroom. TTFN
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Re: Time Change Sunrise Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:46 pm

Home at last.

Each element of the day was a success.

Church this morning was fun and my 'replacement' did well for her first attempt although dh said he kept waiting for the key point in the sermon and then it was over. There was a nugget there that she needed to have highlighted - when she got to that point, my mind went wild and wrote the rest of the sermon, while she backed away into safe and relatively meaningless material. But I do that with experienced preachers too! We closed the service with the Battle Hymn of the Republic and everyone belted it out, raising the roof. We don't do that often enough.

We raced from there to the Cenotaph service in our village. This was the re-dedication of the Cenotaph in it's new location, as well as the remembrance ceremony for the war dead. It was a big deal and they had a brass ensemble playing tunes from the 40's before the service, amplification for the whole service and a howitzer gun to mark the beginning and end of the moment of silence. A good portion of the village turned out.

From there we raced home to get ready to drive to Montreal. I packed snacks, we had a potty break and headed out at 12:10. Arrived at 3. Met up with our friends in their hotel's lobby and walked 4 miles around Montreal while chatting. Had a lovely dinner of Montreal Smoked meat and then headed home. The drive home only took 150 minutes because we didn't have any stops and didn't miss any turns.

It was a beautiful day weather wise and activity wise. "All in all, a wonderful day" as dh said.

The garbage is out and we'll head off to bed now once I start the dishwasher.

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Re: Time Change Sunrise Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:53 pm

Sounds like a lovely day, Kathryn.

Some smart shopping, Nancy. Yes, ikwym about having others help by not helping sometimes.

Both BookSaver and OKay have been involved in fundraiser events today. Very cool. BookSaver, that play sounds lighthearted!

Hoping Indiana is having good days!

Good for your son building up his running distance, Emptynester - bet it is fun, too. And nice that he and wife do it together.

Dee, I know you are glad to see some maturing for dgd - hi to dd.

((Twins Mom)) maybe you will feel better after a night's rest.

I got in more than my usual activity/exercise today, reported in H and F. Time to finish up in the kitchen and nag dd just a bit more about good planning for the week.

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Re: Time Change Sunrise Sunday

Postby lucylee » Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:05 am

Can't really get cuop... have laundry in washer, laundry in dryer, and

I want to hear all about the Opry, Dee? Did y'all enjoy the show?
I am so glad you're safe & sound at dd's and glad to hear there may be improvement w/dgd! (((HUGS))) & prayers.
Tomorrow is another day.

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