Serene Sunday

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Re: Serene Sunday

Postby lucylee » Mon Apr 24, 2017 12:00 am

HOORAY -- in spite of my slow, cantankerous internet -- I have managed to order two items for dgs's bday in June. Wanted to get part of his present on this credit card and part on next.
I have ordered him a Thomas train set that he apparently fell in love with at Wmart not long ago, and a solar system light to go on his ceiling -- which will probably look cheap & tacky compared to the lovely illustrations, but he also saw one of these in a museum gift shop, and was quite taken with it, too. DS decided they could probably do better than the $40-$50 price the museum was asking, so yes -- Nana & T*ysRUs to the rescue!
I'll buy him some clothes to finish out the gift giving.

Also got part of dmom's Mother's day gift ordered last night... a bangle bracelet w/a charm with the grands' pictures on it. (Sh&tterfly) Ordered prints too, so I'll have new pics for her, and I may get nice frames for them.

Now... a wedding shower gift for next Sunday, and ??? for dniece's college graduation May 6. She wants $$$ -- but I want something to "open." Even though we won't see her open it. We'll miss graduation, and immediately afterwards, she is leaving for a 2-3 week trip to Europe (with a school group). So we want her to have the $$$ before she goes.

Spring is so expensive... :cry:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Serene Sunday

Postby Nancy » Mon Apr 24, 2017 12:48 am

I am happy about the progress that I have made today to get a good start on some chores. Got a light bulb moment now that the bush is delt with & I got the carport deck & patio cleaned. I can refocus my attn. To the house weekly stuff, de-clutterring and focus room. with rain on and off this week I can do inside stuff and it is good exercise if the sun does come out I can get in a walk w ddog.

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Re: Serene Sunday

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Apr 24, 2017 1:08 am

Good evening everyone! We made church this morning, but DD15 had no class. That's ok, because I have books in my car ALWAYS. One was a favorite of hers she had checked out for me to read. The demo at the planner meeting went well. The design my grandfather taught me + my extensions to it are now passed along to 10 journalers, some of whom are also scrapbookers. I had the time written down as 2 rather than 3 and spent an hour eating by myself first. That worked really well, because I didn't get cold food while doing the demo. I had to leave early to get DD to youth group and me to Sunday Night Sinners.

One coming home, I have done cat care, me care, dailies, several emails, updated Quicken, ordered meds, and found a free crochet My Little Pony pattern. In preparation for needing to spend lots of time in bed Thursday, I put all the LOLs away. I made a list of things I need to deal with. I will need to clean my bathroom too. My stove works now. It's behavior was not unexpected given what happened.

All that is left is to load my car then bedtime. I did get sidetracked onto the jigsaw puzzle website but STOPPED after one. Good night all!

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