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Postby Harriet » Fri May 12, 2017 9:30 pm

What a day.

Moving day for dd. I arrived at 7:00 and got a plum parking space at her dorm's rear door, which I was able to keep for 3 loads brought down, until I was bumped on behalf of the cable guy who literally had an appt with the building. Next parking space was not really one, and also not as convenient, but allowed by maintenance. Even if parking wasn't all perfect, my early arrival had given us quite a break. Because she had prepared pretty well, we had the key turned in and were driving home by 9:30. This included the complete break down of the fish tank. We picked up BoJ on the way home - sigh. I had an egg biscuit.

Exiting the univ was a puzzle, since every delivery truck, construction truck, garbage truck, etc., had drivers with absolutely no idea it was moving day, determined to make their usual rounds on little driveways that were turned into parking lots!

Back home I prepared for my errands, which just couldn't wait. Off I went to the PO that is just outside the county line so dfirstmil could have her card on time, rather than waiting the extra night in main PO here. Then to bank to deposit for church and then to pharmacy 2, which closes for the weekend, making it with less than an hour to spare.

But, back home again to hear from dd that her Dad was visiting at closest hospital because his dcousin J had been taken there. He has not been able to eat in 4 days because of the throat.

Phone calls to learn about death of a "little boy" (now 30) whom I taught in SS. Called dd37 and ds to let them know. Fielded calls between dsecondmil and ds, neither of whom could manage meeting this evening to have the tractor taken back here. That will happen later. Learned dsecondmil has taken a fall and not told HRH about it. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Was not to tell dsecondmil dcousin J was in hospital because his family didn't want her upset until tomorrow when they believe the news will be better and she could actually drive in daylight if she wanted to see him. Shhh. Shhh. Shhh.

Then call from HRH asking me to look up info about just something to drink when radiation had hurt the throat so much. (Dcousin getting IV but still in discomfort even to clear his throat) Ultimately, I was out the door again and surprised him at the local healthy food store, where he'd told me he was going. We shopped with his dcousin's son36 and found a few things. All 3 of us visited in hospital room, then. Difficult. I asked the questions ddil had told me would be wise. Wrote down the answers to tell her later.

I am tired. Most things in from the car, but there is still so much to do to really have dd home. Of course, the fish tank had to be priority to avoid stressing fish - she got all that done while I was on errands. It will still take so much work to get settled back.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri May 12, 2017 9:49 pm

I came home after the late lunch, hitting rush hour and getting in at 4. I had delayed slightly, touring a Dollar Tree store (we don't have one near here) after ducking in to pick up a caffeinated drink. After eating lunch I felt I was too sleepy to drive.

Came home, and went to bed. Deep sleep, the kind where your body is too heavy to move.

Had dinner and have been doing nothing productive since. So the day is shot (I had expected to right the sermon and service.)

I've been going through our various loyalty accounts looking for ways to cash in the points. With Holiday Inn, I need one more stay and then we can get a gas gift certificate. The one we used to stay at all the time in Halifax has been sold to Hilton but isn't re-opened yet. So I don't need to save the points for a stay there.

I have 3000 American Airline points that are orphaned. Those came from going to Grenada.

I hear dh in the kitchen. So I should get up from the computer.

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Postby Nancy » Sat May 13, 2017 12:46 am

I am off duty will work tomorrow afternoon. KidN did not come so I was glad for the work. I did the dishes and did one load of laundry. More to do... It snow in the mtns. On the passes.

Kid toys were a hit. Glad I had a hoodie kid size in neutral color. Got out the folding high chair and cleaned it up was very handy. Rethinking the kid beds may bring em back upstairs. . .

Got some done on the floors took out the trash. Mopped the bathroom earlier. on my radar is dusting in the sewing room. Ack it needs attn.

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