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Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:59 pm

dd older had the bone test - simple x ray of their hand/plates - I know there was something they could do medically to slow down the process but I don't exactly what it was.
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Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:06 pm

dear twins, dear harmony, d lady, d harriet hello too

home and out again - lovely lunch - relative was great! (tried to do the A P wonderful wonderful thing but I mentioned dd's did that too; only to quell the direction the conversation was going to . I needed to nip it before it became our whole meal - (it's not something we went on about - I just didn't need the unconscious competition thing to continue because it makes us seeing each other a problem) - I was really happy to hear that her family is doing well and working hard. - it reminded me of the old old days - very nice) We all had a good time.

dd and I are going to a d friends house. She sounded lonely - they just moved to a new house. She had great neighbours before and now lives where people are not as friendly - she is one special person!
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Postby Elizabeth » Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:45 pm

Gee, where did the time go? During this break I have: contacted bank, placed order for some DD Christmas gifts, texted mom to tell her they are coming, and consolidated and organized my list for home. I also consolidated and organized lists for payroll. I liked the Thanksgiving spreadsheet. I have done similar for busy and/or chaotic days. However, my crazy schedules usually have the word cat somewhere, sometimes in conjunction with the word vet. And my home list does have a cat chore: call the lady who is adopting Vina to schedule delivery or pick up. After that, there will be only Lara and Stratton in my house.

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Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:50 pm

They allotting 30 minutes for the potluck.

That's what we do every Wednesday night and it works fine to feed 60-80 people. We have all dishes set out on a long (40') countertop. We pray at 6:30pm and the people go single file down the countertop to fill their plates. Everyone is finished eating by 7:00pm when the worship service starts. DSis and I start cleaning up and everything is usually finished (leftovers packed for travel and kitchen cleaned) by 7:30. If I have DGD6 with me, then I leave so she can get to bed (school night). Otherwise, I stay and listen to the preaching.

how does a dr. say his spine is ok without looking at the xrays?

I don't know. He is an experienced pediatrician (40+ years) so I'm guessing because the way DS9 walks/moves? The pediatrician saw DS9 do the head/neck popping tic multiple times during the appointment. I told the doc that DS9 has done this head popping tic 50-100 times daily for over a year. He wasn't concerned about it.

The doctor did surprise me by saying we were doing well with DS9 considering our options. He said we would have to medicate DS9 for him to attend public school. He said most parents would not tackle homeschooling their child and would just keep them in public school regardless of consequences.

I'm going to trust the chiropractor with DS9 neck. Of course, I hope I don't regret this decision. I like that this chiropractor is cautious and seems to triple check everything before she proceeds with treatment. I also like that this chiropractor is talking with DS9 about his choice of food. They are discussing vegetable consumption. What I am not looking forward to is DS9 having 2 appointments a week with the chiropractor for months. Maybe it won't take that long.
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Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Nov 14, 2017 6:16 pm

All during the day today I was texting to coordinate the food to be shipped to Kuwait. I think my part of this project is done. On the drive home today I stopped and gave money to DFriend for the shipment cost. I am soooooo very thankful DFriend is going to do the actual packing and taking the boxes to ship point. The Thanksgiving food package we shipped priority mail on Nov 6th arrived today in Kuwait so it made it in time. This package of food will be for Christmas so we don't have to send it priority. We expect shipment on this one will be around $80.

I ate a big breakfast & then ate lunch out today. Soooooo the chances of showing a loss on the scales at WW tonight is very slim. I don't really care what the number is. I have done my very best this week and have tracked faithfully. I'm pleased with my effort. The weight loss will eventually show up. That's my story and I'm sticking with it.
1. Know what you want.
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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 14, 2017 6:28 pm

I'm home. I have to go back again this evening because I forgot the food, but for now I'm home.

The apartment is finished. The others had cleaned up the mess but left the table. I moved it out, moved my stuff back in but found a place for the table in the living room and put another set of drawers in the hall (for hats and gloves and a place to drop keys.)

Here's a link to the pictures:


It will all be changed around after they move in but that's what it looks like now.

The others left a lot of their things so there are three sets of measuring spoons, two sets of dry measuring cups and two sets of wet measuring cups. Two complete sets of stainless mixing bowls. And yet a camp set of pots. Sigh....

I washed up the pots and put them away with the gorgeous frying pans donated by church members. I also have a gorgeous stock pot on the shelf for them but the others bought a cast iron Cuisinart pot as well.

I'm relieved it is almost over.

I have a list for tonight (I keep forgetting to get the money for them and I have to buy the rose.)

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Postby Sunny » Tue Nov 14, 2017 7:23 pm

Happy Anniversary Harriet and HRH!
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. --- Francis of Assisi

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Postby Norma » Tue Nov 14, 2017 7:45 pm

I Love All Sorts! There is no better licorice. I just polished off a small bag of them the other day. They were very fresh. When we went to Stockholm for hockey games some years back I bought a large bag of them at JFK. On the way home from NY to SF I ate the whole bag. I didn't feel so hot when we landed. Did I learn my lesson? NO! Of course not. Hope you find some for DH, DEE!

KATHRYN - The apartment looks fabulous. Good job. I'm sure your refugee family will love it. I sure would. (And be very thankful to their new homeland.)

AUSTIN GRANNY - Seems you are doing well. Sure hope so. You have had more than your share of illness. Stay healthy! :)

I go to nature to be soothed and healed , and to have my senses put in order. John Burroughs

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 14, 2017 8:58 pm

Thanks Norma, I'm proud of it!

As for licorice, I love Panda licorice which is from Finland but I buy it at the bulk food store here. In large quantities!

Dinner is done (just reheated pizza.) Dh is on a roll with his writing but we still have the errand to run.

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Postby lucylee » Tue Nov 14, 2017 8:58 pm

Happy anniversary, Harriet and HRH! :)

Elizabeth -- I don't think anyone ever actually suggested medication for autism -- I think that was just something ddil was worried about. That maybe they'd try to say he had ADHD or something that IS commonly treated with meds -- and she wasn't going to have that.
Tomorrow is another day.

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