Wednesday #

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Re: Wednesday #

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Nov 22, 2017 4:23 pm

I'm home from the appointment and picking up some groceries. Bought some potato leek soup for my lunch and a banana so I had a PJB with my soup. The soup wasn't really good so I'm glad it didn't cost too much. I have another serving left.

Of course, it could be my taste-buds.

I also bought a Zevia cola and followed Harriet's drinking instructions from the H&F thread. It's OK. I couldn't tolerate stevia before (hated the taste) but I'm guessing that since the aspartame is out of my system, my taste for 0 cal sweeteners has changed. It is for sale at numerous places within walking distance so that gives me a new option for a flavoured 0 calorie drink.

I had a heart ultrasound, not echo. It went fine. Those things don't bother me at all since I had about one a decade all my life due to my heart defect. She told me aside from the defect everything looked fine which was nice although I wasn't worried about any other outcome.

Tomorrow will be the tougher day, mammogram. They are a breeze for me but I have great mental issue with them due to my sister's cancer. Which means I'll think of something to reward myself with tomorrow after the appointment.

I started writing the annual newsletter while in the waiting room but didn't have to wait long. I'm going to move to laptop configuration and put my feet up and do some writing. I should also go out for a walk.

My coughing was fine through the appointment. I wrapped a scarf around my neck and it has stopped almost all the coughing (no idea why probably pyschosomatic - I'm coughing up a storm while writing this!) I did have one big fit after lunch and nearly lost my lunch. I had some decaf tea (since the Zevia had caffeine) and that only helped settle me a bit.

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Re: Wednesday #

Postby lucylee » Wed Nov 22, 2017 4:42 pm

(((Cathy))) Hope you feel better soon!
Glad Harriet seems to have recovered!
I actually am struggling with a sore throat -- not terrible, probably just sinus drainage -- but enough to be annoying, and dh's back is just KILLING him. He kept one of those thera-something patches on it yesterday and then used the heating pad some last night and this morning. He said he is probably being punished for being "prideful" of his streak re: this weekend's ballgame. (Subject of newspaper article -->)

DH's article came out in the paper and of course, he found a million things the reporter got wrong... but I told him NO ONE will read it as closely as he did, so... it's all good. He is talking to a former principal of ours on the phone right now, who called b/c he saw the article. He lives a few towns away from us now and we haven't seen him since we ran into him in Pasadena at that last championship game in 2013.

How odd -- Twins and I are both having water pressure problems. Ours is like this weird, sputtering noise. Last night dh flushed the toilet and it started doing that and he said, "It sounds like this commode is going to explode!" And it really did sound like that. But this morning we realized ALL the water outlets are doing that -- sink, washer, etc. DH said it is air in the pipes, but apparently it's a widespread problem. Two neighbors mentioned it also on FB.

What's my number?
Well, I actually do have five * No , SIX * things on my TO DO list:
[ ] s/s baths
[ ] ^ including dh's shower
[/] change sheets (need to put them in the dryer right now!)
[ ] wash one more load of clothes
[ ] type notes from yesterday's meeting
[ ] BAKE COOKIES (most important thing of the day!)
[ ] help dh put away about 10 million football programs, which he dragged out and re-organized when meeting with the reporter Sunday

I already have a few ta-da's:
[ ] bank, post office, Wmart
[ ] DPC to credit card company

So... I guess I better get busy at something here.

I posted this late last night:
Got some OMM stuff on a master list for the rest of the week -- bujo is not working for that sort of stuff -- too much flipping pages back and forth.
This led to my continual obsession with journals in general -- what to keep, what to toss.
Ruth Graham advised : Only keep the hours that shine.
But even some of her writings reveal her struggles....
Will it be helpful someday for ds, ddil, dgrands perhaps, to read my worries and then the notation "everything okay" ? I'm not talking about worries re them, exactly -- just in general. (I worried that ds would drown at swimming lessons, back in 1989, just as I worried about dgs last spring. Sigh.) Spiritual struggles and notes from Bible study that were helpful. Gratitude lists that were sometimes silly.

I think the bujo is going to work better for the notes and things, quotations, Bible verses and notes, all those kinds of things. I just like my OMM master list better for looking at the day/week ahead. Sometimes OMM list repeats cards, but that's not a bad thing, b/c I get the joy of crossing it out, which is more satisfying (for me, anyway!) than simply re-filing a card. :lol: (Too often I'm re-filing cards that have NOT been completed!)

I think I'm still concerned about the what to keep question, probably always will be, but I'm trying to go through and cull from old journals, thinking, "What if MY grandmother had written this 50-75 years ago and I was reading it now? Would it be good to know, or something I'd rather NOT know?"

Waving to ALL!!! I am so sorry I can't post good replies to EVERYONE!!! :cry: :oops:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Wednesday #

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Nov 22, 2017 5:33 pm

I have decided to postpone my 5 things I planned for today until tomorrow. All of those items are done outside and it is going to be 25 degrees warmer tomorrow and Friday. Spending hours outside in the warm sunshine sounds better than the cool cloudy weather.

I made another large pot of turkey/11 vegetable soup and have it freezing in individual portions. I put 10 vegetables in previous soups but as I was getting the vegetables out of the refrigerator, I realized I had celery to include in it too.

Google fiber internet and cable TV gets installed a week from today.

Swooning. Congratulations AG!

Our internet is better than it has ever been, but it is small town stuff. Having fiber installed here is a dream that will probably never be realized in my lifetime.

I have gathered the 4 small rugs in the house and have them washing.

BBQ Beef, mashed potatoes, corn and green beans are the next meal. I have it prep'd and ready to finish at meal time.

DH's article came out in the paper

Congratulations! How fun to have accomplishments recognized!
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Re: Wednesday #

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Nov 22, 2017 5:41 pm

DD and DH have gone up to church to pick up some chairs. We were trying to figure out how many we'd need. We'd gotten chairs before from church (which stack) but got rid of them as dd/dsonil had planned to move. When dh called to see if there were still any there we were told we couldn't 'borrow' them but could keep them. So they've gone to get them and we'll store them in the garage and use them as we need extras.

DD has had the turkey cooking on low in the roaster all day. Smells yummy in here. Know she made at least 2 apple pies. I just put a 'low-carb' recipe for pecan pie in the oven. Keeping my fingers crossed that it comes out fairly well. Dsonil asked if we'd have a pecan pie anywhere in those preps and we said, "no". So here's hoping.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Wednesday #

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:46 pm

I just turned in my Pro Gen work so that is done. I said I wanted to get it "off my plate" this day before Thanksgiving. :lol:

Pasta for supper tonight, with caesar salad. Need to get moving again!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Wednesday #

Postby Lynlee » Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:52 pm

#unknown Thursday

#. Yesterday's washing is still out - need to monitor. It is still as wet as when it went out. I transferred some to the edge of sunshine, hoping it doesn't rain. Getting it in and away today would be a success.
#. bussing today b/c of auto concerns. Need to get to appointment. I'll go to town afterwards. Out of carob. hoping it doesn't rain unopportunely. Is that a word?
#appointment. There is a walk to get there from the bus. ditto rain comment. umbrella.
Preferring tadas over todos.

Concerned re possibility $$$$ will be needed for car repair, or do I face time without a car? Perhaps that is my future sooner rather than later.

Waving to all. Hugs and prayers.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Wednesday #

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:55 pm

I've finished writing my family newsletter contributions (personal and travel) so that's a major accomplishment.

I suppose I should start making my supper now.

Only two of my 5 items are done now. I need to go back and look at the list.

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Re: Wednesday #

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Nov 22, 2017 7:05 pm

So I have done four of the five from this morning. I have a load of laundry going - won't quite catch me up but I am getting there.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Wednesday #

Postby Harriet » Wed Nov 22, 2017 7:19 pm

Walked into a stupid 10-inch round hard-rubber cylinder hole in the ground and my foot went down into it about 12 inches before hitting bottom, although i don't really know what the bottom consists of down in there. This is about 2 feet from the pavement of our road, right where many people walk along. My mail carrier witnessed the pratfall. He wouldn't leave me until he was satisfied I was standing and walking okay. I scraped my shin down the lip of the top of the cylinder and am bruised. Considering going to urgent care - just thinking. I'm a pretty tough cookie but this was an oddity with different aspects to it of the scrape and bruising and feeling kind of wrenched around.

Found a rubber lid that was loose down inside (would have been flush to the earth once) and says a t and t, so I've been on the phone with "them" for an hour and five minutes, sent to two wrong depts before finally to the "telephone line repair", where the person wasn't nearly as nice. Each successive person had to have every shred of info all over again, including name again, phone number again, address again, and complete surprise each time at what had happened. Idiotic system that doesn't allow a telephone company to retain even automatic touchtone info given within the same phone call. I stood two small tree branches up in the hole hoping to warn the next guy. Told each person I talked to I was probably going to UC. I may not do that at all, but it did change some attitudes. Honestly, after experiencing our fiasco of this year's new line, and after the church just giving up and going to their competition, plus struggling to get my message across today, I must say a t and t no longer seems to be the capable company we once knew. And also my shin hurts. :x

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Re: Wednesday #

Postby Lynlee » Wed Nov 22, 2017 7:30 pm

#washing - quick dash - all bar underwear is hang about inside. twas - shower, sun, dark clouds again. 3 hanging items brought in yesterday are dry/away made way for the new 8.

Ouch Harriet. Treat your shin kindly. Mine would take a long time healing.
grrr ph co. actually the competition results in poorer service, I think, not the opposite.

breakfast is my next. I might need to think of an earlier bus if I want to avoid any sharp heavy downpour.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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