The more we get together ...Wednesday!

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Re: The more we get together ...Wednesday!

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jul 18, 2018 11:03 pm

good night all!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: The more we get together ...Wednesday!

Postby Harriet » Wed Jul 18, 2018 11:37 pm

I had dd read blessed's beginning post and she said, "say how much you appreciate her".

Was thinking through the day that I would try to be bright and add something. But when I came back in and read it again - really, best response I can make is, "read blessed's again". :| I'm so serious.

Dd barely made it into the driveway from work, picked me up in the yard and we made a dive for the church, with me arriving just in time. She stayed in the car and, incognito, changed out of her work shirt into another she already had in the car, coming in slightly late.

We knew we were very much needed. A tiny crowd was there - I know that tonight I have been in the presence of champion forgivers, IMHO. Dd and I were persons 5 and 6, added to the fellow who was leading (and specifically asked me to come) and minister (who specifically emailed me this morning). They have been dumped by others they couldn't see were fair-weather friends. It took a lot of nagging and dd's prodding to get me there. Through this difficult time - and they must be in pain - still they try to start a new study. But this one has a chance, as it is (finally) inclusive and uplifting, quite opposite.

I must hit the hay - the grandkids arrive super early.

Elizabeth, all I can say is, "Oh, My!"

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Re: The more we get together ...Wednesday!

Postby lucylee » Wed Jul 18, 2018 11:46 pm

Good night, blessed, and everyone else who is signing off!
I've slept off and on for the last couple of hours, since we got home. We had a wonderful day, but dh and I are both just exhausted. And he did ALL the driving! We are all soooo incredibly thankful and amazed at how far he has come since last year.

Our trip was not a long road trip, less than 2 hours drive each way, I guess, but we saw 2 Civil War battlefields and museums, and another historical museum unrelated to the war. The dgrands were both so good, and I think dgs especially enjoyed it, although after a while, he began to get a wee bit bored, I think. He loved the films they showed at each stop, but riding around on the nice paved roads in a now peaceful forest was not quite as exciting to him, I guess, as watching the war play out on Legends and Lies. LOL. After a while, I guess all granite monuments start looking the same. (I admit, they do to me, too, and after you've seen a dozen or more cannons, they are all about the same, too.) DH and DS of course were playing it all out in their heads, "So this is where the Northern army was set up, and the Confederates came around THIS way, and THEN..." But it's still just a forest today, you know? I can't "see" it all in my heads like they do.

We ate breakfast at a HIGHLY acclaimed breakfast place fairly nearby, but out of our way in our normal routine, but dh and I were not quite as taken with it as the acclaimers, if you know what I mean. I think ds liked his shrimp & grits, which he had never had before, but dh was disappointed that his "BIG SKILLET" meal was more of a big casserole, I was disappointed that they were out of country ham (but their bacon WAS amazing), and to be honest, Waffle House does a better waffle for about 1/4 the price. So -- dh said I'd have a hard time getting him back over there, but we were glad we can say we tried it.

The only problem of the day was a long distance one. :evil: :evil: :evil:
Remember I went to the doctor with dmom Monday, and she had all those tests done, and the doctor's office assured me they could fax that by Tuesday afternoon at the latest???
Well... it's Wednesday afternoon and the ass't living place called to tell me they had NOT received the fax, they could not get the doctor's office on the phone, and they REALLY need that bed order ASAP.
:evil: :evil: :evil:
So I called the office, same thing. Got the answering machine.
Here is where FB is a good thing -- I sent a message to the nurse, who is on my friends list, and she said they were closed this afternoon, doctor had an appt he had to keep for himself. And they will be closed all day tomorrow, their normal "off" day. But she contacted the receptionist.
Here is where the good things stopped. Receptionist apparently completely forgot about all this, b/c she said I must have talked to the OTHER girl, who is on vacation this week. I did NOT talk to R, who is on vacation... I talked to this one, J, not once but twice about the whole thing, less than 48 hours earlier.
I am totally teed off about the whole business, but I told the nurse I would come in FIRST THING Friday and get the papers and deliver them myself to ass't living. :evil: :evil: :evil: !@$#$!@#$!@#(_**(_(*_)(++)()%^&^&* :evil: :evil: :evil:
And to their credit, ass't living said not to freak out about it, they would "make it work." But I could tell they were miffed too, b/c the lady said they need a few days to get the adjustable bed and they HAVE to have doctor's orders for it... and I am really ticked off about it.
I might call the foot surgeon tomorrow and see if he can fax it in to them... But she SAID it would all work out, even if I did have to wait till Friday.
The thing is, dmom has TWO adjustable beds at home, and if she can't get one at ass't living, she is going to be fit to be tied!!! To my understanding, she has to keep her foot above her heart for three weeks, except during therapy. So HOW they could be so dense about this, I don't know...

Harmony, I take generic Clariton too at bedtime, and usually use Flonase in the morning. AND continue to take my 2 de-sensitization shots weekly. It does help though. I'm having a fairly easy allergy season this year.

A loose bear AND a hearse? Wow, Elizabeth! Your neighborhood IS an exciting place this evening.

Y'all know what? People are reporting bear sightings around here -- not in my town, or even in Next Town, but in the Big City where dh goes to the cardiologist! Also on the interstate north, just across the TN line. This was unheard of when I was growing up. As I've told y'all before, we don't live far from a pretty big forest, so I keep wondering when maybe I'll see one. I hope it's not in my backyard though. Deer, yes... bears, nooooo...

I think for email to show, we have to add it to our profile and then click YES members may contact me by email.
I can't decide what to do...

Love the song, blessed. I have it written out on kindergarten practice paper, by dgs -- one of his first efforts at practicing penmanship. ;)

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY tomorrow to Lord & LadyM!!! Your quiet day sounds PERFECT to me!!!

Waving to ALL!!! Thinking of Dee & Mr. Dee... must check J&C...
Tomorrow is another day.


Re: The more we get together ...Wednesday!

Postby Kasalia » Thu Jul 19, 2018 3:54 am

Wow lucylee what a drama you poor thing. My mum is in care and was a lot easier. It is Thurs. Evening here visited her today, but all over the place so only stayed 30 mins. Feeling guilty now. :(

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