Tuesday in the Waiting Room with Kathryn

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Re: Tuesday in the Waiting Room with Kathryn

Postby Lynlee » Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:16 pm

Welcome to baby Julie Catherine Congratulations to all her family. May her life be blest in many ways

Thank you for all your kind birthday wishes. I did have a good day, though it came with some surprises.
Family phone calls. Gifts delivered by my dsis on Jan 2, opened in the morning.
My brain had one of its dysfunctional/ processing errors so I got myself confused with time schedules and I ended up seeing Aquaman. I could have seen several other options but its all good in the end. Good triumphs and all that. Is that a spoiler?
Anyway. I ate things inoptimal
I'm off
Mowing person is here and
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Tuesday in the Waiting Room with Kathryn

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:33 pm

Home from afternoon activities. It was close (7 minutes) but I made it back from taking DMom to the doctor in time to handle DS10 in one town while DH took DGD7 to her lesson in another town.

DMom has been using her eye meds in both eyes instead of just one eye that has the problem. Argh! The prescription said to put it in both eyes so she did. It has made her vision blurry in her good eye. Hopefully, her vision will come back once she stops putting the meds where they are not needed.

I am going to eat dinner then check my cards and see how much I need to get done before I can relax.
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Re: Tuesday in the Waiting Room with Kathryn

Postby Harriet » Tue Jan 08, 2019 8:33 pm

At the study today, we had two new people come and also there's more emphasis on discussion this year. So we're all working through the newness of this. I was trying to remember a lot BUT not necessarily talk too much myself. I stood at the podium only for half. As I would have almost predicted, having more opinion introduced, we had a specific disagreement between two students, one being one of the new ones. A little friction. I tried to soothe without looking like that was my intention at all, and keep it on a "we're all learning" keel. Still, I've been second-guessing myself.

((LadyM and dmother)) Too bad prescription had not been worded, "in affected eye". I've seen that done before. Sounds like a little more communication between dr and pharmacy would have helped.

I also had to miss a workout yesterday but am deciding not to let that become cumulative guilt, but to allow the missed workout its freedom. (Be free.. .. fly away... ..) It was an extensive workout today, and now my body is saying that's all the exercise there is supposed to be right now. I believe my honest body.

Twins' is she feeling better? She's a wisdom example. When needed, nap. Mine was so needed.

blessed, thinking of ddog13 and your concerns.

Ramblin', is the crud gone?

I'm going to find some warmer clothes (lol) and make a big plate of warm food. Leaving HRH's favorite leftovers for him, I'll have my poor girl's supper.

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Re: Tuesday in the Waiting Room with Kathryn

Postby lucylee » Tue Jan 08, 2019 8:50 pm

Oh! So happy for Kathryn & family! Love the name!

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lynlee! :D

Twins -- I wanted to tell you -- I haven't had any trouble with losing my fitbit so far, but I did wear the BAND all day Sunday WITHOUT the "bit" part in it! :lol: :oops: :lol: Yep -- realized when I started to bed that it was still plugged in on the charger. :roll:

So today we had the nursing home singing and I feel like I've been running around all day. I haven't done anything towards the house at all and I'm kinda worn out now. But tomorrow... I will be home most of the day with dgd, so maybe I can catch up then.

(((LadyM & dmom)))
I sympathize with your feeling over-booked, but I suspect the co-op will be great for ds10! Hang in there!

(((Harriet))) for the disagreeable discussion between your students. Don't second-guess yourself! I have no doubt you were the world's best at saying just the right thing. This too shall pass.

I, too, am missing exercise. And I, too, need a nap. D?uncle woke me up this morning, calling ME to see if ds was at home! :shock: What is wrong with this picture??? When I let it go to voice mail and then called him back, he said he had already called ds by then. :roll: What is the matter with this man??? If he had ds's phone number, why on earth wouldn't he call ds FIRST???
Anyway, he had pictures printed and framed that he wanted to give ds -- my grandfather in his Navy uniform and a separate picture of my great-grandfather. DS was very pleased to get them.

Apparently duncle didn't comment on the mess around ds's house, either, although ds said they just spoke at the door and duncle was gone in less than 5 minutes. DDIL used today, her last day before nursing school starts, to paint their front door. It is a beautiful shade of dark blue. They want all the exterior repainted this color, where dmil had dark green, and white where dmil had beige. It may be a while till that is completed, but ddil did a good job on the door.
Also, after realizing ddil wanted one of those coloring/journaling Bibles for Christmas and I had forgotten to get it for her or tell dmom -- dh said go ahead and order it, and it came in today, so that was a nice surprise to give her to kick off her first semester.

Hope you're feeling better, Rose.

(((HUGS))) for blessed and family (((ddog)))...

Waving to ALL!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Tuesday in the Waiting Room with Kathryn

Postby Lynlee » Tue Jan 08, 2019 9:10 pm

I spent a 'knock myself out' amount of time with the loppers attempting to cut back all the reshooting $%^ trees attempting to make a jungle, and lantana previously chopped back and pointed to that section to build a mountain range of grass clippings. All in the attempt to smother what is left. Also pruned back a lilli pilli that has low branches that potential jungle grows up under. If I don't go there I don't see it, and mowing people tend not to care.
I've filled at crammed in full my freshly emptied waste wheely bin. The green bin has since been emptied so if there is more it can go in there. I know - zero waste targets and all that. I have broken the regrowth bits off the silky oak that refuses to die since it was knocked down by the sawn song of ex cyclone debbie over 2 years ago. The sting in the tail seemed to spawn a myriad of damage in this shire.

Talking of the unpredictable trail of tropical 'storms, Penny has officially crossed the north twice recently and is having another go while officially an excyclone to see how much havock can be played. I doubt it will reach the folk still in severe drought. Some others have had record rains with 2 different cyclones making multiple attacks after reforming since the beginning of December.
I've always been taught that their unpredictability was their major factor.

I'm not sure what else is on my agenda today. I haven't attended to my readings yet, and there are library books to return.
I just finished the last one reading early when I woke before 5.
I have had some success moving bedtimes forward, even if I'm not all the way there yet.
Many things a work in progress.

I hope the man mowing doesn't mind buying his own beer with money I give him. He told me a couple of stubbies was most acceptable from someone else who he helped with their yard.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Tuesday in the Waiting Room with Kathryn

Postby Nancy » Tue Jan 08, 2019 9:45 pm

Dinner is over, soup and sandwich for h. Just sandwich for me.
I am enjoying some lemon tea.
Freezing rain in the forecast doubt I am going any where tomorrow.
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Re: Tuesday in the Waiting Room with Kathryn

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 08, 2019 10:26 pm

Attempting bedtime. Dh is asleep. Dgs is still fighting it but quiet. Dh is supposed to get up and clean up the kitchen after dgs falls asleep. I hope that happens.

We met baby J and she is perfect. The birth was so different from dgs because he was in a distress and it was an emergency. She nursed immediately and is so healthy looking.

They offered to let them go home tomorrow but they opted for the extra night. We'll visit tomorrow again. Dgs says he wants to be at the hospital or at his home. Anywhere but here. I'd consider his house for tomorrow night so have not unpacked my bag. We'll see.

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Re: Tuesday in the Waiting Room with Kathryn

Postby Harriet » Wed Jan 09, 2019 12:47 am

That's wonderful you got to "meet", Kathryn.

Lynlee, you are getting so much done in your yard. I like that way of quantifying: a "knock myself out amount of time". Will have to remember that.

A long conversation with dd about her hopes/plans for school. She had a super long day. Sent her to bed with a promise to keep an eye on her laundry, already spinning. I'll probably do a minimum of folding for her, too.

Thought a while on supper for me and threw out a couple ideas I had penciled-in. I decided on a giant salad and that way got in a lot of the foods I could check off today but - on the chance my body was considering dropping some of this weight - didn't add any that would get in the way. They had to "audition". Really good and the only harm is that I definitely have onion breath now.

The trash is to the cans. The recycling is not, but then I don't have much. I'm not going to obsess about that.

The kitty potty renovation with liner seems to be working okay, btw. I have learned that for me it helps to carry the tray over to a stair tread so that I can scoop while standing at a lower level. Better. I'm sure it seems I should know everything about this chore, but in all these years HRH has never asked me to help with it.

Time to do a bit of folding for dd and I'm off to bed.

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