A Class Act on Saturday

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Re: A Class Act on Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Apr 27, 2019 9:22 pm

I have clean sheets back on the bed.
Dinner is done.
Still having wind, some gusts were up tp 52 mph. Blowing down 6" limbs, and toppled a power pole.

Got to the green house nursery bought a purple petunia wave plant, then went to a yd sale did not get any thing.
Did a rock drop and left some puppets, and fabric bags I had made. Hid some rocks in 2 diff. Locations, got some rocks to paint.
Watched a movie with hubby, enjoyed it Hidden Figures with Kevin Cosner in it.

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Re: A Class Act on Saturday

Postby lucylee » Sat Apr 27, 2019 9:56 pm

MUCH I want to reply to and I know I'll miss a lot of personal replies that I want to make...

First, YES -- this little village of ours is FILLED with "Class Acts." (Not that I personally would feel I merit that title, but oh my goodness, YES, the rest of you definitely DO!!!)

Second, I wanted to say wow, Kathryn, (((HUGS))) for you & your community! That wind and water does look troublesome! I'm glad homes in your immediate area aren't in danger, of course, and I hope the water situation doesn't become a problem.
I wish I could easily send you a huge bouquet of fresh cut beautiful colored flowers to fill your senses and surroundings with good smells and colors.
Yes. :)

And Nancy -- sounds like you are getting an awful lot of wind too!

And blessed with the snow! :shock:

March is certainly going out like a lion, isn't it?

Well, this is why I am NOT a "class act" today (or much of the time, for that matter) -- made that list of OMM stuff... did ZERO items on the list.
DGS is purging markers at the moment, however. He found some boxes of old school supplies of ds's and he's trying out the markers and tossing the ones that don't work.
One of my disappointments for the day is my own making. There was a WWII celebration in a nearby town, where my ddad grew up, and where I still have daunt & uncle, & some cousins, and I probably should have taken dgs down there. They kinda re-create the 1940s every year and have some vintage jeeps and airplanes, etc. Dmom mentioned yesterday that she'd like to go, but I just let it pass. Then this morning, I tried to call her but she didn't answer, and I hated to go without her. DGS has no idea it was even going on, so he's not disappointed -- but I bet he would have enjoyed it if I had taken him. So I'm kinda down on myself about that.
He and dh are "square dancing" to the Grand Ole Opry on the radio right now, so it's not like his night was a total loss. :lol:

I see blessed is eating pizza too! We ended up with TWO pizzas for the price of one. LOL. The second time they mixed it up wasn't a major problem -- they just put both the half ingredients on the same side. It was supposed to be all pepperoni, half sausage on one side, half black olives on the other. So she let me take both of them. The first time, she put garlic-Parmesan sauce instead of the traditional tomato-based sauce. I cannot imagine why -- I have never ordered that sauce in my life! She offered to remake it right then, but told me I could take it home and try it and if we didn't like, to call back and they'd remake it then or give me credit. Well -- dh wouldn't even try it. He HATES garlic and it gives him heartburn. So I just called them back and took that one back immediately. We could have eaten the second one and not really complained, but by that time, I was thinking, * sheesh * these people need to learn to do this right. :roll: I asked if they had new cooks, and they said YES, actually they DO.
Everyone in town complains about our P izza H ut, but I've never had a problem with them before. They are the only game in town, though, except for the gas station that does H unt B ros P izza. (Which actually, I like very well.)

WTG on the new jeans, LadyM!!!

WTG blessed and all the rest of you on all your many TA DA's for the day. You've all been awfully busy. I promise I will do better in the coming week.
Tomorrow is another day.

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