Wednesday Wellness

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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby Nancy » Wed Dec 04, 2019 6:41 pm

I have been resting & drawing since lunch except when I walked the dog, did 3/4ths of regular route
Then rode home with h. Who was off a bit early again today.
Left overs tonite and tomorrow I will get to cook and use my new mixer! :mrgreen:
I am grateful for the break not having to do outside stuff is a blessing.

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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Dec 04, 2019 8:11 pm

Back from Downton Abbey. About 3 minutes into the movie, I remembered going to see it on opening day! It was while dh was away (I knew he wouldn't want to go) so he didn't realize I'd been. When it showed up at the second run theatre, timed with a movie he wanted to see, he suggested we go and I said yes! Honestly, I didn't remember going before. That's a sign of how depressed I was. Things weren't registering on me.

We took an elderly neighbour. Her sister is 94 so she has got to be high 80s and is a hoot! She has a wicked sense of humour and loves movies so was able to tell me about the ones previewed. So we had a wonderful time. (I didn't let her know I'd been before!) Dh enjoyed his film (animated Adaams Family) so it was a very successful afternoon.

I got the vacuuming finished, washed up the dishes and cleaned my bathroom so some housework was done. The rest will wait until next week.

Tomorrow, dh has a test at the hospital on his throat. So I'll take him to that, drive to dd's and pick up the family cradle that is being returned this weekend to dh's sister, and then pick him up from the hospital. That's the afternoon. In the morning, I'll learn how to use the new car seat. Tomorrow evening is choir practice.

Tonight, I'll do stitching.

Dh is cooking frozen pizzas for us now. They are almost ready so I need to run.

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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Dec 04, 2019 11:11 pm

Finished the stitching in just 90 minutes while I watched tv. I'll assemble the stocking in the morning and take it to DD's when I go for the cradle.

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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby Harmony » Thu Dec 05, 2019 12:58 am

(Ah, Twins) we both understand. Some men retire from a job and just walk away into a new life and enjoy their freedom. Some just can't seem to do that. If mine was healthy enough to do this work I wouldn't care what he did. But his brain is at one age and his body a different one. 2nd time around with a man who wouldn't / couldn't accept his limitations.

Went out and tried a little shopping. Unsuccessful trip. One store I tried changed all their merchandise. Went higher scale than they'd been and stuff was scattered here and there all through the store and sparse, it seemed. I used to like it the other way.

So after all that I ended up with a box of Christmas lights and a gift box in the proper size.

Dee, hope you're able to straighten out the insurance stuff. $500 a month is worth doing that for.

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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby lucylee » Thu Dec 05, 2019 3:16 am

In case anyone checks in, I’m in a big financial mess up with the phone company.
It’s making Dh and me both feel physically ill... so I posted in j&c too.
Tomorrow is another day.

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