A new week! Simply Monday PWYC

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Re: A new week! Simply Monday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:54 pm

I LOVE that, LadyM. I am constantly comparing myself to others — you ladies AND people IRL, and I’m always coming up short.
I am going to start writing my daily ta-das in my planner, along with my to DOs!

Waiting on church meeting to start now.

Can y’all believe this — our schools are canceled again tomorrow!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: A new week! Simply Monday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 22, 2024 8:53 pm

I put some jars in a bucket to take out to the shed for later cold and snowy so it can wait till I have boots on again for a walk or :idea:
the white stuff is gone. My exercise today was on my stat bike. I am close to being done with my exercise goal for the day at nearly five p m yea!

I did some knitting today.

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Re: A new week! Simply Monday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Mon Jan 22, 2024 9:45 pm

Something Nancy said: "core muscle issues". Yes. That sounds like me right now. HRH is a little concerned that it doesn't necessarily get better when I am still. I am glad (I think) that it has changed and gone from side of back, to the side, then more toward front, because I believe that is part of it being healed over time.

So, I had two things to look back on for today and here I am:

1) - that Dreaded Phone Call worked out well and it is a good thing because I was worried. Very relieved right now. Just lack of communication and too much reliance on technology when plain old conversation was all that was needed.

2) - I've gotten past the puzzle on sewing, and right or wrong, it's done in a way I could defend if taken to some quiltmaking court, lol. Yes, there were different ways, but only so much foresight is possible, and you finally have to do the best you can before your eyes cross!

I liked that "could throw them out the window but would be the first to catch them". I know a lot of folks who would fit into that.

HRH has yet another appt tomorrow - dental cleaning. I guess I'll go, too. Not needed. I'll ask what he thinks.

So glad we have one more day before rains. It is time to get out the trash and recycling tomorrow. dstepson agrees with me that it looks like the super-cold time just dodged the wet time here.

Yesterday I had what Dee would have called a God breeze during morning worship. A sermon that surprised by being very reminiscent of my late dh and then the closing hymn was the one he sang so often as a special solo in church.

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Re: A new week! Simply Monday PWYC

Postby MysteryWoman » Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:49 am

Good evening! Today was not the most productive of days. If I’d had my druthers, I would have dropped off the misbehaving work computer around 8:30 and picked it up around lunchtime (the repairs were supposed to take about 2 hours). Instead, DC wasn’t ready to leave until after 10:30 for an 11 am class! So we had to rush DC to class then run to drop off the computer. Got a little work done on the stack of boxes in the bedroom and had lunch, then it was time to run DD to work and then get DC from school. On the way home, the IT guy called and said the computer was ready; I told him we were less than a mile away and would be right there to get it. I think that may have made him rush and forget a step; when I got the computer powered up and went to log in, I got an error message that makes me think the computer thinks it is still in the shop. Left a message — hope I hear back tomorrow and that the fix can be done remotely.

And DH called and asked if I would start dinner, as he was stuck at work on hold with the bank. DH inherited an account from his dad. He got an email that he would have to take a disbursement from the account a while back. So he decided he would take out enough to get a new car, as his was on its last legs. Except that they can’t seem to figure out how he can get his money, and, thinking that it would not be this difficult, he used the money in our main account, figuring he’d quickly replace it with the funds from the other account. So we are very short on actual cash at the moment; this is stressing me out. :? At any rate, he was on hold, and I needed to start dinner, except then I remembered I was supposed to be heading to book club. Aaah!

Tomorrow will be better, right? Maybe lucylee will have snuck in here while I am writing this and I can console myself with her signature line. :) Off to sleep now.
I've got my country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder, and Guilder to frame for it; I'm swamped. -- Prince Humperdinck

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