Monday Music!

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Re: Monday Music!

Postby lucylee » Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:06 am

Thanks for the hugs, Sunny! I'm okay -- I just needed to get that all off my chest, I guess. It IS insane, though, isn't it? I think the students realize there are a lot of things going on that are borderline insane right now.
Not sure if this is district-wide or just some crazy idea that was hatched in our one building. :roll:

I just keep holding that thought that NEXT year should be my last year... dniece & oldest cousin graduate, youngest cousin will be in my class (per his mom's request), dh will be eligible for social security... just feels "right" -- UNTIL I think about all the craziness that is going on, the stressful things that give me anxiety attacks, the headaches, AND the possibility of losing $$ through this insurance c*r*a*p.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Monday Music!

Postby Harmony » Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:14 am

Lucy, I wish you well with all of that. It sounds to me like they are making snitches of all the teachers and will encourage mistrust of each other. What are they going to use these evaluations for anyway?

Glad to see Indiana on the mend.

My headache finally went away, but left me feeling spent and I took a very long nap and didn't eat dinner. Just had a piece of toast and that was enough.

I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better day. Oh, by the way, I love our new mouse. This one is the same kind we had, but being new it actually has a firm click and responds quickly. Our computer is 9 years old. Does anybody but us keep their electronics this long?!

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Re: Monday Music!

Postby lucylee » Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:24 am

* Moved this reply to members only, too. *
Tomorrow is another day.

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