June Appointments for Declutter and Organization, 2013

Share your decluttering activities and ideas.
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Re: June Appointments for Declutter and Organization, 2013

Postby Ivy » Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:16 pm

I decluttered 11 "Paper Crafts" magazines. I used to do paper crafts ALL the time- before 2004-- and before becoming a writer. The magazines are in the recycle bag to go out once it's filled up. I was sad to let "go" of them, but the happy part was how when I found scrap booking magazines in the same magazine holder, all-of-a-sudden my frown turned upside-down into a smile. I was thinking of new dgd who is turning 6 months old on July 6. :D It makes the urge to scrap book (for her) strong. :idea:
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Re: June Appointments for Declutter and Organization, 2013

Postby Harriet » Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:49 pm

HRH did a big declutter of his office area, plus deep cleaning. He's like that. He lets it get away from him. Then has a big purge and clean.
Sometimes I think it's brought on by a purchase. He had to replace one of his monitors and it's rather large and I think it just hit him that it looked better than any of its surroundings!

I have avoided taking on the responsibility of cleaning and decluttering his office. Really, that has served us well, I think.

Good point about not waiting for a full bag. If it's convenient to drop off a half-filled bag, Get 'er Done.

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Re: June Appointments for Declutter and Organization, 2013

Postby Nancy » Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:13 pm

Decluttered a couple of stacks of empty boxes out of the basement this morning and I'm doing a toy rotation.

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Re: June Appointments for Declutter and Organization, 2013

Postby Ivy » Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:08 pm

I decluttered the dining room table and DH decluttered the DW.
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Re: June Appointments for Declutter and Organization, 2013

Postby Nancy » Fri Jun 21, 2013 11:08 am

Worked on the table need to do another round on that!
I have rounded up some toys videos and things to go to the basement today.
After yesterday hauling out egg cartons &empty boxes; today my calves are sore today sewing zone sure does look better! Yea for that!

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Re: June Appointments for Declutter and Organization, 2013

Postby Ivy » Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:52 pm

I decluttered the junk drawer, which is below my medications, fluids & food journals, which are steno pads. I put my file with medications, doctor, medication info in the junk drawer, with my peak flow meter and peak flow chart, so they're out of the way of "curious" hands. :lol: :idea: Grandsons are coming for summer visits. Then I decluttered the mids area, and made the counter tidier.
I decluttered my end table top, too. I have things to read, journals to date ahead, etc... So it's best to have a tidy place where I will be working from my chair there. :)
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Re: June Appointments for Declutter and Organization, 2013

Postby Nancy » Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:10 am

The VCR upstairs is kaput so I took the videos down stairs.
Dropped of the donations I had loaded in the car today.

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Re: June Appointments for Declutter and Organization, 2013

Postby Ivy » Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:36 pm

I have two declutter jobs to do this week:
#1- empty 2 end table drawers out, on both sides of my chair in the great room, put the items into a box, sort them, and put order back into the drawers. With grandsons visiting, I don't want things, such as my head lamps, etc... messed around with, for fear they'd get broken. So I'll put things in the drawers, such as list pads, books, stationery, etc.. :idea:

#2- one of our grandsons is a fantastic writer. He spends a lot of time on DH's computer, he writes and saves things in a cloud. I noticed today, how so many old writing things of mine, when I was really young and so green, :mrgreen: are in the filing cabinet in the main office where DH's computer is. My other job this week is to take the handwritten items, old contracts with my S. S. # on them, etc.. and find room for them in my private small office, where I have files, and writing.

I want to be prepared ahead of time, so I'm not paranoid about anything. I don't want to be suspicious, but I was a VERY curious teen once, myself. :roll: :oops: I trust my grand-he's a lot, but I want to have a relaxed mind, not worry, and need to declutter and tidy up anyway. Their coming is the catalyst for my getting my act together, so this is a very good thing, too. I want them and me to enjoy their stay. There are places in the filing cabinet in the main office, which will be great for extra patterns floating around. I keep computer printouts, pattern leaflets, etc. in there, too. It's time to just round stuff up and get organized. :idea: P.S. I would be HORRIFIED if my grandsons read my EARLY writing. It's so BAD! This is another reason why I want to hide it. It's so awful. :lol:
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Re: June Appointments for Declutter and Organization, 2013

Postby Nancy » Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:11 am

De-cluttered old sod trailer is loaded and ready to go! :mrgreen:

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Re: June Appointments for Declutter and Organization, 2013

Postby Ivy » Mon Jun 24, 2013 5:15 pm

WTG, Nancy! :!: That sounds like a really great muscle-building job, too! :)

On the art table desk in our main office (where DH has his computer/games), I folded Woman's World comics, articles, recipes, inspirational things, etc.. laid them neatly in a floral empty (full now! :!: :lol: ) stationery box about 14" x 10". It fits flat on the shelf in the office there. I put the phone book holders on the dusted art table with our "important numbers" list, which is in a page protector, & put it on the top phone book.

I put pen pals' address labels, for addressing their envelopes, which is easier and easy-to-read, in a greeting card envelope, labeled it, put it into my angle cardboard chest with pen pal letters. I put my personal address labels in the art table desk drawer, with calendar comic pages, stickers, and Bible verse pages from my little desk calendar, which I use in the great room, where I pray, journal, etc... I put away a lot of things, dusted the main office, and worked about 40 minutes. Now my feet are tired. My med for asthma I inhale swells up the ankles, feet, and lower legs, in some patients, so I'm off to elevate my feel and work on a story by hand.

Oh, I got a 7" stack of old writing OUT of the main office filing cabinet because grson-14.5 is a writer. My writing was very old, dating back about 30 years, and I'd be horrified if my dgrsons read such awful things, from when I was an amateur. I have the stack on the shelf in my small office, to slowly go through. While I declutter the stack, who knows? :?: :idea: I might find a "treasure", which can be re-written and used.

I enjoyed my decluttering, but I'm so tired now. :roll:
Touch the earth, love the earth, her plains, her valleys, her seas. Rest your soul in her solitary places. ~Henry Beston

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