August Appointments for Declutter and Organization

Share your decluttering activities and ideas.
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Re: August Appointments for Declutter and Organization

Postby Nancy » Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:50 pm

I de-cluttered more out dated test strips and one broken kids book this week.

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Re: August Appointments for Declutter and Organization

Postby BookSaver » Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:37 pm

You all are doing very well in your decluttering efforts. *\o/*

Yesterday I converted several of DH's old worn-out shirts and pants into mats/cushions for the outdoors cats. There's a chair on the front porch they like, a couple of shelves and boxes in the shed. It's funny but they loved it when we had an old towel laying on the back deck, they took turns curling up on that towel until it disintegrated. "Mats" from DH's old clothes makes 1 final use before they go into the trash bin.

Can't seem to keep ahead of the paper. It isn't leaving the house nearly as quickly as it comes in. :P


Re: August Appointments for Declutter and Organization

Postby angrygreycatreads » Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:21 am

Today I emptied the garden shed (about 9 x 12) cleaned and decluttered - got rid of some big items. Now there is room for the new lawn chairs to go in there in the winter. I also moved the snow shovels :roll: near the door to be ready for {{{winter}}}. Sunday I am going to finish with the outside work and try to get rid of a couple other bigger pieces.

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Re: August Appointments for Declutter and Organization

Postby Ivy » Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:42 pm

Today I did an office makeover. :D
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Re: August Appointments for Declutter and Organization

Postby Ivy » Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:20 pm

I de-cluttered the junk drawer in the kitchen this morning after breakfast. I don't know why. Maybe it's because when I opened the drawer to take out my peak flow meter, I noticed how there were 4 rocks in the drawer, pepper spray, and I knew I didn't want pepper spray accidentally going off in my kitchen. So it's high atop a middle utility shelf off the entry hall. I was afraid if I got anymore clutter in that drawer, I'd accidentally pepper spray myself! :roll: :!: :lol:
Touch the earth, love the earth, her plains, her valleys, her seas. Rest your soul in her solitary places. ~Henry Beston

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Re: August Appointments for Declutter and Organization

Postby Ivy » Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:17 pm

I added order and de-cluttered the top 2 shelves in my office. It's looking very spiffy in here now. ;)

My next project, although I don't know exactly which day, will be to read through print-outs, notebooks, steno pads, folders, and files in baskets. If I want to keep something, I'll file it in the filing cabinet where it belongs. :idea: I'll purge what's not necessary to keep. After the basket's emptied, I'll add books to it, which I have from DD stored standing on my extra desk between 2 weighted down with magazines, magazine holders. :)
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Re: August Appointments for Declutter and Organization

Postby BookSaver » Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:34 am

Started clearing out a hard-to-get-to cupboard yesterday. Have already filled a white trash bag, didn't find anything that can be recycled. 1 section still to sort.

Found a treasure trove of almost new face cloths and hand towels. I guess I had stored them due to lack of space in the bathroom, and totally forgot about them.

Now I'll be able to do the towel shuffle. In descending order = good towels and wash cloths, camping towels, dust cloths, reusable cleaning cloths. After finding this set of good towels, I'll be able to shift all the older ones downward. Use the worst of the cleaning cloths to do 1 last messy job and then they can be thrown in the trash.


Re: August Appointments for Declutter and Organization

Postby angrygreycatreads » Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:18 pm

Going through my cookbook collection and scanning in recipes that I use so I can get rid of some of them. I have lots of cookbooks and while I want to keep many of them, there are quite a few that I only use one or two recipes out of. I am hoping to cull it by 1/2. We'll see how it goes.

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Re: August Appointments for Declutter and Organization

Postby Ivy » Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:32 pm

De-cluttered the bedroom by taking dirty clothes taken off last night, to the laundry basket.
De-cluttered the eating bar after DH returned from the grocery store and put everything away.
Later, after returning from Walmart, we de-cluttered the eating bar again, putting things away and sorted the mail, putting things away or in the recycle.
After that, I suggested it was time to start the DW before we were out of coffee mugs and a few items we use often. So DH and I worked together, to de-clutter dishes out of the dish drainer and some leftovers were dumped, so we could wash up the containers they were in, too.
It sounds like a de-cluttering day! :lol:
Touch the earth, love the earth, her plains, her valleys, her seas. Rest your soul in her solitary places. ~Henry Beston

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Re: August Appointments for Declutter and Organization

Postby Ivy » Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:23 pm

I decluttered 2 files today. I was putting contracts in chronological order, I was logging my direct deposits. I found several post-it notes tucked into my files with the direct deposits' amounts on them, which I didn't need, since they'd already been recorded. :roll: :oops:

Then, I went through receipts, logged them per the months they matched, and put them in their corresponding envelopes. I feel so good that today's August 30, and I'm up to date on this part of record-keeping and my files.

I also de-cluttered a contract duplicate and some other irrelevant items found in my files, which went to the burn trash bag. It felt so good to get this type of paper clutter out. :D
Touch the earth, love the earth, her plains, her valleys, her seas. Rest your soul in her solitary places. ~Henry Beston

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