Wednesday Whether Weather

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Re: Wednesday Whether Weather

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Feb 21, 2018 6:12 pm

want to get a changing table too but are waiting to see how the next court appearance turns out.

(((((Sadie))))) I remember those days well. I put a thick quilt on top of a chest freezer to use as a temporary changing table. We never did purchase a changing table but just kept court date after another. It was a long time before we bought bigger packages of diapers. We kept thinking we wouldn't have DS9 very long so there would no need to have many supplies. I still remember when I priced diapers in small packages vs case. It was sooooo much more cost effective to buy them a case at a time. Ditto on formula. I bought most of DS9 baby and toddler clothes at the thrift store that was nearby my work. Each time I bought something, I would be thinking that he probably wouldn't be with us long enough to use it. (((((Hugs)))) I'm glad your DSon and DDIL are visiting and staying in contact with you and DGS.

Sleet is still coming down. Everything is coated in white ice. I walked outside and stuck my finger in the ice on the ground and it is up to my middle knuckle. That is definitely not an official measurement but it gives me some information that the ice is over 1" thick.....and still coming down.

I have spent some time today working on comparing different types of food and their nutritional values. I have grouped the information together by categories (my favorite fats, grains, protein, dairy, vegetables, and fruits). I have my most eaten aka favorite foods ranked by the nutritional value. It isn't perfect but it has been some helpful information that has me making changes to my menu plans. I also made another spreadsheet with my favorite go-to meals and their nutritional values. I those ranked by Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and snack. There are several changes made to my menu plan because of this information. Knowledge is powerful inspiration to make some changes.
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Re: Wednesday Whether Weather

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Feb 21, 2018 6:54 pm

I ended up making a quick trip to the downtown library but came up short. The book I was looking at was supposed to be an abstract of wills from inception of the county to 1886, but the 1877 will I wanted wasn't there. Weird system, so I may have missed it. First 90% of the book was alphabetical by testator, the last part of book seemed tacked on and those started somewhere around 1875. Some from the rear of the book weren't in the index too. OTOH, I did get to talk to the lady who is head of the local history dept and she will allow me to present a short DNA seminar there on a Monday evening. Actually, she was thrilled I would volunteer to do it. :D

I only have about an hour now before I need to be at tai chi. :shock:

I think I'll do kitchen clean up and put away rest of groceries and have a bite to eat. Need to remind dd that I won't be home, too. And I could/should do some planning for tomorrow. I'd like to at least have a draft of the report done.
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Re: Wednesday Whether Weather

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 21, 2018 7:14 pm


quick hi again. I am so sorry that I can't (yet) see how everyone is doing this afternoon.
I have a bit of a headache.

dd younger and I have decided to go to the Chinese dragon festival - that will be fun - its at the Art Inst where there will be music as well. I am sure for children but I love that type of thing. they have music of China at 3 which will be fun to hear.

I haven't started dinner. :shock: I guess I have to be a grown up. Don't complain just do it.
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Re: Wednesday Whether Weather

Postby CathyS » Wed Feb 21, 2018 8:09 pm

Ended up going to see my doctor because my sister was concerned that I might have shingles. I have numerous cold sores that are extremely painful. Doctor said it wasn't shingles because one of the cold sores is on the right side of my face and all the others (including tingling in bottom lip making me thing more are about to surface) are on the left side. Sigh...

Dh made us soup and grilled cheese for supper. I called him to let him know where I was going and why before I left the house.
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Re: Wednesday Whether Weather

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 21, 2018 9:05 pm

so happy it isn't shingles d cathy.

dinner is cooking and dd younger is making banana bread (dd's banana bread was fantastic) :D
did some clean up but I will continue on
the dw is washing the dinner dishes :D
I hand washed most the remainder but not all but rinsed what dishes that are in the sink
waiting for the dw to finish so I can empty and fill it with the remainder of rinsed dishes
sink needs cleaning still
vacuumed surface of kitchen and swiffer wiped the kitchen, stove clean, counters cleaned :D
dd's banana bread is cooling on a rack on the counter
ordered d mom flowers :D
dw empty, hand washed dishes put away, few dishes from sink now in dw waiting for another day :D
Good night d kathryn, good night to all.

waving to you all
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Feb 22, 2018 12:37 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Wednesday Whether Weather

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 21, 2018 11:01 pm

hi d cathy - I am glad it wasn't shingles! I am sorry that your cold sores are so painful!!! hope they go away fast!

hi d twins sorry you were not able to get the information. I enjoy reading your genealogy adventures! so so interesting.

hi d lady stay safe in that weather!
Knowledge is powerful inspiration to make some changes.
I like that - so true.

hi d nancy! waving good evening to you.

hi d sadie - stay safe too. How frightening about your d son and d fiancé!

good night everyone. I watched the women's cross country ski - so exciting. They won Gold! First time ever for USA.

dh has the taxes ready to go. Yay. I should ask dd older if she is ready for the accountant.
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Re: Wednesday Whether Weather

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Feb 21, 2018 11:25 pm

Day is done. Dh was a big help with the event tonight. Reasonable turnout of 14 but 2 left right away because there was too much noise for them to here. They wouldn't move to the other side of the room so there'd be a wall behind them instead of the entrance lobby.

I'm tired so off to bed now.

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Re: Wednesday Whether Weather

Postby Harmony » Thu Feb 22, 2018 1:19 am

It's late and I'm barely awake.

I am back to normal from now on, whatever normal is around here. Got home a little after 6:00 and found DD2 here for dinner and a short sleep before she goes back out to work in the middle of the night. We had a nice dinner because I'd put the meat in the crock pot before I left and DH put the veggies in to cook in the afternoon. So when I got home all I had to do was make the gravy. And clean up a huge mess afterward. I must remember to turn on the dishwasher.

I'm glad to be back from that ice box of a place. We were all so cold. I was coughing and sniffling but I am not sick, it was from all the cold air blowing down on me.

I'm glad to be back and I'm going to wish for a little bit of memory loss of the past couple days.

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Re: Wednesday Whether Weather

Postby lucylee » Thu Feb 22, 2018 2:08 am

CI on today's activity -- forgive me for not cuop yet. I did get to J&C and have some additional concerns about dmom there. Short version -- lots of swelling in foot/calf of other leg, not the one she intended to have surgery on. Will see orthopedic surgeon on Friday (and I will accompany her.)

Re: crazy preacher -- Elizabeth -- (and anyone else who is interested) -- I'm going to do a Members Only post on that, mainly so those who don't want to plow through a lot of theological talk won't have to.

Today -- whew -- I'm just coming up for air! Thank goodness the weather here has been absolutely beautiful today, btw. I had to turn on the ac a little while ago. It was 77 degrees in the house. It feels sooo nice outside even now, but I'm sure we'll have some cold weather again before we can say winter is over.
Anyway -- Yesterday I planned out the day as follows:
ds & dh go to College Town and dmom and I go to two funerals...
:arrow: dmom did not go to either funeral, but I went and paid our respects, made her apologies to all
:arrow: went to post office,
:arrow: came home between services, made doctor's appt for dmom, talked to dh & ds on phone
followed by ddil meeting me to swap grands...
:arrow: done with no complications, ddil had plenty time to get to school,
:arrow: dgrands & I visited dmom and took her some Lasix to get her through the next couple days
followed by Bible study with crazy preacher... and I'm afraid I'm going to HAVE TO speak up about an issue bothering me to no end re: this theology...
:arrow: and I did make my point, without causing a scene
:arrow: went to McDonalds and got supper for self and dgrands, took them home b/c ddil was already home
followed by watching ballgame on tv
:arrow: and we WON by 19 points
:arrow: did 2 loads of laundry
:arrow: transferred three programs from dvr to dvd
:arrow: read paper where lady quoted me re: 4th grade teacher. Fortunately she pretty much used what I gave her, word for word. Very pleased with that article.
Tomorrow is another day.

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