Monday Fresh Start

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Re: Monday Fresh Start

Postby lucylee » Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:34 pm

That IS so shocking and scary, Kathryn. Sometimes it seems that NO PLACE is truly safe anymore and it makes people just want to hide their heads and never leave their homes. Good for you, getting out and going there -- I'm sure it helped the employees to see friendly, familiar faces trying to normalize things again as much as possible.
I hope everything works out great with ds and the new house, Kathryn!

Nice surprise for you, Harriet -- finding the carved Santas!
Hope things go better for dd38 and her talk than she expects.
I know WonderBoy will get some good input on the science fair from you, Harriet! I'm wondering if he is doing some kind of experiment with sprouts like you've been raising.

I love the idea of fun socks, too. I'll keep that in mind for Easter baskets!

The genealogy work sounds so fascinating, Twins, but I imagine it gets very frustrating at times. DS spends a lot (too much ;) ) time on the computer researching our family. I'm glad he's interested, though. He starts telling us things he's found and he remembers everything he's read. I just get lost in all the generations.

I need to mend a couple of sweaters, Nancy. Your post reminded me.

So glad you had such a good day, blessed! Especially glad dd enjoyed herself!

Dee, so glad you like the new preacher.

Hope your headache is gone by the time you read this, (((Harmony))).
You, too, (((Kathryn))).

WTG on those shelves/bins, LadyM! I think something like that would be nice for dgrands' rooms. (I wish I could afford to buy them some. DH is still watching our pennies pretty closely till this car comes in, and then we won't have many to watch, ;) )Their rooms are TINY. I think dmil thought children's bedrooms should be for SLEEPING and play should be done elsewhere -- in their case, the family room or the basement, or outdoors. But here we are 60 years later, and kids have so much more STUFF. The closets are small, the rooms are small... but the family room is huge. (And covered wall-to-wall with toys most of the time.) And there is a basement, IF ds can ever afford to have it sealed. DH and his dbro kept toys down there and played there a lot, but it is just not usable now. By the time dh & his dbro were teens, they had a large room outside the house where they kept the pool table and ping pong table. Now that is ds's music room.

I swear this is the 100% truth. DS9 just came and asked if he could get rid of a pair of socks. He said, "The socks fit my feet but I don't like to wear them because I can't feel my feet when I wear them. They just feel weird."

:lol: :lol: :lol: I am LOL!!! I must have started something. (((DS9)))
I have a friend who homeschooled with a coop kind of arrangement -- at least it sounds like what you're talking about, LadyM. Hope that all works out well for both you and ds9.

Speaking of $$$, Harmony has reminded me that we need to go pick up our tax returns tomorrow. There will be even less $$$ then... :(

I love your campaign slogan, Elizabeth! WTG!

DM showed up at the doctor's office shortly after my last post,
:cry: but in her rush, had left without her TEETH in. This drives me totally insane. How can anyone pay that much for teeth and then leave the house without them??? And dmom is SUCH an attractive woman "when she has her pride up," as she says. It just hurts me to see her either not caring or not feeling well enough to care. * sigh *
Afterwards I drove her car to the drug store -- she didn't go in -- and
:cry: we learned that she is 13 days early on her L exapro rx. :roll: Oh me. I do NOT want to have to start filling those bottles AGAIN. When she got home she said she HAD (accidentally) put 2 pills in each day of her dispensers, not the 1 pill she is prescribed. She said, "I usually fill the dispensers and then put the bottle back in the ziplock bag. I must have undoubtedly left it out and put it beside the night-time dispenser, and put them in twice. Plus, I think I remember spilling some of them and thinking, 'That's going to cause problems.'" (Invariably, if she spills pills, they seem to roll under the dishwasher or the refrigerator, never to be seen again.)
Well, it's her good luck, there are 3 or 4 pills in an old bottle that I kept here at home the last time she was hospitalized and started fresh with new rx's. This may be enough to get her by until time for the next refill. We shall see.
I told her if this happens again, I have to start doing the meds again every week. * sigh *

But better news, in a way, from the doctor. He told her there is no problem with putting off the surgery indefinitely, as long as she can walk and deal with the pain. She thinks, being some arthritis, along with the bunion/disjointed toes, that there is no way ALL the pain will disappear with surgery, and she really does not look forward to the 6-week minimum recovery time. (And of course, it could grow back... but judging by your experience, Rose, she'd be around 95 when that happened. :roll: But "down time" in recovery -- she has been told 3 weeks w/NO WEIGHT on foot at all, use knee scooter, and then 3 more weeks in boot.) He said she just needed to be watchful for sores/infection, b/c that would be a possibility, from the places toes rub each other.
She does have her carpenter friend coming this week to discuss building the ramp, however, so maybe by the time she is ready to do surgery, she will have that in place. * I still want her in some sort of assisted living for the first few weeks of recovery, though!

We also stopped by the grocery store and got eggs and rice pudding for her, then back to doctor's office to pick up my car, and she went her way and I went mine.
My way was to CVS (drug store) where I spent :shock: over $200 :shock: * and get this: * I had OVER $45 in coupons!!! I don't know WHY I EVER go in that store!!! (Well, I went this time b/c I had a 20% off coupon and $12 bonus bucks that could only be used there. Sooo aggravating though. They give you a coupon, for example, on Scope mouthwash. $1 off $6 purchase. Then the largest size they have costs $5.39. :evil: * SHEESH *
I am going to take my receipt and price check on Walmart's website right now. This is ridiculous.
:D Bright spot -- saw one of my favorite ladies there -- a member of my retired teachers group. She is at least as old as my dmom but she is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. It was so nice to get to chat with her for a few minutes.

Came home, cooked supper, s/s kitchen, dh put dishes away. Emailed dfriend I haven't talked to in a while.
Also messaged dbro during the doctor's visit and drug store fiasco to let him know how the wind lay here...
Talked with ds & ddil a while...

Sheets are in the dryer, must be put on the bed... another load of laundry in the washer, wrinkling...

What a day.

:?: OH! Speaking of toes -- I have one toenail that is VERY thick, almost impossible to cut, not b/c it is so hard, but just b/c it is so thick. It is the pinky toe on my right foot. What could be causing that? All my other toenailss seem just fine, and as I said before, thank goodness I do not have dmom's feet. My feet are not beautiful, but at least my toes are straight. ;) So far.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Monday Fresh Start

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Feb 26, 2018 11:08 pm

My pinky toenails are tricky as well, Lucylee. But they've always been that way. Fun fact, my sisters in law don't have toenails at all on their pinky toes. And were delighted to discover that neither did one of their cousins. It appears to be genetic. Like my stubby toes. My cousins out west have the same toes as I do.

I didn't get much done this evening except to clean up the kitchen and do the treadmill. Dd called so I ended up talking with her for half the time I was on the treadmill. I couldn't stop because I won't run it past 9 and needed all the time to get my steps in. Which I did.

Not being on the machine too long or being too noisy in the office is now really important as our next door neighbour has typhoid so is in their bedroom which is against the office wall. And our neighbour below us has pneumonia so dh hears him coughing away as well. We ran into the typhoid neighbour on the elevator today. He goes to the hospital daily for a course of inter venous antibiotics.

Our neighbour recovering from surgery dropped in tonight. This time recovery has gone very well (last time we took him to the ER in the middle of the night.) But he needs to be in two places at the same time tomorrow so asked me to do one task for him.

I've folded ds's last load of laundry and have it by the door. I've put food for dgs by the fridge since I need to bring half the things for his breakfast. Dd couldn't figure out how to handle his breakfast tomorrow so took me up on my offer to bring it for her. Thankfully, I had things on hand to bring.

Must rush to bed now. I have to shower in the morning and we need to leave the apartment by 7:45. We'll pick up dgs and then go to a restaurant and have our breakfast. Ds will meet us there. Then, when dd is done, dh will bring her to us (we'll probably still be eating) and then we'll go on to the museum.

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Re: Monday Fresh Start

Postby lucylee » Mon Feb 26, 2018 11:38 pm

My cousin's wife doesn't have any nail on her pinky toe, either, Kathryn! :D

Well. Here's your Public Service Announcement for the night. Guess what -- comparison shopping. I am ready to boycott CVS.
If I had had NO COUPONS at all, I would have spent 254.20 at CVS... compared to $204.73 at Wmart.
With coupons, the comparison price ws $211.76 at CVS... 198.73 at Wmart.
That's using $51.38 in coupons at CVS, while only $5.50 in coupons would have worked at Wmart.

The comparison isn't EXACT. I had to go with 180 ct store-brand antihistamine @ Wmart, compared to 240 ct @ CVS. BUT -- Wmart website broke it down to 15 cents per pill, while my math shows the CVS brand is costing me 21 cents per pill.

I also used CVS prices for both stores on (3) greeting cards, (2) picture frames, and (3) caramel candies -- b/c I couldn't find comparable items on Wmart site. So actually, I probably could have gotten cheaper prices on the cards and frames, but Wmart doesn't have the 3 for 99 cent caramels at the check-out counter.

I'm not going to BOYCOTT, but this is really crazy, isn't it? It's so much easier to get in and out at CVS -- just like Dollar General, which is usually very cheap, BUT... DG usually doesn't have the brand names and sizes I want. CVS has a better selection, but buying something there without a coupon is very expensive. I think they put their prices really high, then advertise "BOGO" or "Buy one, get second half price" and you think you're getting a great deal... but no. Every single item (of 14 I compared) was higher there except Centrum Silver Men's Vitamins. :roll:

Cereal (individual pkg) was 25 cents less, and one pkg of Lysol wipes was 50 cents less, because it was Buy One, Get One 50% off. So, that makes the price difference 75 cents off. Still. :P
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Monday Fresh Start

Postby Lilac » Tue Feb 27, 2018 1:25 am

Today was the little girls every other Monday day off from school. Dd2 took the morning off because dgd8 had a dr. appt. Her throat looked odd to dd2 and she wanted it checked. It is fine. Dgd6 stayed with me. A friend of dgd8 and her dm picked dgd8 up and she was spending the day with them. Dd2 said that dgd8 hated not being at my house and wished her visit with her friend had been on the weekend. Dd2 took dgd6 and I out to lunch. I baked 4 loaves of banana bread this afternoon. As I was measuring ingredients, dgd6 was writing down the recipe and drawing pictures. Such as 8 eggs and then showed cracks on them. I had let her break an egg which was quite the thrill. Once I had the batter mixed up, I let her hold the mixer. After it was out of the oven, dgd6, dh and I enjoyed banana bread. I had already planned to do that and then dd2 showed up with a bag of overripe bananas. I sent a loaf home with them and took one to dgd21. Karson was asleep so didn't get to see him. Dd1 and I had walked. I had a loaf for them and she was going to pick it up later. In the meantime, dgs23 had traded in his 19 year old Toyota Camry for a 2016 Toyota Corolla. So he came to get the bread and then we could see his car. He had driven his first car since the start of his sophomore year in High School. He is so proud of his purchase.

Our weather is suppose to be high 60's and 50's for a least a week. Although at least tomorrow it will be super windy. Spring is around the corner.

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Re: Monday Fresh Start

Postby Harriet » Tue Feb 27, 2018 1:35 am

I feel a little silly. The smaller Santa has the name Cliff and even the date of carving on it. And I was trying so hard to remember. lol. I suppose the important thing is that I knew exactly how we came by the carvings - in mid '90s - and could explain it without help, so the brain drawers are rolling okay. I still need to tell and show the children - dd38 may remember the minister.

lucylee that particular pharmacy does go coupon crazy. At least the "bucks" coupons that are a set number of $ off next purchase are helpful, or the ones that come by mail and give a percentage off total. Pharmacies will never be smart places to shop for me, I don't think. The feel of it is too much like a convenience store, where I make impulse buys. But any shopping trip turns into more money than intended.

WonderBoy's project is on beans. He will need reliable bean seeds to plant for a project he will continue into next week. Dd38 thought (rightly) that her Mom would have ideas on which ones. :idea: Yes - he can plant these mung beans! Nearly 100 percent uniform germination every time when I sprout, so should be great in dirt, too. Sometimes even dry beans from a grocery will germinate, but not dependable, and might spoil his plans. And when we were gardening more, we had packets of beans meant for gardens that would still have poor germination, so it's nice to say I know these are all viable.

A mouse evidently died in a wall here. Uggggghh. I hope this odor passes soon. HRH has a stuffed up nose and can't smell it, lucky duck. Surely we're nearing the end of it by now.

Meant to mention that toddlerJ, dd38's youngest, somehow flushed one of his building toys in their hall toilet. It lodged at the bend, where it couldn't continue but was not really stuck either, spinning into different positions. So sometimes the toilet was free-flowing, unfortunately giving the family a false sense of security. :? After days of confusion, dsonil took the toilet apart, asking toddlerJ over and over if he was SURE he hadn't flushed anything. ("No, Daddy!") Oh my, when Daddy reappeared from all that work with the toy!

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Re: Monday Fresh Start

Postby lucylee » Tue Feb 27, 2018 2:24 am

Yes — pharmacies and convenience stores = trouble! If I had used the $12 bonus bucks and the 20% off PLUS the $3 Claritin coupon... yes, I could have come out ahead. I think I had to spend $60 to get the bonus bucks though. Still... if one could exercise RESTRAINT and stop at $60...
—- Sigh —-

Laundry done, all except one load
Clean sheets on the bed
Ate too much

I am smiling at your dgs and the toy in the toilet, Harriet. Sounds like dgs here and the spill on the floorboard of the Tahoe. Dgs was absolutely SURE that he had NEVER, EVER had ANYTHING that color to drink in the Tahoe. It MIGHT have been his daddy. Or Mommy. YES, Mommy might have done it.
Tomorrow is another day.

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