Monday Motivations

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Re: Monday Motivations

Postby Harriet » Tue May 15, 2018 6:34 am

blessed, thanks for the info - dsecondmil's experiences have not included anything but the paralysis, which is scary enough. She's grateful she hasn't had anything else to really make it worse - they say some people have a dream (nightmare?) image during those minutes, but that hasn't happened to her. Now that she knows it can happen, though, if it does happen to her she won't get too upset. I'm sorry she had to feel foolish in dr's office and don't really know what's up with that. Maybe they are not communicating well. Stands to reason he would have heard of this.

Hurray for librarians, though.

I'll check those out, Ramblin'. I'm like you in that I usually just make them as I go. Dd19 being back home means I may make larger recipes.

lucylee, I really dislike the part about missing others' posts. I want to know what all these smart women are up to! That is Motivating for me.

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Re: Monday Motivations

Postby blessedw2 » Tue May 15, 2018 9:42 am

It happens where the dr (even though great for regular issues) don't always know everything. They can't but the dr. needs to say I don't know and try to find someone who does). Dd younger has that pain disorder and it took me writing a specialist on line to get her help. Also with her visual issues when reading etc. she needed help again that her dr. and other drs. were unfamiliar with. He shouldn't have made her feel foolish - that is a problem for her as the dr. (having not read about it is playing the powerful know all - he may be a lovely man but medicine is vast and they can't know it all - he can not possibly be aware of everything that happens - dd has changed drs. who feel that think that if they haven't heard of it then it can't be - I love the drs. who say - I don't know but let me check into it). I don't think it was because she wasn't explaining it well it is more that he chose not to hear her. We have had experience with that with dd. There are so many drs who are younger that may have learned more about this issue. It could be stress etc but it could also be that she is waking up in deep sleep and her brain hasn't caught up with her body being awake. (as it happened with dd). Years ago many drs. thought fibromyalgia was in women's minds and ignored the issue but now there medical research and journals reflect that it actually is a very painful nerve disorder. Nothing is worse that your dr. saying you are making it up - I will be thinking of her and say prayers that this problem goes into remission.

I love librarians and the internet (I only look at peer reviewed medical journals now to find what is going on in the world of dd's medical issues as these are the people who delve into unusual issues. ) I am wishing her the absolute best. I think dd found the best way to deal with this one was to breath in and know it is happening and it will pass. It also happens in surgeries where the patient is awake but can't say anything.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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