Make Thursday What You Need

The daily PWYC thread, where we gather to keep in touch, keep accountable and keep motivating each other.
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Re: Make Thursday What You Need

Postby Harriet » Fri Jan 11, 2019 12:20 am

I also bought a $7 ladies watch this evening. I just don't know when there will be enough time to travel to the real watch shop, and the inconvenience was getting pretty bad. Irritability was setting in. It does a good imitation of being nice. Small oval face, simple.

Sat up with dd as she finished an art project, and helped her set the project up to dry overnight. She also clipped kitty toenails. Evening dailies done and I am S2SlippersScrunchie.

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Re: Make Thursday What You Need

Postby lucylee » Fri Jan 11, 2019 2:16 am

Here I am, in Lynlee's time zone again, I guess!
I finished vacuuming the bedroom and master bath at 11:30 pm!
Today was filled with errands errands errands... let me put something else in J&C...

* post office
* drug store
* filled up car
* bank
* thrift store (dropped off 4 baby items -- walker, bouncy seat, etc)
* dbil's office
* insurance office

Cooked supper, cleaned up kitchen, vacuumed...

I have not cuop! Must check out what all has been going on in the village today!
Tomorrow is another day.

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