Tuesday Full of Surprises

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Re: Tuesday Full of Surprises

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:16 pm

Congratulations on the new mower, Lynlee! I hope it will bring you joy. I love the fact that the battery will last longer than you will!

I had a good time with dgsM2, dd and the baby but rushed my departure after to try and make progress home before dark, leaving just before 5.

The highway was much more open than usual so I made it 3/4 of the way without any stop and go traffic. Stopped for groceries when I got off the highway and was eating my dinner by 6:30.

I started to watch a movie but then checked email messages and realized I had forgotten to phone the treasurer. Something I said tweaked a memory and she found an envelop of receipts from me that she had not entered, and an envelop of membership money she had not entered. When all that was done, she was off by 2 cents.

She came over to visit this evening and we chatted. I fully understand losing envelopes of receipts. I had torn my place apart looking for some and it turned out I had already given them to her and she had paid me! But because of that effort, I knew she was missing stuff from the first report she gave me.

I was going to send out the new report tonight but decided I'll wait since I said in my email earlier today people will receive it at the meeting.

I have printing to do tonight or tomorrow. I'm suddenly really tired, so think it will be tomorrow.

I've been going to bed too late. Tonight I will go to bed early.

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Re: Tuesday Full of Surprises

Postby lucylee » Tue Jan 22, 2019 11:07 pm

Hello, everyone!!!
Well, we all could have predicted that I would have a slow day today after my burst of activity yesterday evening/night.

And we all know I do not handle surprises well, LOL!
I am sooo sorry for the terrible surprise of car accidents, (((Twins))), and sorry you have to reschedule your appt... but I don't blame you for doing so -- it's just too much going on at once. Better to do that when everyone can take care of themselves and leave you out of it for prep, THEN pitch in and get you to and from the appt without making you even more miserable! (My dh here did GREAT when I had mine, but under the circumstances you have described, he would have been a basket case and yes, HIS anxiety would have made me insane.)

Hope all goes well with surgery, Rose!

Lynlee -- WOW -- those temps! You are making me appreciate our little blast of winter here. BTW -- what are the coldest temps you have when it's winter there?
WTG on the new mower!

Kathryn, thanks for the perspective of comparing the two organization methods. I like what Rose said too, about thinking, will it bring MY SON joy when I'm dead? That's a really good way of looking at things. (So sweet what your ds said, also, Rose!)

OOOHHH... and I like that idea about tossing out people who don't bring us joy, Harmony! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Of course, I wouldn't want to toss dh far... but sometimes...

(((Harriet))) for the loss of good friends in church family.

What are the temperatures in your area, Nancy? I asked because you are planting rose bushes! :D (I know nothing at all about planting rose bushes.)

This is as far as I can see in topic review and I'm 4 pages behind today, so...
Waving to ALL!

I do have a few small TA-DA's for the day:
* errands for dh -- more throat lozenges, Chloroseptic spray
* reconciled bank statement
* made a quick correction to minutes from teacher meeting and re-printed those
Hmmmm... I guess that's all. Mostly I have spent this day eating and sleeping. :oops: :cry:
We ate out so there's no clean-up necessary in the kitchen.
I needed to vacuum b/c I expect the bug lady this week, but then I thought, the dgrands are going to be here tomorrow and they spread crumbs EVERYWHERE. So I did a quick spiff-up with the broom.

A thought for the day, however, from Guideposts magazine -- I'm trying to cull old issues b/c I like to pass them on to the bug lady when she comes:
"God, grant me the serenity to stop beating myself up for not doing things perfectly,
the courage to forgive myself because I'm working on doing better,
and the wisdom to know that You already love me just the way I am."

-- Eleanor Brownn, motivational speaker and author
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Tuesday Full of Surprises

Postby Nancy » Wed Jan 23, 2019 12:37 am

38 - 50* tomorrow's forecast temps. The ground is not frozen. We have rain tonite here.
Dinner is over, I spilled up the kitchen.

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Re: Tuesday Full of Surprises

Postby Harriet » Wed Jan 23, 2019 12:52 am

That's a wonderful quote. lucylee, what date was that? Oh, editing because I may have discovered that it was September 2018?

Smiling at Nancy spilling up her kitchen.

Glad you found a mower, Lynlee.

I didn't tell dd about the family leaving until she arrived home after school and work this evening. Just didn't think she needed to have it on her mind. She was shocked but not too upset - I don't think it's hit her. We agreed the young-teen son must the main reason for their leaving. He could be in a larger church and find kids his own age. As it is he's had fewer and fewer until he's just about it. The minister's granddaughter was attending for a while but she's been gone a long time. Her parents never really came anyway, but would just send her.

We had spaghetti with a high-sodium bottled basil pesto and I can literally feel the salt in my hands. Yuck. A bad decision. We were trying to keep away from tomato sauce in the evening but this is about as bad.

Well, I'm just little Mary Sunshine. Not fit company. I need to leave ya'll alone.

Tomorrow HRH has an a.m. appt. He says if he finds he can't sleep at some point in the night he might go ahead and shower early. So I'd better move the drip dries to the other bathroom.

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Re: Tuesday Full of Surprises

Postby lucylee » Wed Jan 23, 2019 2:01 am

You are right, Harriet, September 2018! I don’t know how I’ve let these pile up like this. I’m waaay behind on all my magazines — I love them, but I tend to let them sit.
When dh gets a magazine, he reads through the whole thing and then files it away or discards it, or passes it on to ds.

Dh is so sick... just hacking and coughing and moaning and groaning... sore throat, weak, but no fever so far. We both have doubts about what family doctor could do in this situation, considering that dh can’t have steroid shot or decongestants. He has added musinex to his OTC regieme. (Sp?)
Tomorrow is another day.

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