Watcha doin' Wednesday PWYC

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Re: Watcha doin' Wednesday PWYC

Postby Lynlee » Thu Jun 13, 2019 2:27 am

Sending a big thank you to Kathryn for posting the journey of her KonMarie experience. From initial disbelief that the scheme could work, to making it her own, then doing the hard yards to end up with something that works in the life and home that she and DH share. Posting the single step of one type of item in the 'everything else '. ok/ my spelling is failing me today. Congratulations on all that you have done.

I've just done clothing. I'm liking my underwear drawers.
Once and done? I think its making decisions as you live life instead of saving everything up.
I think for me the change is I can more easily throw something away now if it annoys me once too often. It really gets to the bin / donation heap instead of the ' there ort to be something I can do with these' basket.
OK I still have saved baskets of those so I guess I'm not done.
Elsewhere my chaos continues.

Kathryn is an example of getting the house in better order for me.

re scissors. Mine live where I need them. Different spots for different types, and where I am sometimes need them.

appointment. deliberately walked home in lieu of waiting for the bus, which I had not misses for once.
slightly contentious discussion today. I need something different. I'm not sure what I need exists around here.
At least we spoke of it, so I'll count that as a plus.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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