Fun Friday

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Re: Fun Friday

Postby Harmony » Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:28 pm

Twins, DDog sounds like a good companion. You need something calm and easy in your life right now.

I got my errands done. Traffic was busy as usual. We did get our road work done about a month ago and that is a relief but I'm suspecting a lot of snowbirds came this year and never went home. There are several big projects in the works and our traffic can only get worse. It used to be a sleepy little town around here...

Got some groceries, banking done, and some time at the fabric store.

I hope I have more time to do what I want tomorrow. I tried really hard to get ahead of all the paperwork. Then the mailgirl came with several things and DH cleaned out his pockets with 15 pieces of paper to process. Aw shucks.

EGAds. My worst nightmare. A car that operates on a smart phone. I watched a talk show last evening that showed how they will someday implant a chip in one's body somewhere that is like a computer...we'll be smarter than all those smart phones. Slippery slope I'm thinking.

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Re: Fun Friday

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:01 pm

DBro is doing A-okay. He is all checked into his hospital room and has Day #1 chemo treatment done. He asked them what the average time spent in the hospital for the Stem Cell Transplant. Then he asked them what the fastest time anyone has ever completed it. He was told one person did it in 17 days and that record stood for a few years then they had one person that did it in 15 days. DBro told them that he is setting a goal to beat that and is aiming to do it in 14 days. Crazy fella. I admire his courage and get-er-done attitude.

DNephew just trapped his THIRD bobcat at his home! No wonder his chickens keep disappearing.

The neighborhood kids all ride 4 wheelers and motorcycles. I am not comfortable with DS9 doing that. Yup. I know that makes me weird because the other parents all let their kids do it. I am totally fine being the old fogey. However, I know that my uncomfortableness with it makes DS9 the odd-ball who has been the one child left standing around watching his friends ride. Today i saw a go-cart with a roll bar/cage for sale. I am comfortable with DS9 driving this so we bought it. DS9 has a 5 point harness strapping him in and if he flips it the roll bar/cage will help protect him. He can now ride with the neighborhood kids and I don't have to have nightmares about it.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Fun Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:09 pm

Harmony wrote:Twins, DDog sounds like a good companion. You need something calm and easy in your life right now.

I agree.

As for the smart phone car thing, that's scary too. I'm still getting used to the idea that my car has a "go" pedal, not a gas pedal. When my foot pushes on the pedal it tells the computer to open up the throttle to give more gas to the engine. That's true on most if not all current cars. But the idea that my throttle is not at all controlled by me but by the computer is a bit spooky. My car, at least, is not connected to the internet, nor does it communicate with outside computers except through the port so it can't be hacked into unless someone attaches something to the inside of my car.

I went for a short walk because my foot is sore. Stopped in at the store and shopped for hair shampoo. I have finished up the last of my special shampoo from my stylist. The company stopped making it and he had a giant bottle that they had been using but stopped since they were no longer selling the product so he sold it to me. It has lasted about 3 years.

I didn't actually buy any shampoo but I'll go back tomorrow. If I spend $50 I get $10 off in points and the fancy shampoo and conditioner are $15 of that, plus some sparkling water and some more goldfish crackers and I'll be over half way to the $50.

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Re: Fun Friday

Postby lucylee » Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:43 pm

Our new car has that app, too, LadyM!
I am like you — it’s really more info than I know what to do with. I kept aggravating dh the first week we had it, bc I kept telling him what “grade” it gave him on his driving.
I agree — it would be great info if we had a teen driver. It would also come in handy if the car were to be stolen, I would think.

OTOH — I don’t think I even know anyone whose car has been stolen in our little Tiny Town. Except an elderly lady who went in a store and left hers running. That was many years ago. I’m sure it’s happened to others, just no one in my immediate circle, I guess.

I had NOT considered the possibility of someone hacking into the computer...

And I am NOT having any sort of chipplanted in my hand or forehead.
Tomorrow is another day.

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