Health and Fitness June, 2012

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Re: Health and Fitness June, 2012

Postby Indiana » Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:41 pm

Thank you Harriet for sharing the video. I cried through it because I identified so much with him. I loved the cats and after he fell getting up.

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Re: Health and Fitness June, 2012

Postby Harriet » Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:33 am

Spoiler alert if you haven't already seen the video.
Dd13 teared up a little, too, and said I should have suggested turning off the emotional music. But I was thinking that then the few words he does speak would be lost, and they are important, too. Plus, you've got to hear that cabinet to understand the moment. You can really see the male ego in the first clip, and there it is again when he first falls from the yoga stance. He glances the camera and he's embarrassed in that can't-admit-it man's way, when a woman could probably chuckle. But he continues in front of the camera anyway, which may be even braver for someone who is finding it hard to laugh at himself. The attitude-changes in the tabbycat photo and the last squatting photo are priceless.

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Re: Health and Fitness June, 2012

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:29 am

I cried too. I'll show that video to the kids this week.

Got a great walk in this morning after a very good one last night. Today was 4 miles and we did it in an hour which means we were walking a lot faster than I do at home on the treadmill.

Last night was 2.5 miles but we got caught up by a train. We beat it across the tracks and then realized the path was on the other side of the train and we had to walk to a nearby building and cross over the tracks inside it because the train was stopped blocking the outdoor route. This is a common occurrence which is why the building was built over the tracks.

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Re: Health and Fitness June, 2012

Postby Lynlee » Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:57 am

I've been going to yoga 2.5 years and still can't do some of those exercises. Much kudos to the guy in the video.
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Re: Health and Fitness June, 2012

Postby Nancy » Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:47 am

I did part of my walk with the two younger grand kids in the morning we went to a yard sale. Then finished the rest of my walk after they left later on.

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Re: Health and Fitness June, 2012

Postby Harriet » Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:28 pm

Lynlee, you have really been faithful to your yoga classes to be able to say 2.5 years now - great job.

Smiling to think of beating the train and then realizing the path was on the other side. But nice to just walk through an overhead building - ingenious design. You must have felt great to increase your speed on an outdoor walk, Kathryn.

Nancy, 2 deer came up and grazed with our chickens the other day, so I am still seeing some wildlife. The heat is chasing them back into the woods, though, just like it's chasing our walkers and joggers away. I think most have either moved their times to super early mornings or quit. Maybe they are doing indoor workouts like lucylee's Walk Away ones.

Yesterday the T-Tapp Tempo Arms 30-minute workout, so I made my goal for the week.

Over that one-month Calendar Event Goal push for Father's Day I did that workout 11 times. I did the Total workout once, the floor workout twice, the Basic workout twice and an hour's Zumba once, for a total of 9.5 hours of formal exercise over the month from the 16th to the 16th, mostly every-other-day. Had never really tallied that up. If I can continue to meet my weekly goals for the next 6 weeks, I'll be at a rate of 12.5 or 13 hours a month, and maybe closer to being back to a better condition.

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Re: Health and Fitness June, 2012

Postby Nancy » Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:07 pm

I'm back from my walk it was warm but not unbearably hot out a nice breeze today helped plus it dried my hair that was a nice bonus!

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Re: Health and Fitness June, 2012

Postby Harmony » Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:13 pm

First of all, Harriet, what does Sammy do when deer graze nearby? Does she go nuts?

And secondly, thank you for sharing that video. I would show it to DH but I'm afraid he would be trying to stand on his head next. He is back on the eliptical a bit most days and I worry about his hip.

I feel like there must be some hope for me. That guy looked SO good in the last pictures. Wow.

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Re: Health and Fitness June, 2012

Postby Harriet » Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:34 pm

Of course there's hope for you! You're active, work hard on the spur of the moment whenever you need to, and you're a spring chicken.

Harmony, I just almost said that in addition to the cats there was a really good-looking guy at the end of the video, but I decided it would give it away! Besides, I'm not supposed to even notice such a thing! (smiling) It was such a difference in attitude that for a second I thought the grinning, fit man was someone else besides Arthur.

I would show it to DH but I'm afraid he would be trying to stand on his head next.

It's true - Mr. Harmony is the optimistic type. He would figure, well, let's try it then.

My mother stood on her head for the grandchildren into her 80s. But then, my mother weighed 95 pounds. I might try it after dieting another year.

Sammie disapproves of deer, but they are so quiet and seem to know in advance which side of the house to approach to avoid her. The hens were actually in the fence, the deer just feet away outside it and they coexisted there a long time. If the hen's fence had actually been opened, Sammie would have been there. She wanders among them when they are out, which I appreciate. She doesn't really "herd", and in fact almost follows, so they will still end up going too far, they'll just have a German Shepherd escort.

Dd and I were outside and heard a buck "whoosh" the way they do, just that breathy sound but so loud. I don't know if he was telling anyone we were there, or if he was in a completely different conversation!

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Re: Health and Fitness June, 2012

Postby Harriet » Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:34 am

GOAL! I'm 10 pounds lighter than Nov. 1

Here's a recap of the thrilling highlights:

Nov 2.5
Dec 2.5
Jan 1
Feb 0 (right through greatly increased exercise!)
Mar 0 (ditto!)
Apr 1.5
May 1
Jne 1.5 (by 26th)

So, it only took 7 months, 3.5 weeks.

I hope no one blinked and missed the ~flash~ that was my 10-pound loss! ;) It was quite a sprint. I'm winded.

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