Health and Fitness June 2014

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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Ivy » Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:38 pm

I can't have ANY caffeine, spicy or fatty foods. :( I cannot have Tums, Zantac, or Pepto-Bismol to fight against the Gastritis anymore, because in 2 weeks I might need to take the H. Pylori bacteria-in-the-stomach test. These things I cannot take, cause false negatives, they say. The test my Dr. might need to do, is easy. I blow into a balloon, then they test that. Then, I drink a lemon-type drink, wait 15 min., blow into a balloon again. (I am not sure if it's the same balloon.) I am on generic Prilosec 1 time in the a.m., can take Gas-Ex after meals, WHEW!, & he said to de-stress. :oops: :roll: :? :cry:

I'll work on a list I have for solving problems, will write a list of stress-makers, & will also read more, crochet more, exercise more. I'll see my therapist, for a 1/2-hour appt. out-of-pocket, since she's not on my insurance plan. It's $37.50 & well worth it.

I did some Sit & Be Fit workouts on the You Tube channel tonight. Tomorrow will be more active with a Conga & getting ours & dgs's laundry done up. Dgs goes home tomorrow. I'll miss him dearly, he's so sweet, so mature, & a lovely young man.

I'll try to start walking more, again, too, because exercise makes relaxing endorphins & I have guided imagery cassette tapes on conguering fears and anxiety & side 2 is Peace of Mind. I have inspirational & religious books, too, & books on stress & relaxing, meditating, prayer, ect..... I FORGOT! We walked at the Safeway store, shopping while we waited for my prescription to be filled. So total today's exercise was about 45 minutes. :!: :P

Thank you, Cowinkie, SO MUCH on your story of the woman walker & her rocks! Amazing & lovely to read, too. It was so nice of you to share it with us. I appreciated it VERY MUCH. :D
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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Cowinkie » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:15 am

You're welcome Ivy...
After meeting her we became friends, and because her street was on my walking route I made it a point to join her for a few "laps" every day. She sure was an inspiration to me, and though it's been a long time since I've seen her, I have never forgotten her.

My scale is down today. I am breathing a sigh of relief. I was getting discouraged because I was working so hard and the scale just wouldn't reflex my work.

The changes I've made have been small. I miss my dairy in my coffee but I like my results on the scale. I also miss my almonds. However I love apples so I'm okay with the exchange. For years i used apples as an afternoon snack to maintain my weight. And the grapefruit that I am eating for breakfast are delishious.

Did three miles on my gazelle yesterday. Most of it was done while talking to my mom on the phone. I love the idea of multitasking.
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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Ivy » Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:50 pm

My scales were down again, too, & so far this week, I've lost 2.1 Lbs., but I've got Gastritis & follow a special diet for it. I have no appetite, so it's hard to eat when I feel bad after eating. Hoping this generic Prilosec will help.

My waist was 35" the other day & today it's 37" because of bloating. :roll:

We're going to walk at W-Mart today. :mrgreen: I walked 22 minutes at W-Mart today, have done LOL all day, so have been active. :)

I am off caffeine & got the opportunity to try an herbal peach tea this a.m. YUMMY-YUM-YUM! :!: It was wonderful, relaxing & soothing. I loved it so much! :)

Cowinkie, I'm glad you found a walking partner. I go alone or with a dgs or with DH or walk in stores. I'm also glad the scales are coming down for you, too. :mrgreen:
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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Cowinkie » Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:45 am

Yeah... I'm down again today and am now at my lowest weight since I began this journey. Not sure if I will reach my diet bet... It's going to be really close, but that's ok. This month has been a weird one and I must admit that cutting back one my dairy intake seems to have had a direct effect on my efforts. Also I am enjoying my fruit for breakfast

I am still eating 7 - 8 ozs of protein a day, but my gal suggested not eating and for breakfast. Didn't think to ask her why, but since I'm back to loosing weight using her suggestions will continue.

My final goal is still 15 lbs away. This weight has built in wiggle room of three lbs. I maintained my weight for 15 years by doing this so I know for me it will work. I'm just happy because I feel I am back on track.

I really fought the guilt about going to see someone for help when I stalled and gained a few lbs back, but I really trust Abby. She did so much to help me last year when my body was doing crazy things and she's helped my friend loose 60 lbs the healthy way and maintain that lose for over a year.
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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Ivy » Sat Jun 28, 2014 12:38 pm

You're doing so good, Cowinkie! :D

I did some yoga/Pilates stretches today. I'm so stiff. :?

I was down a little more today, too. :) I'm at 174 Lbs. now, down from 280 Lbs. in 1991, or 1990? :?:

These are my calculations so far, for mini goals & larger ones, too. If I lose:
6 more Lbs., I'll be 168 Lbs., which would be super! It'd make me SO happy! ;)
19 Lbs. more lost would put me at 155 Lbs., which is okay by me. Better than 280 Lbs., right? :!:
-24 Lbs. more, would put me at 150 Lbs.

& then, if I want to shoot for 140 Lbs. then, depending on how I feel health wise, look in the face, I'll try that. I don't want to go into the 130's because my arms & face look way too thin at that weight.

So I'm going by how my health feels, in baby steps, as I go down. :idea:
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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Cowinkie » Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:40 pm

Well the scale took a small bounce back up again this morning. Didn't do anything different yesterday. This is annoying. Wouldn't care if my weight stayed the same. Will be seeing Abby on Tue so thats a good thing. Just going to keep on keeping on ...
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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:51 pm

Oy, have got to get back with WW today. I ate way too much last night at the fav restaurant and ate too much Friday night while cooking. Today through Wed need to be perfect so I'm logging again.

My FItbit has gone berserk in recording floors climbed. It registered 19 yesterday when I might have climbed one, and it's registered 26 floors so far today. Website says it changes based on barometric pressure but it's really odd that this just started yesterday.
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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Ivy » Sun Jun 29, 2014 2:33 pm

I walked 62 minutes walking in the house all over big long halls, as I spoke to my DD on cell phones. :mrgreen: I've been doing laundry, to add to my activity, too.

[b]Twins' Mom,[/b] My DCousin-in-Law just got a FitBit! :!: :) She's happy about it. She's in CO & another Dfriend, in VA, has 1, too! :) How do you like yours? :?: I hope they'll have success.

Cowinkie, Well, you are not the only one who is suffering from a setback or whatever you "call" it. :o LAST week, my waist measured 36"! :) But I measured today & it's 38"! :shock: :oops: :roll: :( I "know" it can be because of the Gastritis & being on Prilosec generic & a special diet though. But it still makes me feel bad. This means I can't wear my plain size 16 (without the "W") jeans. :( I need to wear baggier ones, for comfort, because of the bloat, which are size 18-W. Also, I have 16-W, so I think it's best to get over this 2" upward swing (or should I say outward swing?) & think I saved comfy pants, so I can be comfortable. What I might do is, suck in my abs while I'm at my desk, when I do crochet, letters, & read. Just make it more "ab-control", to see if that might help. :idea: I can't give up now & the great thing is how in the 1st 10-week Calorie King Food & Exercise Journal, I'd accidentally gone up to 182.9 Lbs., but NOW, I'm 175.3 Lbs. So the weight's come down & the inches expanded. So what! I CAN & I WILL get control over this expansion. I'll be more aware of my posture when I'm walking about the house, too. Abs in, etc.... :idea: Good luck when you see Abby on Tuesday!

I would've been happy if my waist stayed the same 36" of last week, too, but being up 2" is so disconcerting. Wow. What a surprise for me. :lol: It's a good thing I saved the roomier pants! ;) I'm just so HAPPY to be 175 Lbs. now, so what if there are extra inches now. They can come down. I have faith.
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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Harriet » Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:47 am

Just reporting that Saturday I did Basic Plus workout with yesterday (Sunday) off.

Those long workouts I mentioned about a week ago were done for 3 days, then 48 hours off before doing Sat's Basic.

I'm just trying to document. I've thought about keeping a calendar and watching to make sure I workout enough each week to believe I'm improving fitness.

Have been thinking about that year of consistency I put in, with absolute dedication to 3 full workouts per week. By the end of that year I was so fit. I realize I'm older now, and really I'm not beating myself up, because I know I've been through a lot emotionally since then. And during that year my eldercare hours were not getting so long yet - after that my life really changed.

There are some new workouts I must admit interest me, and a sale on through tomorrow. Also got a coupon in the mail. HRH noticed that one and insisted I make an order if I wanted. We'll see.

These new ones talk about the I.T. Band stretching that I need. I certainly like that.

Thought today about what a shame some of the best workouts out there don't seem to appeal to men. HRH needs some of the stretching and isometrics I do, in my opinion. But like most men, he looks at my DVDs, smiles, and shakes his head, saying they're for women. There's been chat about this dilemma on the T-Tapp boards. Men have a hard time deciding to participate in any exercise that has an aerobic, balance or pilates element to it. There is a "feel" of femininity they will choose to avoid. Plus, of course, with some flexibility movements, muscularity actually gets in the way, and men think they can't do it anyway. I would definitely say that's HRH's opinion - that he's not "built for that".

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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Nancy » Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:54 am

Did some yd. Wk. Pruning & pulled weeds & walk for my ex. Yesterday.

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