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Postby DeeClutter » Wed Apr 26, 2017 7:39 am

My woo hoo this morning is that our twin boys (well our dgd's) will be born almost any minute now -she's scheduled for a C-section at 8am. Wishing her well in this journey.

On my way out the door -almost- to take dd to the eye dr. and then at long last to a neurologist. Hoping he can give some insight to her migraines and that she'll be able to finally have some meds for it. Her own dr wouldn't prescribe anything other than E xcedrin until the neurologist sees her.

Have a good day!
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:08 am

Oooohhh! More board babies. Looking forward to hearing how things go!

I'm up. Woke up early and got up early. Was almost dressed by the time my alarm went off. I'm still physically tired but mentally I'm awake. Interestingly, my sleep record is unimpressive, except the 'noise' was a very low number (it is listening to me and records when there is a 'noise' event. Last night was one of the lowest number of events I've had. The night before I snored all night so it gave me CPap indicators on the sleep graph to tell me something was up. Since that's the first time that's happened in the 2 weeks I've been using the 'listening' feature, I figure without dh there to nudge me to stop, I just sawed logs all night.

Poor dh is sleeping very poorly at the hotel. Last night was the third poor sleep in a row and he can't recall a worse hotel stay, even though there is nothing wrong with the hotel at all. He said he would have slept better night before last, listening to my snoring because he knows he can sleep through that! Gotta love him for that!

I get plastered today (literally - the window area needs doing again, it was done last fall.) I didn't ask for this (and the disruption.) I'll have to move my computer for today and tomorrow to the dining room table. Sigh....I need the dining room to hold the contents of the wardrobe in there so ds and I can move it this afternoon.

Anyway, *Poof* I have a lot of furniture and other stuff to move before 9.

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Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:27 am

Whoo hoo, Dee! Twins, too!

I am heading out with ds to be at the alteration place at 9 a.m. when they open. He needs his suit pants hemmed, so is having to show up at work a little late to get them done. I also have body work at 11:30 and need to get groceries today. Tomorrow dh and I fly away to the beach until Sunday a.m.
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Postby helia » Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:43 am

Oh, yes, please, let us know about the twins, Dee! How exciting for your family!
I hope the furniture moving goes quickly and painlessly, Kathryn.
Oh, I envy you a long weekend trip at the beach, Twins! Enjoy!!

I'm enjoying my more low-key schedule, and as a result, my productivity level has certainly dropped. LOL!

I'm a bit sore after yoga last night. She had a more difficult class; I couldn't do a couple moves -- one pose for sure -- and once or twice I was completely lost. LOL!

Travel Ramblings: Our big trip to Japan and S. Korea has been downgraded to a 5-ish day trip to Toronto, with a stop by Stratford and probably a day trip to Niagara Falls as well. Dh and I are a little disappointed. Well, dh is still going to Japan. He has no choice b/c that's one of the biggest conferences in his field, and he has a bunch of papers to give (and/or to have his grad students give) there. It's actually more work for dh to have his grad students present instead of just doing it all himself -- but it's good for them. He's also in a field where conference papers are more rigorous than journal papers. Anyhow, I've decided not to join him after lots of going back and forth b/c we're going to leave for Toronto almost immediately after the trip to Japan. The reason for the downgrade is that dh is very tied to traveling with the C family, and they've concluded this is not a good time for them to go to S. Korea. They suggested something more local, and this is the result of that discussion. This also means no helia-family-only trip before ds moves out to Seattle. . . . Oh, well. Ds might join us at our nephew's wedding in London, UK in October. The girls can't make that trip, unfortunately.

Main Goals for today:
1. WW @ 9:15-- I'm going 2 days early b/c I can't make my regular Friday meeting. Not sure what their scale will say. Usually, I need the full 7 days to actually whittle the weight down.
2. Jog 4 miles; I'll do this right after WW while it's still a reasonable temp. outside. It is just going to get warmer and warmer throughout this day, up to 80*, we're told.
3. Shop for a baby gift for a new niece in Germany; dh will see all his siblings (5 sisters) in the NL this weekend. There's a siblings-only meeting to discuss the future of the family summer house.
4. Make progress on moms group teaching. I have a LOT of reading still to do.
5. Make progress on unpacking boxes. I did 2 yesterday. I'm working on the books in the comp. room and have found most of our commentaries!

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Postby blessedw2 » Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:01 am

-I am sorry d helia that you won't be going to Japan like you wanted. I understand about not wanting to go to South Korea at this time. I am, also, sorry you won't have your family vacation before your ds moves. Hope your ds can meet you in england for the wedding.

-I am excited for you Ds on his new adventure! Exciting.

- Also - shopping for a new niece - how fun!
-So excited for your d family d dee!

So happy you get beach time soon d twins! wonderful

hi d kathyrn I hope your dh gets a better night sleep tonight. I love hearing about how your fit bit works for you even when you sleep. pretty cool.

I am not sure how the day will go - we are supposed to have rain today at noon. I really thought we had time: it was beautiful at 6 but now the sky is hazing over. I will have to check the weather. I have to drive over to d mil's house as we will meet as a family.

I fell asleep yesterday afternoon and dh turned off my alarm and I woke at 5 pm. I just wanted a quick nap because I couldn't keep my eyes open and it was such a beautiful day (bummer).

lol i keep forgetting about my harmonica practice... I think the dogs hide my harmonica. (or maybe it is dh :D )
Tomorrow is my french tutor. I am thrilled.

Also I found out that Chicago Ideas week is having a speaker on the future of robotics - I may register for it but it all depends on dd younger (she wants to go to). Sounds like fun. https://www.chicagoideas.com/events/fut ... errestrial
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Nancy » Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:19 am

It has been raining more of that & wind, Thurs. Fri, will be better. Hens woke m eat 5 today ugh. Sipping black coffee. Waiting for raun to stop meds to kick in & catching up on the news. Journaling done. I need a plan for dinner - good day for fish. I will continue on my decluttering journey in the creativity room.

At the guild meeting learned the gal that gad the shop is selling their home needing a bigger one. The one they are in is very small. I am not surprised they are selling. Another gal made up some weavings to sell in Taos N.M. she did up some hand towels. The community garden rents out their spots for $30 - $40 a season. I did not realize those were rented.

Quite a bit of construction going on in that area.
Mailed off 2 letters yesterday.

Wa hoo, today I have already made 3 trips down stairs to the basement with weaving supplies. Making space for better organizing the creativity room. So happy with this progress so early in the day. Yea! Onward now!
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Apr 26, 2017 10:03 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby blessedw2 » Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:25 am

wishing you the best on your working in your creativity room d nancy!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby blessedw2 » Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:28 am

I bought a christmas present for dd younger and older.... not exciting but on sale $50 off - william sonoma had a sale on their pots and both my girls love my omelette pan, (I know it sounds fancy smancy - but it's a great non stick - eggs etc. slid right out of the pot), so i bought each girl one for their own homes. I love when sales come around!

I wrote my french pen pal. :D
I figured out my bills for May 1 - lol what I owe is more than i will have this month... it will definitely make it interesting this month. ;) :D I always love a good challenge

go to bank... pay cc
pay back for tickets for Rav inia
pay lawn people
getting window fixed on dd's car after it got dinged

Okay I am ready for a walk or work -
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Apr 26, 2017 10:57 am

Helia: I'm sorry about the change in your trip plans. Both sound nice, they just don't compare well to each other! Look at it this way, what you have planned is better than a 5 day trip to South Korea and Japan! (And I understand anyone not wanting to head over there right now.)

Furniture and stuff is moved for the plasterer. My computer is set up on a card table in the dining room. Better height for typing and left the table for the contents of the wardrobe, which is now empty. I need a second pair of hands to tilt it up so I can slide upside down carpet pieces under the feet. Then I'll be able to slide it into position.

Behind the wardrobe I store 3 leaves of the table and 3 tv tables are tucked in beside it. Once it is moved, I have to find new homes for those items and at least 2 of the tv tables need to be within quick reach of the living room since dh and I eat at them many nights of the week. The largest leaves may fit behind a china cabinet but I'm not sure.

As well, I moved the digital piano stool and discovered it is quite warm. There is a radiator right next to the spot where I'll be storing the bins and apparently things next to it warm up (I try and keep it in the open. There's no way of turning the radiator off. These radiators play a roll in why furniture is arranged as it is. Dh didn't believe me that they were actually function until I had him put his hand on one. It is just warm, not hot, but at this point I have the heat turned off in the apartment. I have no idea how hot they get when the heat is turned on. On the other hand, the heat to the radiators will be turned off soon and hopefully by the time it is turned on in October we'll have the stuff being hidden out of the apartment and it won't be a concern.

Anyway, time for breakfast. And to start a second load of laundry.


This sat here. Breakfast is done, laundry is rebooted.

Blessed at this point, my fitbit is doing nothing for me with regards to sleep. I've starting using an app (Sleep Like Android) that does way more than fitbit ever did. More importantly, all the data is mine. The app even turns off the wifi so I know that the recording is local and I don't use a website to see the data, it is all stored on my tablet. If I want to, I could store the data online but instead, I just email myself the sleep record each morning.

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Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Apr 26, 2017 11:08 am

Waiting for my out of town friend to show up and spend a few days with me. Since I just got home she will get to see my normal home. Not worried because we were always in and out of each other's homes many years ago.

Dee... I'm pretty sure the dr will order a MRI to rule out all sorts of problems. That's standard procedures but also suspect he will give her immitrects (spelling) to begin with. Migraines are really tricky and trial and error meds are also standard procesure. Excidrine can cause what is termed rebound headaches meaning the meds ALSO can call migraines...

This is the presentation I made for my son's rehearsal dinner. Enjoy
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-xjka ... sp=sharing
Live Boldly, Take Risks, No Regrets...Jilliam Michaels

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