Health and Fitness, February, 2014

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2014

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Feb 26, 2014 8:16 am

Two under 5K days in a row. Sigh.

Without the treadmill or a walk to the store, my steps don't get done.

Like OKay, posting here in the morning to keep H&F in my mind. And I'm on the treadmill. Will do some of my exegesis now for Sunday in order to make good use of the time.

Dinner is planned for tonight (as well as my lunch which is leftovers from last night.)

Grocery shopping today. More veggies (wider range of colours) and a few absolute needed items. Today is the last day before dh runs out of cereal.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2014

Postby OKay » Wed Feb 26, 2014 8:50 am

Staying on program

Tracking food
Striving to complete Healthy Habit goals

The treadmill and I have a love/hate relationship. My current daily base line exercise is doing 15 minutes of core stretching and this 14 minute Walk at home video. I turn the sound off the video and listen to my daily Bible reading while walking. It keeps my mind occupied while my body follows along with the video. I like that both of them finish about the same time.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2014

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:57 pm

I am hoping to get to do outside execise today. I got on the scales and I am up apx. #5. Sigh since Jan. I did good until Christmas.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2014

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:54 am

Back on the treadmill this morning (and a bit of time on the bike but not working out properly, just peddling while looking up something on dh's computer there.)

Did over 11K steps yesterday between 2 miles on the treadmill, preparing the house for the real estate agent to view and a bit of grocery shopping.

Today's goal is paperwork so I'm hoping to get on the treadmill numerous times through the day for a stretch after sitting.

Noticed my knee is getting much stronger. I had a few twinges after returning home but those seem to be in the past. I'm adding more incline to the treadmill since it helps me get my heart rate up and hills and stairs wind me normally. If it is just a conditioning issue, I'd like to work on that.

The plantar faciitis is manageable. I do the 'rolling pin' exercise when I'm standing at the sink brushing teeth or doing something else there for a few minutes. I stretch it when I go to bed and in the morning before getting out. And I'm wearing the best shoes I can for the situation. We'll see how it is today after all those steps yesterday. The previous two days were very low so that rest might have helped the PF as well.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2014

Postby OKay » Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:20 am

Continuing to focus on H&F

Tracking food, exercise & sleep

My breakfast this morning added up to 336 calories. My goal is to keep it under 300 calories so I went looking for a way to eliminate 40 calories. I decided to do away with one of my drinks. I decided to compare then and keep the one that had the most health benefits.

4 oz of Fat Free skim milk (Praire Farm brand)
4 oz of orange juice (100% OJ calcium/Vit D added Simply Orange brand)

Carbs = milk wins. (milk 5.5g vs OJ 13g)
Protein - Milk wins (milk 4g vs OJ 1g)
Calcium = OJ wins (milk 15% vs 17.5%)
Calories - milk wins (milk 40 vs OJ 55 calories)
Vit C = OJ wins (milk 1% vs OJ 50%)
Personal preference = OJ wins

It looks like a tie. So I'll alternate between them.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2014

Postby Harriet » Thu Feb 27, 2014 2:00 pm

Article today on dehydration in CNN Health explains well the hydration myth that you can get water from solid food and not need to drink a recommended amount of water in cups. 15 high-water-content foods are discussed to explain what KINDS of foods will let you do this, and it's not burgers and fries!!!! It's fruits and vegetables with more than 90 percent water. The one with the least water of the 15 is cantaloupe, to give you an idea. These are foods that a person would sense are quenching thirst. So, if you are eating a lot of watermelon, cucumber, star fruit, etc., then yes, you are adding to your water intake with solid foods. Otherwise, go reach for your glass!

Glad to hear of improvements, Kathryn.

Thinking of blessedw2.

I've had a small loss - not enough to be sure it isn't water weight changes.

I go back and forth on coffee. You hear good things. Then you hear bad things. Most recently read about coffee interfering with thyroid meds, and that that might explain continuing tiredness in those who are faithfully taking their thyroid pills. Sigh. So I've quit for a while to think about that. I suppose coffee would not interfere after a few hours. It's 4 hours before you're supposed to take iron or a multi. But 4 hours after morning, that might not be when I'd enjoy coffee. Don't know.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2014

Postby Nancy » Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:21 pm

The pharmist said I could take tnyroid
And have a cup of coffee.
Posting while I am on the exercycle, next up gazelle it is dark and sleeting out so a walk was not the favorite choice. On the gazelle now.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2014

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:40 am

Made 10K steps yesterday by spending 5 minutes on the treadmill while I flossed and brushed my teeth last night. Dh couldn't figure how I got so close since I appeared to be seated all day but I was exercising for an hour before I sat down and that made a huge difference.

Back on the treadmill again for another good number day. With the church supper tonight I'll be active (and up and down stairs as well) for the last part of the day. May as well start with a good 5K+ number of steps and I'll be sure to make 10K.

I won't make the fitbit goal of 70K for the week because Monday and Tuesday were well under 5K each but I've made up a lot of ground and will definitely make at least 60% of my goal.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2014

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:52 am

I got in over 10K steps yesterday - I was at 9938 on Fitbit but didn't put it on until late morning, after I had done most of the straightening up for the dcleaning lady. I think we will be walking a lot on on this trip - hopefully to offset poorer eating choices.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2014

Postby OKay » Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:00 pm

I'm impressed and happy for those making effort to achieve their goals.

You are inspiring me. :)

Still tracking nutrition, exercise and sleep.

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