February Clutter Control

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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby sherinjoy » Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:56 pm

Big High 5 to Harriet and Blessed!You two are pushing through old stuff that no longer serves anyone - always a big accomplishment. Glad to see I'm not the only one that gets paralyzed when facing old dreams, hopes, wishes and knows I need to let go. I'm still decluttering everyday, keeping up my list of 365 days of the year. Been focusing on paper and books, but need to branch out into other rooms that could use a once-through.

See ya at the recycling/trash bin!

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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:54 pm

great job sherinjoy for donating daily!!! that is wonderful
and thank you for your kind words.

todays donation: got rid of slide projector which works, but don't have slides anymore
end table in great shape but no use
tossed a huge bag of garbage.
more tossed... happy dance
I also last week, got rid of instant polaroid camera which worked beautifully but with the digital we don't need it.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby sherinjoy » Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:14 pm

Blessed You are amazing. Momentum is a powerful thing, and you used it all week to get to today's wonderful release! Stand back and admire your accomplishment, as I cheer for you. What an example you are for us all. Thanks for the hard work and inspiration.

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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:29 am

momentum is powerful isn't it. It seems each year I have gotten rid of tons but I have been holding on to the hardest stuff and letting go at first was horrible. but your right the momentum builds and each thing is easier to get rid of. thank you for your cheering . it really means a lot!!!
It is really freeing, first is the confusion, withdrawl from the space, frustration, heartache, depression, then the fire and then the freedom. trying to enjoy my family instead of moving things over and over again.

donation day freedom done for today! feb 18, 2009 went to donation shop (made 2 trips)

tomorrow's goal: donation shop, I have a lot :D

today: feb 20 let go two pairs of shoes and a really nice table cloth I bought at christmas but doesn't work
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:07 pm

After the close call last summer and life flight to the hosp.
I have a renewed sense of urgency getting excess "stuff"
out of here so family do not have to deal with it when I die;
hubby has been great seems to understand my perspective
and delivers the stuff we put in the trunk each week.

Today I was able to sort some books and
loaded them in the car trunk.

Last month went through the storage craft sewing zones
made great progress.

I have a renewed sense of purpose now and got past
that feeling of over whelm and being bewildered that
plagued me for a while. Just getting one place to begin was a key.

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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:56 am

first let me tell you how happy I am that you are feeling so much better!!!
And really wonderful wonderful progress. I understand deeply how you feel about not leaving the family with all the things that aren't really important. Great great work!!!
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby Harriet » Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:37 pm

Nancy, please be well. Do the work as long as it pleases you but also take a break from it and forget it anytime. I'm sure you are taking very good care of yourself and also that dh is being good to you. Thanks for posting.

Hopefully, dd10 and I will get a chance to go through her closet again with dd29 coming. She can send hand-me-downs to dsil's little niece and know they are appreciated, will be used. Loved doing that last visit.
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby bittersweet » Sat Feb 21, 2009 8:21 am

So...a wise friend of mine (bw2) was recently discussing all the reasons why we keep stuff..and there I was, nodding my head in agreement with each and every one of them. Then she said something that is soooooooooo me!!
your mind is always thinking what you can do rather than acting on it
I have to find a way to manage my time better, and deal with some of the clutter and mess in this place!
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:57 am

hi b is sweet~~~ waving at you, I have been the Queen of not acting and thinking of all the grand things I would do. I really have gotten to a point where I see it as - what a waste of time. I have moved more things back and forth then you can imagine !!!! cheering you on as you work!!! I started with magazines first (believe it or not), I kept only the sheets I thought I could use and filed them, also I could only keep the current month. As soon as the new one came in the last one went out.

new struggle:
Dd19 is trying something new on me... she is worried I will give everything away. I am keeping what works for the house. She is afraid that I will go the opposite way. sigh, I have to learn not to listen. I am kind but will continue on the plan. She is afraid I will become obsessed and give it all away. sigh.

I have had this type of thing all my life, don't do this because ... I remember I was given the opportunity in my 20's to go water skiing. dh talked me out of it as he didn't think I could do it. I really wanted to try but sat there instead of opening my mouth. I never went water skiing and now I am out of shape and over weight and could never do it now. I am not angry at him at all, just frustrated with myself always letting others talk me out of things. every time I got into exercise I always had someone say you can't go every day what about us. I am learning it is okay to be selfish for your health and well being but being able to balance it with family. I have noticed this guilt process with dh when we were young, he is wonderful though... he learned pretty fast. dd19 is very good about trying this on and doesn't even realize it. I have to laugh because I have met many an old woman who become stubborn that it is their time and they can say or do what they want as they are old enough. I understand where that comes from ;) Don't get me wrong, dd19 is one wonderful girl but I think she fears I will be ocd about getting rid of everything. but I know I wont

about family guilt: I went to a garage sale many many years ago and a woman was selling her passed moms ceramics, she had a house full of clutter and now was having little ones. Her sister came by when we were there and was appalled that she was getting rid of their moms clowns, cookie pots etc. "how could you get rid of this". Funny thing is she didn't want it. The sister guilted her into putting the clutter back into her house. If it was that important to her she should have taken it. The big thing the sister used was about the grand children, what will they get of mom type thing. I am sure there was many things that were special from their dmom by judging the garage sale. This has given me thought as I clean out my own home. My grandma's sweaters (many) were one of those things. everyone took one. I received the rest. I didn't even tell anyone as they wanted them to stay in the family but no one else wanted them, for them knowing it was at my house was fine. So I let go of the guilt and since no one wanted them I donated these beautiful sweaters. Someone else was blessed.

the reason for writing all this is to help me stay strong. it's terrible as it becomes as the expression goes one "my demons". Now I am struggling with self doubt, can't let that happen. I tend to drop things if someone has a problem with things even if I know its right. Help keep me strong. dd19 doesn't realize the impact this puts on me. She is afraid that I will be ocd and give everyone everything. actually for the first time I am keeping what IS special to me and displaying it. So I have to really let go of the negative and keep working on what I know is right. dd19 is very stubborn about what is right for her so I need to stay calm and just do it. :D (convincing myself :D )
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby bittersweet » Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:34 am

Wow, bw2!! That was a seriously awesome post you wrote..and SO true!! My ex spent years telling me I couldn't do this or that, and even though he's long gone from my life, the effects of his words are still with me.

When my dad passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack in 1995, I somehow inherited the majority of stuff from his office. It took about three years before I could even let go of things like 20 year old books from tax conferences he went to. Bit by bit, I got rid of all of it...I think all I have now is his pipe rack (with a few pipes), his Eddie Bauer hat, and his big buffalo wool sweater that I wear on occasion.

My biggest bugaboo is crafting stuff...there's so many crafts I want to try, and I think I have the stuff to try almost all of them...yet I haven't. I need to start taking a hard look at whether I'm actually ever going to try these crafts, or just let the darn stuff go.
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year." Ralph Waldo Emerson

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