Health and Fitness June 2014

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Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Jun 02, 2014 2:18 pm


In this thread we chat about keeping ourselves strong and capable as we pursue our calling as homemakers. Our family members may need to lean on us, and we may need to lean on them. Proactive medical answers, sensible consumption of healthy food and water, getting enough rest, and getting enough activity, too - these are all part of our plans! Helping each member of our households work in all their healthy habits is priceless!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:08 pm

DH and I have taken the return to home from vacation as the start of a better eating change for us.

So far today, I've okay. We're approaching the time of day when I feel ravenous however. I've had fruit and 2 T of hummus as a snack to hopefully hold me over. I need to get started on supper. Dh will be home late after bowling.

Breakfast - two eggs scrambled with spinach, basil and rosemary, three slices of turkey bacon
Lunch - sandwich thin bun with deli turkey, a slice of cheese, lettuce, tomato and dijon mustard.
supper - grilled chicken breast (with leftovers for dh and for later in the week) and roasted zucchini and squash
Lots of fruit in between for snacks
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Jun 02, 2014 7:39 pm

I've been meaning to get here all day to chat a bit. While away, I read the new book Salt Fat Sugar - How the Food Giants Hooked us. What an eye opener - yes, I probably knew already how bad processed food is, but the lengths that the industry goes to to hook us is eye opening. One of my favorite foods is french fries - the trifecta of fat, sugar (potatoes) and salt! It really drives home the need to stay off of the processed stuff!

I also read a lot of The Power of Habit - Why we do what we do in Life and Business. I got bogged down in the a lot of the organizational behavior parts. One of the concepts he mentions is "Keystone habits" or habits that cause other behaviors to occur. Here's a link to an explanation of the Keystone habits: ... verything/ He mentions that exercise for many people is a keystone habit and I'm realizing that was what happened when I lost weight a few years back when working with a trainer three days a week.

Lots to think about - not exactly your typical beach reading, but after that I started a biography of Robert E. Lee....
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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Nancy » Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:30 pm

Yard work was my exercise today this morning.

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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Cowinkie » Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:58 pm

I joined you with the yardwork poor sunflowers are really feeling the effects of 110* heat.

Twins..Harriet and I are always discussing the effects of sugar. I have cut all sugars out of my eating plan including artificial stuff. Jorge Cruise is the person who opened my eyes up to that after I read the history of how sugar was introduced to people starting back in the 1500's. Becoming educated really is an eye opener.

Something that is helping me when I get my sugar cravings in the late afternoon is to drink a cup of hot tea. I drink orange spice. because except for my morning two cups of coffee, I have also cut out most of my caffeine.

My weight shot up a half a pound for reasons I'm not really sure of. My dietbet is on Wed., so I am trying to knock the scales back down. One thing I realized is I haven't take some of my natural supplements which keep my innards regular. Jumped back on them this morning and won't make that mistake again.
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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Ivy » Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:20 am

I'm still on a soft foods diet b/c of the root canal, so if I eat Tapioca or Rice Pudding, I don't get on myself, as long as I don't have too much AND I'm counting the calories of those indulgences.

I did a Round 1 today for 60 minutes of exercise/movement, plus heavy lifting. I did 2 lol, too.

I'd like to start to get back into the habit of:
1- a.m. stretching & standing yoga moves
2- walking 30 minutes daily either in-house or outdoors or both.
3- doing my Pilates/Yoga DVD again.
4- riding my recumbent stationary bike.
5- doing my Richard Simmons' power bands workout 3 times a week.
6- get back into doing my T-TAPP DVD I bought, with short demo workout segments I do one after the other AND other T-TAPP moves.
7- I'd love to get my mat back out to do back exercises on it and my balls routine with small balls, you lay on, to massage portions of the body, which are giving pain. :idea:

I have plenty of a variety of things to choose from, but need to get motivated to actually doing them.
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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:39 am

Oh my! I scrambled my eggs this morning with mushrooms, spinach and a little goat cheese. Excellent! I love the slightly sour taste of goat cheese and I estimated I only used 1/2 an ounce, (1/8 of container) but it went a long way toward making my taste buds happy.

Yesterday I actually ended up not eating all my points. Grilled chicken breast was low pts and zucchini and squash were zero except for a little olive oil for roasting.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Cowinkie » Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:39 am

Wtg twins..

Stepped on the scale this morning and phew... I lost a pound. That means I'm under my dietbet weight and should win my two dietbets tomorrow. I'm going to take my winnings, flip them and play my next game which starts tomorrow. It will cost me $100 but my winnings from these last two games should cover it.

I love playing these games... I'm down almost 15 lbs all because I'm betting on me and I hate to loose ;)

If I calculate my weight right I will need to lose a little more than 5 lbs this month to hit my 4% body weight goal. This I so doable for me and so much fun. It's a win/win for me ;)
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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby OKay » Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:14 pm

I just love coming here and seeing your successes!!!! BRAVO!!!

Goat cheese....YUM!

Bad news -
I lost my fitbit last weekend. I kept thinking "as soon as I find it, then I will start tracking again". **VBSigh**
So I've had my "head in the sand" which means ignoring exerise, sleep, scales, weight, intake.

Good News -
LO found my fitbit today!!

I'm starting again.

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Re: Health and Fitness June 2014

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:36 pm

So glad it was found, OKay. I had to buy a new one after it went through the washer one time too many.

I need a grocery run tomorrow. We were away then I just had time for a quick trip through yesterday. I'm good on pts again today, but it's partly because we're out of so much.

Weighing in at WW tomorrow, haven't been in weeks. Dh and I are going out to eat w friends tomorrow night so that will be a challenge.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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