Health and Fitness July 2014

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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:39 am

I'm still consistently logging food on MFP, monitoring water intake to get in daily ounces, walking on treadmill daily, eating 10 vegetable/fruit servings daily, etc. but I need to take it to another level in order for the weight loss to happen. I'm headed toward adding in more low carb meals. I don't have any desire to go entirely low carb (I have no intention of giving up veg/fruits), but I need to do SOMETHING. So when it is an easy food choice, I choose low carb. When it isn't an easy food choice, I just go with it. Maybe I'll eventually become hard core low carb which might be necessary to get this weight off. Until I'm ready to make that commitment, I'm refreshing my LC recipe collection and giving them a try.

This morning I made LC pancakes. They had a hint of sweetness so I served them without any syrup with just a dab of butter on top and with a slice of bacon. They were okay and very filling.
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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby FelineFriend » Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:54 am

I had a .3 Lb. loss this week. I am 174.1 Lbs. this a.m., but this week I was 173 Lbs. for 2 days. However, I've had some salty foods and did some snacking, for 2 days, which is why my weight went back up. :oops: Or didn't stay as low as 173 Lbs. ALL week.

I see my Dr. this week, will be weighed in again, he'll be happy (I hope) because I've lost, but he may be a bit concerned because I've lost several Lbs. in a short time. But being on the Gastritis Diet makes me lose faster. I find, too, how I can eat a lot of new foods, which I'm not used to and love them. :D

I walked 30 minutes yesterday, plus did housework about 20 - 25 minutes, so I slept from 9:40 p.m. - 5:25 a.m. :shock: I feel rested, have a temptation this week, but I hopefully can "overcome" it. Dgs-14 is arriving in a few hours. There are cookies here, trail mix, ice cream, ice cream sandwiches and ice cream bars, and I "NEED" to let Dgs have HIS food, stay away from it, because I DO want a good weigh-in at the Dr. this week, too.

My goal is to be able to wear my size 16 (WITH NO "W") jeans, comfortably ALL day long. I'm almost there. :!:

I walked 1/2 hour while on my cell phone with DD and did 3 LOL, for activity today. I've been on my diet today, have had no desserts, no snacking and feel "in control." Maybe since I'm seeing my Dr. this week, it's motivating me to do my best. :idea: I need to make it throughout this Dgs-14 visiting week, until the 26th/Sat. when he leaves. If I can stay out of the cookies, ice cream and ice cream treats and trail mix, it'll be great. Hoping to have a loss of at least -1 Lbs. for the week, come July 27, through abstinence from sweets, snacking, or stress-eating. I'm hoping, too, that August will be a promising month of self-control, too, because my physical's near the end of mid-month. If I can make it through August, being abstinent from sweets/binges, I'll be at a good place, for my next weigh-in in Sept. I'd love to be in "control" throughout the holidays, too. It won't be long before Halloween candy, Thanksgiving Day and holiday sweets in Dec. and celebratory foods on New Year's Eve will be here. I turn 63 in Jan. and hope to be at goal or within 10 Lbs. of goal. My hopes are to be at goal for my 45th W/A on 9-5-15. ♥ ♥ Since it comes off slowly, I make my goal dates ahead. Then, if I attain that particular goal early, I make a new one. It keeps me motivated and inspired, too. :mrgreen: It doesn't need to be a painful journey- weight loss. It can be one of enlightenment and one of peace, too. :idea:
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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:36 am

FF - you are doing so well working your plan! YGG!

I miss RamblinRose. I hope she is having a wonderful time and look forward to her return!

Alrighty! I'm past our Anniversary blow-out (calorie wise) and the weekend challenges are done. It is time for me to get back into the groove of weight loss. My goal is to lose 2 lbs by next Monday.

This morning I was on the treadmill 20 minutes and then worked in the garden for over 30 minutes. My muscles have a nice tingle feeling to them. Not overworked but they have a nice "I have been used today" feeling.
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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jul 21, 2014 3:14 pm

Missed posting yesterday but there was nothing really healthy about the day except I made a concerted effort to drink water. And had fresh berries for my dessert. Not sure I had anywhere near enough veggies, through the day, though.

I've switched back to caffeine free tea as well since I'm no longer moving. During the move I had to use the full-strength stuff (along with Dr. P) to get through the days.

I'm really tired today and doing nothing. Didn't get dressed until after noon. Haven't done a thing except load and run the dishwasher. Oh, and make a healthy lunch.

There's fresh raisin bread here and ds is not eating as much of it as I expected. Now he's moved back to the house for a few days so I'll be eating the rest of it. I suppose it is better than corn chips (which I ate a lot of last week after my purge diet was over.)

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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby Nancy » Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:01 am

I got plenty of ex. this weekend doing yd work loadibg tree branches got some extra walks in as well trying to get photos.

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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:07 am

After eating healthy ALL day yesterday, I bombed it by night time eating. A bowl of cereal and nibbling on 1/2 cup of shredded cheese put me 300 calories over my daily goal. I have been doing so good with my night time eating weakness, so I'm going to consider last night an **OOPS** and move on.

I have a stuffed head and runny nose - maybe a summer cold? I am dragging this morning so went with bare basic habits. All I'm required to do is get on the treadmill.....and that is what I did. Step on treadmill with water bottle in hand....stare at the controls....then stepped off. I have been very consistent in my treadmill walking for weeks, so this isn't raising concern with me. I'm okay with having an occasional day off when my body needs it. However, I won't be okay with 2 days in a row!
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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:59 pm

Made a healthy choice for dinner tonight. We were on our way to a burger joint when dh saw Chinese so he broke off and went there and I chose Subway.

Also did a 6 mile bike ride.

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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby FelineFriend » Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:44 pm

Only walked to and from the car at the Dr. office today.
Dr. suggested for me to exercise more or increase my activity level.
I printed up some suggestions to get motivated to exercise, how to get in more activity, etc... :idea:
I think I'll start using my timer more, cut down computer time, do more things on the house, walk, bike, etc.., too.
I see him in mid-Sept., so maybe I'll have firmed up some.
DH said, "Exercise and weight loss are two different things!"
I said, "Exercise is exercise, but what about weight loss?"
DH said, "With exercise, you're building up muscle, are toning up, and it's good for the muscles and bones."
I said,"Oh, that's right. I've got osteoarthritis and Fibromyalgia, so of course he's suggesting more exercise/activity, for my muscles and bones to be stronger and have less pain."
DH said, "It sounds like that's what he's meaning."

So, I shall try my best. I was only showing a 2-Lbs. loss on their scales, when at home, I showed a 4-Lbs. loss - 5 Lbs. loss in my underwear. My nurse said it could be what I was wearing. I wore very lightweight clothes last time and today, I wore a pullover sweater and jeans. She agreed that what I wear has an affect on the scales, too. By my scales, I was 173.7 Lbs. and by their scales, about 10:15 a.m., I weighed 176 Lbs., even. But last time, their scales said 178 Lbs., even. Mine at home, said something like 175.6 Lbs. the day of that appt. I'll keep motivated with that mid-Sept. weigh-in in sight. :idea:
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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby Harriet » Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:00 pm

LadyM, it could be allergies, of course. I kind of hope it is, in case that means it will be short-lived and not affect anyone else. When you are not feeling well, pushing yourself to exercise is less important. No reason to just drag yourself out. Rest is also a priority for health.

BookSaver's mention in PWYC that she was exercising gave me a push and I did 40 minutes of T-Tapp today in 2 workouts, half standing, half floor. Felt really good. It was too long a weekend away from exercise, for sure. I tend to need Monday for a decompress-day.

Because so many times during preparations on Thursday, Friday and Sat I felt I just had to sit down and had moved to the point I was achy in hip/leg/feet, I will let myself off the hook for getting "only" 2 hours formal exercise last week. But I definitely want to be back to 2.5 this week.

Best News of All - dd34 feels well enough to get back to T-Tapp and managed 20 minutes Saturday. Happy for her.

HRH cooked this evening and although I am grateful in many ways, it was Italian and I can feel my fingers swelling! :roll:

FFriend, you had a loss to show - that's still very cool 8-) even if it was more at home. There are so many variables. :? Was it exactly the same scale in exactly the same spot on their floor? Also, what was the time of day and had you eaten the same amount during the previous part of the day both times? What if they happened to readjust their scale in the interim? :lol: Could be anything. No, exercise and reaching for the best weight don't just equal each other - they both have benefits and are both worthwhile. Exercising often means the scale sits still or even moves up, while some reshaping takes place. If that happens, how cool is that.

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Re: Health and Fitness July 2014

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:14 am

The scales are down 1 pound this morning.

I compromised and did 10 minutes on treadmill this morning. Nothing spectacular other than I did show up and make an effort.

I have never had problems with allergies so I think my stuffy head/runny nose is a summer cold. I took a nap late yesterday and woke up sweaty. I suspect I am running a low fever but I haven't bothered to check it. I am keeping water intake high and getting plenty of sleep so I expect it will be better soon.
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