Health and Fitness, August 2014

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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2014

Postby FelineFriend » Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:48 pm

I deleted my "venting" about my continuing to receive the same exact Dr. patient appt. receipt, which states: "Patient suggestions are move more or get more exercise." :roll: Hello! I've only lost 110 LBS. and ONLY need to lose 20 Lbs. to be at 155 Lbs. for my 5 foot, 5.5-inch height, at age 62.5. I'm so frustrated now because I've been on a plateau for over 10 weeks, I see my Dr. for a physical, in 3 weeks, and my weight's the same exactly or even a bit higher, by 2 Lbs. or so.

I NEED to be REAL GOOD for the next 3 weeks, so I put some calendar email reminders on, to notify me throughout the day, of things I need to do and remember, to keep on track. I'll try that method, as well as count every morsel of food that enters my mouth, and will try to move more, exercise more, etc....

Also, the nurse said patients can only bring up 3 things during their appt.'s or they'll be charged extra for extra "stuff". :( I believe #1 priority is to talk about the thyroid level, my plateau, my 110 Lbs. weight loss to date, and needing to lose 20 Lbs. more, and my frustration. I just can't think of anything more pressing than that to talk about. It has to do with movement, exercise, losing weight, getting to goal, and I think he need to know how frustrated I am, too. :idea: His wife's a dietician/nutritionist and my Dr. is my age, he's slim, and he must have some good suggestions.

Only 3 weeks to go and I get to talk to him. I usually print out 1 computer page of information for him, and if I can formulate my words on paper, all he needs to do is read it, at my appt., and we'll take it from there. :idea: With Autumn and Winter looming with holidays, I don't want to fall into the trap of winter weight gain. I can't afford to gain, because of arthritis, fibromyalgia and the joints. I NEED to lose,to have less pain and that's just the way it is. So, tomorrow's Labor Day, I face a root canal or crown, and I face a new week, too. It'll be the beginning of week #21 for me, as far as my calorie counting booklets go, too. I just need to hang in there. :idea:
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Re: Health and Fitness, August 2014

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:01 am

(((FF)))) YGG!

Nancy - I admire how consistent you are. POTB!

Harmony - Congratulations on weight loss. Slow is better I think so you are doing great.

RE: How steps are counted. I think it depends on the pedometer being used. I wanted to know that answer too so looked it up for the brand of pedometer I use (FitBit). The explanation helped me understand why my steps were low during the 3 hours I was constantly on my feet and working HARD at the fair. I was bending, reaching, stepping all at once in a limited space so it didn't recognize my effort as a step. Makes sense to me now.

Cut from fitbit site -
Fitbit trackers have a finely tuned algorithm for step counting. The algorithm is designed to look for motion patterns most indicative of people walking. One condition for a motion pattern to be recognized as a step is the motion must be large enough. The algorithm implements this by setting a threshold. If a motion and its subsequent acceleration measurement data meet the threshold, the motion will be counted as a step. If that threshold is not met, the algorithm won’t count the motion as a step. Other factors can create enough acceleration to meet our threshold and therefore cause some over counting of steps, such as riding on a bumpy road. Equally, it's possible for the algorithm to undercount (not meet the required acceleration threshold). Examples here include walking on a very soft surface such as a plush carpet.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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