October's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

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Re: October's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Oct 19, 2014 10:47 am

sweet friend . You are doing awesome!!!

things that helped with my magazine wish list/knitting instructions, cross stitch patterns, scrap booking: (esp decorating/halloween/thanksgiving/christmas)- scanning them and storing them on my computer - as well as pinterest (I found most of the magazine or craft book ideas that spark my interest fade over time and I erase them)

Thanks about the garage sale...was it worth the work... lol no... did we get rid of a lot yes.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:51 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: October's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Postby Nancy » Sun Oct 19, 2014 10:59 am

Folks here seem to be joining groups on fb to sell items locally. And larger items on Craigslist if you have a camera and tech savy person to help post items to sell. I have not gone that route.

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Re: October's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Oct 19, 2014 4:09 pm

interesting i will check d nancy

I made a decision re my Watts ware... it is worth nothing really now but in certain areas they are still considered collectables even though not at the same price they were bought at. So I am giving them to a children's cancer charity for them to use at auction or sell at their local charities. I just have to drive it up north one weekend.
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Re: October's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Postby FelineFriend » Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:06 pm

♥ Blessedw2, That's such a LOVELY thought, for you to do that with the Watts ware! ♥ You'll truly be blessing others. :D Nice story to hear/read. :mrgreen:

I found myself in an "awful mess". :roll: :lol: :oops: :o :shock: :? :( Well.... I decided to go to our MBR to crochet on DH's side of the bed, propped up with my 2 pillows, in front of his, against the headboard. First, I hung up 1 nightgowns & 1 Muumuu on the chair in there. I opened the blinds, on the bay windows, only to find dozens of cobwebs in the blinds and between the blinds & window! :o :oops: :( I got the Swiffer hand duster, I dusted 2 blinds, taking turns, to a movie as I crocheted. I decided to let the last 3rd bay window blind to wait until another day though. :idea: I dusted the MBR, then dust mopped the fir floors in there and the walk-in closet. DH dusted the entertainment center, and I rearranged all my clothes on 3 sides inside the walk-in closet and put away 1 LOL. So by my wanting more sunlight, along with the cans and ceiling fan light being on for more light, to crochet, I ended up dusting our MBR! :P Also, this week's the week for FlyLady's zone in the MBR. :!: :mrgreen: I'm glad I did all that. But the 1 potholder took 3 hours to finish, in between breaks for housework, while I watched a nice romantic light comedy movie on Hallmark's Channel. :)

Also, I was decorating envelopes in orange and black markers, to go with the Halloween theme with my "Happy Haunting" stamp design on the envelopes. I had torn out pages to Woman's Day, which were on the sofa arm and a sofa pillow, along with 4 letters to reply to, Halloween theme stationery, etc... It was a "real mess". (I'm a clutter-bug woman.) :roll: :oops: I think clutter "breeds" behind me all day, no matter where I go, here, in our home, or no matter what I'm doing. :!: :oops: I decided to NOT answer letters, at that time, which made me move my nice tidy little pen palling project, to my small office, where my pen pal items are kept. Now, the sofa's cleared, except for the 1 potholder cones of yarn, etc... Next- I'm cleaning that mess up, I'll put them away- to crochet potholder #2, to make a pair, tomorrow. :idea: :D

I tidied my desk, too. ;)
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Re: October's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:14 am

cob webs and clutter have babies during the day - fact :lol:
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Re: October's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 21, 2014 11:46 am

took the things that didn't sell to the Miseracordia shop.
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Re: October's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Postby FelineFriend » Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:51 pm

WTG, Blessed! :D

I didn't get a chance to post here yesterday. But I DID write down my thread info to post, when I did get here. :idea: This is what I did all day yesterday, having gotten awake at 4:20 a.m.!

- I tidied up the end table, mine, in our great room, so I could actually "see" the blue pretty candle inside a glass jar with a lid and the carved statue (DD gave me) of 2 sitting women, deep in conversation. ♥
- I put away an old control journal folder and 2 books.
- I put away a black main colors Granny afghan squares, to resume finishing after the holiday crochet is done.
- DH sorted & purged mail. I read my letters, put them into my office to reply to later.
- I helped DH p/a groceries.
- I discarded an empty pill bottle and vitamin bottle went to recycle.
- Other items went into recycle, too.
- Purged packaging from a book I received from B 'n' N. I put the ads packed inside the pkg. into recycle.
- I p/a clean LOL.

Happy decluttering, Everyone! :D
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Re: October's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 21, 2014 4:06 pm

Awesome!!!! d Friend
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Re: October's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:22 pm

6 bags of misc. junk tossed from basement containers. I threw away many of my knitting needles (some were my grandmothers - hard to to but I haven't used them since her passing - I have memories of her knitting but I have one of her sweaters that she wore and that is enough to make me feel good)
I let go of my crochet book and hooks... I don't crochet (from girl scout days)
dh took apart the rowing machine and the bo flex weight machine that hasn't been used in years and we are tossing it. I kept the exercise bike.

I am really cranky... I am sure it is because I have had to make decisions for the last couple hours.

I am trying to live by Peter Walsh's advice - decluttering isn't moving things from one place to the next and honor the things you have or let them go.

I have over the years decluttered but I am still buried by my wish list of things to do but won't and by my past of being a mom. Lots of dreams have been buried in that STUFF - I don't know why I thought I could do all the things I imagined I would do... Instead of doing a couple of things (which I did anyway - I had tons of stuff that was
"What ifs - Ooo that looks like something I want to do... and a lots of ONE Day...- I feel like I have been moving stuff around most of my life - I am beginning to think this busy work and the clutter is such a waste of my precious time.
I just can't feel guilty about it but I really want things streamlined so I have minimal fussing over unimportant things. Decision making is hard; especially about things I dreamed of doing that don't fit in my life today.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Oct 21, 2014 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: October's Dynamic Declutter, 2014

Postby FelineFriend » Tue Oct 21, 2014 8:51 pm

Sorry you're feeling cranky, Blessed. :( It sounds like you're being very proactive in getting minimalism into your life. I've read some good free e-books and info at sites, talking about minimalism, too. :idea:

Our laundry basket has very little in it now. :)

I finished writing a letter, so discarded the letter I replied to. So that's less clutter. :)

I had my gallon "button collection" jar on the dining room table. I took some shank buttons out of it. I didn't like the gallon jar sitting on the table, but DH said "It's OK!" :roll: I put it next to a yarn tote, below a bay window, out of the way of feet walking by, so nobody trips over it. It's against the wall. I put the buttons in a pretty small footed cut crystal antique dish, on the table. It's so pretty. It's what I've learned from CEO's latest book, is called "Contained Clutter." She said we can put items into baskets, into groupings on tables or shelves, into pretty boxes or tins or in ottoman storage pieces, and contain clutter, which is organized, to us. :idea: I liked that idea, too. :)

What does Miseracordia mean? :?: Is it just a name of a shop, or is it meaning something in particular? :?:

I think dust bunnies breed during the overnight hours, too! :lol:
"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." ~ Arthur Ashe

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