March what a blessing

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Re: March what a blessing

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:54 am

happy you were able to sell your atv's. and mostly that your sugars are good!
Yeah on getting rid of more books too nancy. I have to admit I held onto a lot of things and once I started getting rid of things it was hard, but now I see it like a party. It feels good to get rid of things
doesn't it. :D great job!
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march 12

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:56 am

Wednesday: donation day.

-make bed
-pull things to donate :D
-pull things for cleaners and errands
-empty dw :D
-refill dw :D
wash :D :D
-garbage run dining room :D
dejunked drawers again in dining room... :D
(I have been using this as a get rid of things I won't use run too). looking forward to it.. (who said that?)
put away :D

went to donation place twice :D

12:31 check in picked up dog chew things again in the family room.
now to dejunk top of desk.12:59 done
1:43 pm put recycling in back, took knick knacks from kitchen shelf and placed on counters to wash but have to wait until dishes are done.
plus I need to wash the walls still to get extra glue from wall paper removal.
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Re: March what a blessing

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:45 am

great work Nancy. computer won't let me post too much. but super work
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Re: March what a blessing

Postby Nancy » Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:42 pm

Thanks blessed!
I have a box of books;
and the coats & shirts loaded in the car for dd to go.
More progress yea!
You gotta love that!

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march 13

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:46 am

I need to be a grown up today so I will focus on house work and dkids are out of school, so we are going to a wall climbing place.
so instead of being on pwyc during the day I really need focus.. I will say hi to everyone later today. I care about everyone so much and find I stop doing what I need to do and just chat. (who me)

yesterday dd13 and I bought books so we have a new rule in our house that if you buy something you have to get rid of something. for dd13 as she in baby steps of this is get rid of something small even if it is a sparkly pencil. (because it is difficult for her). so my method to my madness is that if I gradually get her used to this it will become easier for her as an adult.

so off to work:

Nancy it is great getting rid of things. Is it amazing how we find out how unimportant it is to keep everything. I too love books and had a lot but now they go to other people after I read them. our library also has a book sale twice a year so I just toss them into the book drop.

You are doing a great thing donating those books Nancy. Some else can enjoy the books as much as you did and some may reach high schools, elementary schools and nursing homes.
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Re: March what a blessing

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:55 am

time to start:

-family room staighten
-s2s :D
wash :D dh
dry :D dh
fold :x
put away :x dh who I love dearly, keeps taking laundry and throwing it on the diningroom table
-dishes :D
wash :D
empty :D
refill if needed
counters 1 cleaned :)
put knicks from kitchen in 3 season room until we finish room :D
table :D
sweep floor kitchen
sweep floor family room

goal tomorrow wash walls in kitchen to get glue off.

went to movie this afternoon: witch mountain we liked it. dd13 is now at religion group.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:12 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: March what a blessing

Postby Nancy » Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:41 pm

Went to the thrift shop yesterday looking for a phone no luck
but did get yarn; a creamer to go with my set,
salad plates for every day use we seem to be out of those
and two of my plate sets did not have any,
plus movies for h. the movie rental store went out of business and
it's 17 mi. to return 'em so this will save us on gas.

I was proud of my self for not getting any more books, planner or journals!
As I have plenty! Trying to stop doing so much of that.

Today we have to get a few things out of the job site house
it will have renters in before the weekend is over.

I'm feeling better these days and my fiesty-ness is back! yea!
Warmer weather is back 51* here it the forecast high temp.
Hubby is in a better mood these days and so am I that helps a lot.

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Re: March what a blessing

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:18 am

hi Nancy! I am really really happy you are feeling better. I know your dear family is too! I think that wonderful weather is helping too!
really great job on not getting any more books journals etc. (I love journals too) that is great.

We have been working with dd13 that if she gets something she has to get rid of something as she is easily a pack rat. wonderful girl but could easily get cluttered.

worked on some dailies and fell asleep of all things for 4 hours.
but dh made up for the work
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march 15

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Mar 15, 2009 7:18 am

Sunday: planning day (nice to get back a bit on schedule)

next 5
-menu planning :D
-make grocery list :D
-pull coupons :D
-toss old coupons :D
-clean up after this ( :roll: ) :D

did an errand run to target, never got to the grocery store
stopped by church (a quick stop, we didn't stop for mass but stopped by the small chapel)
dd13 had to do a school project so I took her and waiting while they made a movie for english class
did homework
and ending up going to Noodles for dinner financially a waste! 41.00 what!!!!
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Re: March what a blessing

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:29 am

March 16 today is project or zone day. It seems I only have one day a week I can work on a project such as the kitchen (not cleaning type project but more organization type of physical apprearance of the house.

focus (I am not in focus room right now as I want to paint my kitchen ceiling and walls soon.
also I need to contact window guy to repair window)


today: dailies

grocery store

donation in car
clean out car :D wash car vacuum car :D
floors :arrow: :roll:

empty am :D Pm: dd19's turn tonight
fill :D
wash :D
find dishes around the house
bring all laundry down stairs
separate :D
wash :D :D :D :D :D
dry :D :D :D :D
put away :D :D :D :D
empty something in refridge :D
(1 weekly clean one shelf) :D did a couple :!:
sweept kitchen :arrow:
sweep family room :arrow: [quote][/quote]
put away in each room :arrow:
vacuum surface :arrow:

[color=#00BF00]march 17 st. patricks day. I am not going to school today, house work 101 today instead.
pilates dd13/dd19 [/color]

having a hard time focusing (walking in circles) so I need to list the next 3 to do:
-take garbage bag and look for garbage :D
-look for donations and put in upstairs hall closet for tomorrow :D
-empty dw :D

-washed most of refridgerator.. we are having easter so I need to get my act together - wash more refridgerator
-cook dinner :D trying not to overeat like I always do.. so stopping eating even though I ate a lot already :oops:
-clean counter
-separated change and put the change in penny papers etc. :D
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:50 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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