Healthy & Fitness - October 2014

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - October 2014

Postby Harmony » Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:22 pm

Reading here for motivation. I am so :oops: I have such little motivation.

Last month Harriet mentioned the potato diet and I looked that up. Personally, I think if anyone picks ONE item to eat repeatedly in lieu of any other food, that would work the same. One would become so tired of eating the same food, one wouldn't eat great amounts of the allowed food. And if it was a good food with no / low fat, look at what would be eliminated in terms of fat, sugar, etc. I got one meal and that was it. I tried it twice. I should have known. I can't do much carbs without added fat or protein of some sort or at least something with fiber or my blood sugar spikes low. A double portion of potatoes and a couple hours later I was so bingey. Twice it did the same thing.

Well, I thought it was a stupid diet anyway, just wanted to see.

I'm trying to take walks. My goals are so low now. Get my back in shape so I can walk more and maybe increase my stamina. It's scary to me how badly I've gone downhill.

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - October 2014

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Oct 24, 2014 10:22 pm

Really bad day. My tummy hurts all the time, my digestive track is under attack by the antibiotics and I'm feeling lousy. I'm crying from discomfort and frustration. I barely moved today but felt like I was moving all the time. Of course, at the church supper, I just stood and dried dishes for 2 hours.

Called the pharmacist and will try and rearrange the order I eat and take pills. He wants me to eat breakfast but no milk (sigh, I love my breakfast so much, it is a high point of my day.) Then take the pill but not necessarily a full 2 hours later.

Same at dinner, eat (no milk) and then take pill. I tried taking the pill just 90 minutes after stopping eating but I still hurt. Not sure how long I'll need to wait to see if this helps.

I'm off to bed now and hopefully will feel better in the morning. The new pattern messes with my swimming before breakfast as well.

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - October 2014

Postby Harriet » Fri Oct 24, 2014 10:44 pm

Oh, Kathryn, I'm so sorry. I hope the change will help. It's a shame to have a favorite time of day require so much change.

Harmony, some people just love it - who knows. To me, if a person is unhappy on a way of eating it's not worth it. There are other choices. Your body has muscle memory and will respond to the walks with better stamina. You always report so much progress and success through the day - you are so busy. I wonder if you have more stamina than you think.

I have been pressed into a lot of shopping, mall and otherwise, this week. Bleeeack. Both Tues and Thurs so much walking that I decided to count it for my exercise. Monday I got in 20 mins T-Tapp, Wednesday was on the elliptical,

and today 50 minutes T-Tapp Total workout.

HRH is trying to learn more about blood sugar and has pricked ME twice today. :shock: Um... ouch. Also I tried myself and did a poor job on another finger - he does a much better job than I do so far. He's already told dd to expect to get pricked in the morning. She's very interested in the gizmo and only saw him prick himself, stone-faced, not me squinting, lol. So she thinks it will be "cool". I predict that will wear off quickly.

Here is his confusion and he wonders what ya'll will say:
He can take a reading for himself and just a few minutes later, without even standing up from the table, get a reading that is different enough to make him wonder about the gizmo's accuracy. (So far I have not submitted to THAT much testing for science.) Is this normal or questionable? :?: He bought this Wal greens one. The a.m. reading he got for me was the exact number recorded at my previous physical, if that means anything.

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - October 2014

Postby FelineFriend » Fri Oct 24, 2014 10:55 pm

I walked 35 minutes today, was active doing 4 LOL, did over 10,000 steps again, slept wonderful last night, woke well rested, raring to go, with a lot of energy. Walking & being busy in the daytime always help me sleep great.

We went to Applebee's to celebrate DH's b-day 3 days early. I had a cup of clam chowder & about 2/3 of a sandwich with a Diet Pepsi. We don't drink pop at home, ever, so when I go out, sometimes, if I don't have iced tea or lemonade, I'll have a diet pop, as sort of a treat. I know it's poison to teeth & doesn't have any redeeming qualities, as per healthy benefits, but at least diet pop isn't full of tons of sugar!

Have a great night, Everybody! This is a quick C. I. I need to run & go log my exercise at

It's motivational, how you log exercise, the numbers go UP, you earn awards, etc.... I really love it!
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Re: Healthy & Fitness - October 2014

Postby Nancy » Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:05 pm

I have taken bs in one hand anth then the other one to. Check my meter and the readings well be different but in a range. I test at the heel of my hand it hurts less. If you test before you eat and 2 hrs layer you see the effect food has on you.

And before and 20 min. after exercise you can see how that effects #'s too.

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Re: Healthy & Fitness - October 2014

Postby FelineFriend » Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:35 am

(((Kathryn))) , Hasn't your Dr. suggested you doubling up on Probiotics, while you're taking antibiotics? Mine sure does & it helps, too. Just an idea & thought, if you're not already doing it.
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Re: Healthy & Fitness - October 2014

Postby Lynlee » Sat Oct 25, 2014 2:15 am

Harriet - Msg for HRH - One day I took my bs readings every 15 minutes, except while walking and one meal that took longer than that to eat. I recorded everything including all food eaten on the one list.
I was surprised at the results, yes bs was low when I got back from walking, and chicken and veg meal made no difference at all to bs levels. (I was once put on a 3 day fasting bg test, tested every 30 min, jettisoned after 2 days as I was so underweight at the time. (I got to 31.3k) Body eating self as per dangerous maxed out ketosis. Eventually it was later found guardia was a problem. And I found the so called 1980 experts knew little about bs levels. In the end they recconed fasting level of 3, with low of 1.6 was normal cos the graph was regular. Nowdays, if it touches 4 at any time its considered low.) (sry - I can't convert that to US results)(I lent my book to someone - I need get it back. It recommended testing at 15' intervals to check for 'quick' peaks and troughs that would not show up in the 30 min test.)
I'm needing to get another test kit. Its a pity the strips have such a short shelf 'life' and cost so much for the bs challenged who don't qualify as diabetic for govt assistance for test strips here.
I'm sure my levels are going low again at times, as tai chi left me dragging today, though I didn't have my normal breakfast in me.

I'm still limping, and balancing on my right foot is still difficult. I can manage to walk 3k without every step being agony so
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Re: Healthy & Fitness - October 2014

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Oct 25, 2014 11:27 am

Finished updating this week treadmill spreadsheet. The problems that arise from daily walking are slowly being weeded through and resolved.
** Shins hurt....slow down.
** Don't wanna - remind myself how missing a walk will affect the weekly spreadsheet. It is almost impossible to make up a skipped day so it means the entire week totals are off. Just do it!
** Bored - I use the time to read FB pages and listen to Audible Books. The time goes by fast.
** I use a insanely detailed list of things to do before I get on treadmill. that eliminates any excuse to get off once I am on the treadmill.

This week treadmill spreadsheet shows improvements from last week -
** 1 minute more exercised
** .25 more miles walked
** .05 faster average speed
These are EXTREME baby step improvements. But I'm keeping my focus on consistence and just make sure I do at least as much as previous week.
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Re: Healthy & Fitness - October 2014

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Oct 25, 2014 11:38 am

Sleep spreadsheet updated for the week showing continual improvement. I'm close to averaging 8 hours sleep a day! This is a first for me. I've been "working" on sleeping more (includes naps). I am discovering as I force myself to sleep more, my mind seems to be relaxing a bit and seems to make focusing a tiny bit easier. This could me my imagination, since it isn't something easily measured.
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Re: Healthy & Fitness - October 2014

Postby Nancy » Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:40 pm

Today went down yo the basement to use ex. Eqpt. Then got
side tracked clearing a surface moving books found my weaving mags! :mrgreen: still thinking that was counting bc of the steps I took plus stairs up and down.

Got 1- 2 lb ? Wts at a yd sale for back &arm ex. Work outs. I think I gave the others away I had bc gkids would not thave em be. Sigh . They may turn up.

Posting from ex. Bike. Walked a block or so to the yd sale to get wts. I need to look up some strengthening ex. For my back.

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