March Clutter Control

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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:42 am

today is donation day at our house:

good large mirror is going as we have had it for 7 years and not been used
really good cloths that don't fit me.
some kitchen things that are really nice but I have never liked them.

donation run done!!! twice :D
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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:58 am

Nancy has been donating lots of books and clothing. great job.
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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 13, 2009 1:54 pm

I bought 3 books the other day so today I went where my books are and got rid of 10 when I only needed to do 3. Nancy is giving me inspiration! :D
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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:07 am

I contacted the chicago historical society and they are taking my 1929 sing a long pamphlet from the old timers picnic ... 55th annual.. it was for the original settlers of chicago who would have been in there 70's 80s and 90's held at riverview park. that was the only one they didn't have so it will finish their collection. Yes I could keep it but I know that it will preserved for future generations. we are keeping the pictorial map of the south side of chicago (really interesting) It shows how to get to certain areas in chicago during before there were real streets, just roads.
but we found out the museum didn't have the above. So I am donating it in my husbands name. they keep a record of who donates and I think this will make him happy.

went through closet..tossed old unmatched sheets, donating a cover for comforter (duve?) my dmom bought 2 of the same and we don't need two and it's been over a year and we still don't use the other. closet is looking spiffy

realized I was doing a SHE behavior regarding of all things shower curtains. my dmom sewed out of laura ashley fabric beautiful shower curtains. very very pretty, but we put glass doors up and have not used shower curtains in a year.
I have been keeping them because they are so pretty but no other reason. So, I washed them and put them in the donation closet for wednesday. I still think they are beautiful! and something so pretty is hard to let go but I have to remember I don't have a place for them now. So I will touch them one more time :lol: and bless someone else.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat Mar 14, 2009 11:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby Harriet » Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:38 pm

Sis boom bah, go team go
from the sidelines.
If you don't believe in miracles, you're not being realistic.

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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:25 am

hi everyone!

I have been really trying to see what is current in our lives. I have also been looking at what is hard for each member of our family has difficulty letting go of things.

dd19 nothing.. she easily gets rid of things she doesn't use anymore. (doesn't mean her room is clean :D but she constantly goes through the things and gets rid of them, usually to dd13)

dd13 has a really hard time with everything, especially things from her childhood but we are seeing her starting to let go and that is great.

dh: watches, anything electronic or car anything

me: memory of kids stuff but getting better. one thing that suprised me: dd19 has traveled all over the world except for asia, and has brought home teeshirts, stuffed animals, money from those countries. I find it hard to get rid of a peice of the world. I have things from korea (my dmom), austalia, new zealand, europe everywhere, south america. Also I love old girl scout things (what is that about), I need to get rid of old books that were dd19 and mine (scout). I have multi... don't ask. I even have the first girl scout book.
Also I have the empty plastic bins from donating all that stuff. I have lots in a closet and I will get rid of them slowly but surely as dh has a hard time too letting go of something "we might need".

Pluses we are celebrating because of this: 1.we are now displaying the things we have from family, in the right amount.
instead of burying them somewhere because there was too much.
2. we now have the rule: you buy something you have to get rid of something.. not dd19 as she already does that

My first thing to work on next week to start paring down for dgirls... They have multi boxes of keepsakes that I have kept. most is useless, and I don't want them to have to burden themselves with STUFF I deemed keepsake. you can't have 6 large boxes of childhood each. It's not fair to them.

So today: is donation day Yeah. I will make one more trek around the house to find the clutter... donation is done plus donation for library done.. donated 30 books, tossed some in recycling.
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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby Nancy » Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:21 pm

Did you see Oprah yesterday?
It was on de-cluttering.
Peter Walsh was on and has a book
Does clutter make my butt look fat.
Very motivating show!

After looking that one up it's not the clutter
control book I thought it's on weight loss
but if you click on the authors name
there is a book Enough Already
and a work book are both on de-cluttering.
By typing in his name I found he has a web site too.

Yesterday's successes
we delivered a table to thrift shop
mags went to bookkeepers office
and camo coat and shirts to dstep grandson.
Today's 10-15 min. goal
box up coffee pot and cups to go X
get camo tee's out and ready to go X
load table to go to dd's
pay attn. to surfaces

Thanks for the atta girls!
I needed mojo for daily stuff and found it!

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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:32 am

*\o/* [color=#00FFFF]CHEERING FOR NANCY!!![/color] Great great job on dejunking.

I love Peter Walsh. Pam and Peggy regarding routines, and ceo routines that helped focus in on house for regular work. Peter's advice to people he worked with really touched me and that is how I keep getting rid of everything.
Tell me how you like his book.
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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby Harmony » Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:15 am

Rah! Rah! back at ya' Harriet!

Amazed at how much blessed is accomplishing. I looked up Vehe Farm Foundation. It is an interesting place I would like to visit. I would love to see my things displayed there. Do you get a tax receipt for all the stuff you give away?

BWTG to everybody! I am motivated again. I tend to think I am pretty well cleaned out, with the last big huge declutter done as we moved to this house. That last few months there I really got rid of a lot.

But everytime I am at DD1's house I am motivated anew. All their surfaces are clean. She has plenty of space in her home and lots of spaces are empty. I was looking at her family room and there was a corner I would have put a big overstuffed chair. Her corner was empty. Her house is peaceful. She said she got rid of everything she didn't want any more when she moved to this house, and I can tell it was a lot. Her old house was already beautiful.

So now I'm looking around with fresh eyes. I always think if I get rid of too much I will be missing things I need. But staying in her house, there was nothing necessary missing.

Let's see what I can do in the next few weeks.

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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:12 pm

great job looking at things with new eyes!!! harmony!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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