March Clutter Control

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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:18 pm

I am giving another reason to let go before your dear children or family has to deal with your things.
We are going to my daunts house to pack EVERYTHING up. she was clean but has things in the basement. My dear cousin wants to ship EVERYTHING across country because she can't let go as it was so fast. Her house is already has too much, very clean but too much clutter and because of grief she wants to keep everything. By letting go of just what is you are at this moment and a few keepsakes is a blessing to your family. The memory and a few things to remember than giving them a house full to go through.

9 pm daunts house if very streamlined.
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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby Harriet » Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:38 pm

So nice about dd's house, Harmony.

blessed, does it have to be attended to so quickly? Seems hard.

We were unable to get microwave repaired or find any charity that would accept knowing it wasn't working. Ds24 took it to the county recycle/dump?/something place for me today. A shame - if it were, say, a washer or toaster oven I think someone would have tried. But there is a (logical) avoidance to microwaves, so they are unique in how much they clog our landfills. We replaced with a smaller one so I have more counter space.
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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:22 am

Harriet I agree with the frustration of having to let go things that go straight to a landfill. Lately we have noticed that some little groups (boy scouts) are starting small appliance recycling, especially computers. I think your right that microwaves are the exception, no one really wants to take them on. glad you were able to get another one.

re: aunts house. yes unfortunately everything has to be gone by the time the girls go back to their homes at the end of this week. one hawaii the other oregon. their sdad has to be out of the house by the end of march or earlier. it was a rental home and part of the deal to keep the house was that my daunt was the landlords book keeper. bad person actually, called my uncle when aunt was about to be let go and told a fib that my daunt hadn't paid him for last 2 months rent (found the copy of cashed checks). He back peddled once my dmom talked to him. He was trying to get more money. He even called her work. So he told uncle since daunt wasn't doing his books that it was time to move on. duncle is okay with that because he can't bear staying in the house without her there. But a blessing is my daunt was really organized and there are things to go through. But still way too much for dcousin to take. Sad thing is she is going through the garbage bags (small amount so far) to make sure duncle is not throwing anything she deems important. He is desperate to move on and she who is so sweet can't handle letting anything go. The very nice thing is how many people from work and from the school she worked have been coming to tell how wonderful she was. Which we knew. one of those special always happy people so that is helping the girls through the grief.
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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:21 pm

dcousin asked if she could keep her dmom's things in my 3 season room so she can really have time to deal with it. dh being the sweetheart that he is said he agreed and she is renting a truck tomorrow to bring her dmom's things in our back room. funny how God works things. I had finished emptying most 95% of crafts etc. out of that back room just in time for dcousin.

in basement I tossed 2 bags of misc.dd13's/mine.. (dd13's old toys are down to 1 plastic container) this doesn't include her american girl collection. but this was multi multi boxes before. happy day. :D

dd13 is getting rid of her old scooters as we said she could get new roller blades if she got rid of the old and the scooters.
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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby sedona » Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:59 pm

blessed, God sure knows what He's doing! Maybe with it being at your house you can help her to see the truly valuable (emotionally) items and let go of what would be just clutter for her.

My clutter story is long and winding. I was raised with a BO mom. I am her exact opposite! Super duper SHE. I promise that I drive her crazy to this day! :lol: It's not natural for me to be organized, but I learned from watching her, so I had the skill, which I think is a huge help for me. I was never too cluttered, I saved alot of things, but they were organized and put away.

Then my husband had his accident and I had a brand new baby. Things got cluttered and completely out of control. I am so scatterbrained and absentminded that being so cluttered and disorganized makes me sooooo crazy. Everything needs to live somewhere specific or I can't find anything! Am I the only one like that???

Anyway after about five years I just felt like I woke up from a fog. Kind of like we had finally found our new normal and I didn't have a toddler anymore. I really started to declutter and clean out! I was on a first name basis with the Goodwill folks! I would set the big things out at the curb so that someone could take it. Once there was so much stuff out that that my hubby said, "This is embarassing, I'm going back inside" :lol: As y'all know, decluttering is not a project with an ending, it is a lifestyle adjustment! So I can say that I was in serious declutter mode for several years!! Then a few years ago we decided to move six hours away and I had to back up nearly twenty years of stuff. That was another huge round of delcuttering!!!!

Now to today, my public areas are very decluttered, I can pick up and be company ready in 15 to 20 minutes, depending on how much of DS's things are laying around. My bedroom and closet are a constant fight. My Granny moved into assisted living last year and I'm the only girl in the family and the only one who wanted anything. I have managed to let go most of the purely clutter, but could definitely do better with that. I'm so sentimental about my granny's things!

Well, there's the digest version and where I'm coming from. I love the antiques, love the dishes, love the nic nacs, but I can't function in clutter, so a lot of the nic nacs are packed away in boxes. What good will that do? I have taught my son to let go of things he doesn't love and to send them off to some one that will love them. How can I get my brain on that wave length with my granny's things?!

I will be on this board much I think! I need to do another round of good deep decluttering!

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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:08 am

Hi Sedona so happy to see you.

I loved your story!!!! what a wonderful gift to your dson
" I have taught my son to let go of things he doesn't love and to send them off to some one that will love them."
and how cool that you can have things put away and be ready for company.

So happy you are here!
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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:56 pm

dejunked one bag of dh's extas from garage. trying to do a bit at a time. I will be going out there again today to get rid of something else.

dcousins have decided to store everything in a local storage place as there is so much. this will give her time.
unfortunately she tends keep things and I know when she comes back she won't be able to let go. but that is what she and her dh will have to do. dh doesn't know yet but I am sure he will be happy.
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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:57 pm

dejunked one bag of dh's extas from garage. trying to do a bit at a time. I will be going out there again today to get rid of something else. I also got rid of the last of my fabric

dcousins have decided to store everything in a local storage place as there is so much. this will give her time.
unfortunately she tends keep things and I know when she comes back she won't be able to let go. but that is what she and her dh will have to do. dh doesn't know yet but I am sure he will be happy.
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Re: March Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:26 am

a bunch of christmas lights from garage tossed.

tossed extra containers in dh's garage
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